Jalapeno : 5 GH/s Bitcoin Miner

:: To be honest, I've already forgot that I ordered this ๐Ÿ™‚ it's been so long. But let it be known : Butterfly Labs delivers ! Albeit very, very LATE. But that's a lesson for me to learn. Now, onto the Jalapeno !

First, I was not happy when I first turned it on & heard very noisy sound from inside the unit. I guessed that a cable got into the cooling fan, and I was right – after I disassembled the unit, clearly the fan's own power cable was stuck into itself. That's rather sloppy .
Anyway, after that it runs with no problem.

Actually, it ran at 110% of its advertised speed :)ร‚ย https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BXajykXCAAAI_BD.png:large

Pretty nice !
Now with Bitcoin at USD$ 200, definitely looking forward to start seeing the mining results of this machine ๐Ÿ™‚

It's pretty easy to setup too, especially in Ubuntu.ร‚ย 
Just follow this tutorial :ร‚ย https://forums.butterflylabs.com/showwiki.php?title=Tutorials:ASIC+Mining+on+Ubuntu+and+other+Linux+distros

With two additions to that :

# Before compiling cgminer, install libudev : sudo apt-get install libudev-dev

# If you encountered error -3 with cgminer, even after doing all the instructions there, then try running cgminer as root.

That's all.

Let's mine ! :)รฏยปยฟ


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68 thoughts on “Jalapeno : 5 GH/s Bitcoin Miner

  1. Power: ada orang lain ukur, katanya 30 watt.

    Hasil : terus terang saat ini jangan berharap melaba besar ๐Ÿ™‚ saya sih mining Bitcoin cuma untuk senang-senang saja.ร‚ย 

    Secara ringkas; Bitcoin itu makin sulit di tambang ketika ada makin banyak penambangnya.ร‚ย 

    Dan, saat ini sudah ada SANGAT banyak penambang Bitcoin DAN dengan peralatan khusus (seperti Jalapeno ini, tapi JAUH lebih powerful).

    Anyway, saya sebut "bersenang-senang" karena Jalapeno ini seperti saya dapatkan gratis ๐Ÿ™‚ saya sudah menambang Bitcoin sejak 2011, lalu ketika BFL mengumumkan produknya ini, saya beli dengan Bitcoin hasil menambang tadi ๐Ÿ™‚

    Saat ini, lebih baik menambang digital coin lainnya yang difficulty level nya masih rendah, seperti Litecoin, Primecoin, dst.

    Sekilas kira-kira demikian ya.

  2. Judulnya ngotot:

    – Bukannya jaman sekarang server juga bisa save power kalau idle, so jadi karena dipakai mining kebutuhan listrik server meningkat

    – Juga soal heat, suhu datacenter akan lebih tinggi kalau server aktif mining dibanding idle. Sehingga pendingin ruangan bekerja lebih keras.

    Jadi, tetap tidak gratis kan ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Lha iya lah :)ร‚ย 

    Tapi, seperti yang saya tulis, semua biaya tsb sudah di cover oleh perusahaan. Saya cuma memanfaatkan yang sudah ada saja.

  4. A liquidation bankruptcy, in which the trustee sells the debtor’s nonexempt property and distributes the proceeds to the debtor’s creditors. At the end of the case, the debtor receives a discharge of all remaining debts, except those that creation and operation of the bankruptcy courts and cannot legally be discharged.

  5. terimakasih banyak atas informasinya , semoga makin sukses aja . Salam.

    salam Admin : Sundulbet.com
    www:sundulbet.com mohon untuk kunjungannya

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