Hi, can you enlighten me on why this repost is cut off ? https://m.facebook.com…

Hi, can you enlighten me on why this repost is cut off ? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10151758256246594&id=574601593&refid=17

I tried looking around for a setting to not do this / show the whole post in the repost. But I haven't been able to find it (if there's any)

Do let me know. Thanks :)

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Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

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59 thoughts on “Hi, can you enlighten me on why this repost is cut off ? https://m.facebook.com…

  1. Just a note; I have edited said Facebook repost so it now has the full content.

    Just in case someone was confused, "what cut off ?" 🙂


  2. Hi +Harry Sufehmi, Facebook has started to limit the post message length to a 1000 characters. And that's the reason your repost have been shortened. There's nothing we can do about it, Facebook is Facebook 😉

  3. nice info….
    mampir juga ya



  4. Thanks ! Thank you for taking time to explain it. 🙂

    That's a relief, and at the same time, quite infuriating. Looking forward to the time when I can be gone from Facebook for good 🙂

    Thanks again !

  5. I say thank you to the makers of this article, this article contains very useful information for readers, especially my own smeua. I’m waiting for other information that is not less interesting.
    Good luck to you

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    thank you

  6. How can other services like Hootsuite still post longer-than-1000-character posts? That really limits the ability of this services to act as a potential full replacement.

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