All posts by sufehmi

Kilas balik: Hidup tanpa TV

Ketika kami sekeluarga pindah ke Bintaro beberapa waktu yang lalu, momen ini kami manfaatkan untuk mencoba merasakan hidup tanpa televisi. Waktu di Birmingham sebetulnya juga sudah mulai mencoba eksperimen ini; TV masih ada, namun aksesnya sangat kami batasi. Hanya acara anak-anak, dan itu pun tertentu saja. Sebagai kompensasinya kami menyediakan berbagai activity kit/toys, pilihan film yang cukup banyak di video, dan satu komputer untuk setiap anak.

Kini kami ingin mencoba menghilangkan TV sama sekali dari rumah kami. Apa yang kemudian terjadi ?
Berikut ini adalah beberapa kesan yang kami rasakan dari eksperimen ini.

Keakraban antara anggota keluarga : Hubungan kami terasa menjadi lebih baik lagi. Tidak lagi ada kejadian anggota keluarga yang marah karena merasa terganggu ketika sedang menikmati acara TV favoritnya. Sering ada komunikasi yang hangat antara anggota keluarga. Anak-anak kami menjadi lebih dekat dan tidak ragu-ragu untuk menceritakan berbagai hal & curhat kepada kami.

Lebih banyak waktu bebas : Biasanya, setiap hari ada beberapa jam waktu di keluarga kami yang diambil oleh TV. Tidak terasa lama ketika itu, namun ketika TV menghilang, kami baru menyadari bagaimana satu hari jadi terasa lebih panjang. Jadi ada lebih banyak waktu untuk mengerjakan berbagai hal. Sehingga tidak perlu lagi terburu-buru mengerjakannya (dan tidak lagi mengalami berbagai masalah yang terjadi karena ketergesa-gesaan itu).

Rasa tenang : Hidup jadi terasa lebih tenang. Tidak lagi ada perasaan gelisah, seperti “aduh nih sinetron XX habis pas lagi tanggung! duh minggu depan lama amat, sudah gak sabar mau nonton lanjutannya nih!”.
Rasa tenang juga didapat dari kebebasan seperti tidak adanya rasa cemas takut lupa / terlewat acara favorit, dst.

Kreatif & aktif : Anak-anak kami terlihat menjadi lebih kreatif dan aktif. Mereka senang menjelajah lingkungannya bersama kawan-kawannya. Kebetulan lingkungan sekitar masih cukup asri dan masih banyak perkampungan di dekat cluster kami. Setiap anak kami sediakan sepedanya masing-masing.
Kreatifitas mereka juga menjadi lebih jelas. Sarah sudah berkali-kali membuat comic strip. Anisah ketika sakit justru asyik membuat kerajinan tangan untuk adiknya. Aminah (2 tahun) sangat senang menggambar. Hasil karya mereka semua sudah terlalu banyak dan ada beberapa yang jadi terpaksa kami buang (note to self: beli album & lemari untuk penyimpanan).

Kehilangan acara TV favorit ? Tadinya kami kira kami akan sangat kehilangan berbagai acara yang ada di TV. Tapi ternyata setelah melakoni ini, kami tidak merasa kehilangan apa pun. Tanpa terasa kami jadi bisa lebih menikmati berbagai hobi dan kegiatan yang tadinya sulit untuk dilakukan karena kekurangan waktu.
Kalau kami kebetulan sedang mampir ke rumah kakek & neneknya anak-anak kadang saya memang menonton Discovery channel, tapi santai saja dan tidak ada rasa kehilangan ketika kemudian kami kembali ke rumah kami sendiri – mungkin karena sudah ada sangat banyak situs-situs Internet (seperti,, dll) yang tidak kalah menariknya.
Lagipula kini sudah mulai ada seperti – kita jadi bebas mau menonton yang kita mau; bukan apa yang kebetulan saat ini sedang ada di TV kita.

Hemat waktu & sakit kepala : Ada banyak acara televisi yang sangat tidak pantas untuk ditonton oleh anak-anak, namun tetap disiarkan pada waktu-waktu mereka bangun & berada di rumah. Ada kenalan kami yang rajin mengawasi acara yang ditonton anak-anaknya – namun luput beberapa kali saja, dan anak-anaknya langsung dapat menirukan berbagai contoh yang tidak baik dari acara-acara tersebut. Jadi tidak boleh luput sama sekali.
Kami tidak dipusingkan dengan hal-hal seperti ini, and can concentrate on things that matters instead.

Secara ringkas demikian. Sejauh ini kami merasa sangat puas, dan merencanakan untuk terus meniadakan TV dari rumah kami.

Beberapa catatan : Awalnya yang keberatan justru pembantu kami. Namun setelah kami komunikasikan dan beri pengertian, sekarang dia juga sudah senang saja tanpa TV sehari-harinya. Malah jadi bisa lebih sering bersosialisasi dengan kawan-kawannya.

Tentang komputer: sekarang komputer tidak lagi ada untuk setiap anak; karena dari pengalaman kami ini ternyata cenderung menjadikan anak egois. Dengan 2 komputer di rumah untuk 4 orang anak, mereka jadi terpaksa belajar berbagi dan bersabar.
Awalnya jelas mereka berkelahi dan ribut berebutan menggunakan komputer 🙂
Tapi dengan trik jam, maka mereka jadi bisa bergilir – sekaligus jadi belajar membaca jam sejak usia dini. Trik jam adalah cara dimana mereka sendiri yang bersepakat mengenai jatah pemakaian komputer, contoh: “umar main sampai angka 6 ya, trus kakak sampai angka 9, lalu sarah sampai angka 12”.
Dengan ini, kita juga tidak pusing menengahi mereka, karena mereka bisa menyelesaikannya sendiri. Jadi juga sekaligus mengajari mereka untuk mandiri dan memiliki inisiatif.


TV seperti pisau – dia adalah alat yang bisa sangat bermanfaat, atau sangat merusak. Pendapat kami pribadi, pada saat ini, kebanyakan TV di Indonesia lebih cenderung berdampak negatif. Dengan adanya alternatif seperti VCD, komputer, dan tentu saja lingkungan sekitar kita; maka sejauh ini kami tidak merasakan masalah dengan ketiadaan TV di rumah kami.

Demikian sekilas kesan kami, semoga ada manfaatnya.

Commodore is back

Commodore was part of the home computing revolution back in the 80s. Their C64 was a big hit back then, because of its low price and high capabilities. C64 owners were enjoying their games in the fast hardware-accelerated graphic and high quality sound from its 3-channels sound chip. The sound chip was said to be so good and produces unique sound, it has quite a dedicated community, and even a special product based on it.

Another phenomenon on the 80s was the demoscene. I think it’s safe to credit C64 for starting this.
These guys produces stunning graphic demos, by pushing the hardware to maximum and utilizing undocumented features. These demos are usually accompanied by no less stunning music. The music is so good, I’ve read news where they’re plagiarized for commercial artists’ songs.

C64 isn’t only good for games though. About 10.000 applications were available for it, including business software. Quite impressive for a console-like computer.

The next of Commodore’s success is Amiga. Its main edge over the competitors are various custom co processors – a chip for each task; graphic, sound, etc. This enable Amiga to perform much better than others, sometimes spectacularly so. This machine was way, WAY ahead of its time; there’s still communities based on it. A lot of famous artists / public figures are keen Amiga users. And many TV series / movies are utilizing Amiga for its production.

Then Commodore went bankrupt. I don’t know the details, but it seems that Commodore wasn’t able to market it effectively, and got lost in the competition over PC makers. The loss was mourned by many.
Several attempts were made to revive it, but none made it as a world wide success. Now, a bunch of people are giving it a try again with Commodore Game PC.

Commodore XX is its current top of the line.
Featuring : Intel® Coreâ„¢2 Extreme Quad-Core processor QX6700, ASUS® P5N32-E motherboard, 4GB Corsair® Dominator memory, and 2 (two!) NVIDIA® 8800 GTX SLI graphics cards. True to its Commodore roots, it’s also preloaded with a C64 emulator, containing more than 50 classic games.

Commodore was known as an innovative company, and the new Commodore is continuing this tradition with the C-Kin. Currently there isn’t anything really stunning in its choices, but I’m sure overtime we can expect some awesome designs making its way to the C-Kin collection. Also C-Kin may not seem to be much of an innovation, but one can hope that this is the start of a torrent of wonderful ideas from the new Commodore.

The PC scene is getting more and more interesting nowadays. I’d like to be among the first to welcome the comeback of Commodore.

Cure for Lupus ?

One can hope – and this latest news from La Jolla looks very interesting indeed.

Quoted from :

SAN DIEGO, MARCH 8, 2007 – La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company (Nasdaq: LJPC) today announced positive interim antibody results from its ongoing double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized Phase 3 trial of Riquent® (abetimus sodium), its drug candidate for systemic lupus erythematosus (“lupus” or “SLE”). Analyses of interim antibody data indicate that patients treated with 900 mg or 300 mg per week doses of Riquent had greater reductions in antibodies to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) than patients treated with 100 mg per week or placebo. The results showed a significant dose response when comparing all Riquent-treated patients to placebo-treated patients (p < 0.0001), and each Riquent dose group to the placebo dose group (p < 0.0015 for 100 mg, p < 0.0001 for 300 mg and 900 mg).

A conference on this was held on 8 March 2007. Thankfully it’s also available as a Webcast here.
But click quickly since they’ll made the Webcast available for several weeks only.

About Riquent :

Riquent is being developed to specifically treat lupus renal disease by preventing or delaying renal flares, a leading cause of sickness and death in lupus patients. Riquent has been well tolerated in all 13 clinical trials, with no serious Riquent-related side effects identified to date. Riquent’s only known biological activity is the reduction of circulating levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies. Increases in these antibodies are associated with an increased risk of renal flare. Although clinical benefit has not yet been proven, Riquent treatment has significantly reduced these antibody levels in all clinical trials where they were measured.

What is SLE (Lupus) anyway ?

Lupus is a chronic, potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease. About 90% of lupus patients are female, and many are diagnosed with the disease during their childbearing years. Approximately 50% of lupus patients have renal disease, which can lead to irreversible renal damage, renal failure and the need for dialysis, and is a leading cause of death in lupus patients. Latinos, African Americans and Asians face an increased risk of serious renal disease associated with lupus. The current standard of care for lupus renal disease often involves treatment with high doses of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs that can cause severe side effects including diabetes, hypertension and sterility, and may leave patients vulnerable to opportunistic infections. To date, no lupus specific drug has been approved in the U.S.

The experiment and tests on Riquent has gone for 10 years though, and I have no idea how long it’ll be so before it’ll be available for sale. If you want to be kept up to date on this, you can register on their press release update service.

We have several of our friends suffering from Lupus, and it is a very distressing problem to those who have it. Hopefully someone will find this information useful.

High-load Website (WordPress) Optimization :

Mr. Romi, founder of (IKC), yesterday asked me to help optimize this website. A bit about, it means “Computer Knowledge”, and contains a lot (and I mean it) free high quality computer tutorials.
As you can easily guess, the website is very popular. On peak hours, it’ll usually become overloaded, and will become unresponsive.

I’m only too happy if I can be of assistance to IKC’s team in their good cause. So I started working on it with help from one of my staff, Yopi.

Turned out that what we’ll be doing will be very different with what most others do. Anyway, IKC is a very popular website (and “slashdotted” daily, by leechers), so what works for most others doesn’t work for us.

The Bottlenecks

A bit of background – IKC uses WordPress as its CMS. It’s a very nice CMS, and makes your life easier. I’ve used WP myself since version 1.5.x. However, being database-based, there are a lot of points within its a WP-based infrastructure which can become a potential bottleneck. So if your website started to become popular with this CMS, you will need to start optimizing it.

After examining the situation for a while, it’s clear that MySQL was THE bottleneck. Output of top shows it using at least 8 times of CPU time than other service. Mr. Romi also told me how it kept on falling down on peak time.

Apache (and PHP, since it’s compiled as Apache module) is the next one; with each of its process using more than 10 MB of RAM. This may seem insignificant at first, but multiply that by (potentially) 150 processes – and you’ve got quite a memory hogger here.
Also CPU-usage wise; I’m quite surprised to see that each incoming request will cause the particular process’s CPU usage to spike to more than 50%.

Initial actions

I asked Mr. Romi to increase the size of MySQL’s internal cache size. He did, but the machine still fell down in daily basis.

He has also implemented caching on the app server (PHP) by way of wp-cache plugin. Still no joy too.

The Edge

I decided that we need to go straight to the “edge”, and stop the load there.

I proposed that I setup Squid in HTTP Acceleration mode. This way, most of the requests won’t even touch Apache, much less MySQL. Squid will bear most of the load, but since it’s very efficient, it should be able help a lot in making the website perform better.

Since I’ve got a few things to do myself, I asked Yopi to setup Squid in our test machine.
I just gave him pointers now and then, yet he managed to finish testing the setup and implement it in IKC’s server in just about 3.5 hours.

Then I showed him “tail -f /log/squid/access.log”, and we watched in amazement on how quickly the TCP_MISS lines are changing to TCP_HITs.
After about 12 hours, I increased the cache_mem size, and the TCP_HITs are slowly changing to TCP_MEM_HITs.

The result

Squid is working as we expected.

Average server load dropped from 30% plus to about 3%. While squid’s CPU usage increased from 0% to an average of only 2%. A very nice trade off.

After about a month, I checked the website’s logfiles, and saw some very nice numbers — traffic to has doubled ! Needless to say, Mr. Romi is very happy with it.

I also found that everyday there will be people downloading the contents using crawler software – such as Teleport Pro, wget, etc. I asked Mr. Romi if he’s got problem with it, and he says no. It is his mission to spread knowledge for free after all. So I let these leechers alone.

Come to think of it, it’s possible that these crawlers are the ones causing IKC server to fell down at peak hours. Example, Teleport Pro is able to download 10 links simultaneously at the same time. Then once any of it is finished, it will instantly start download the next one. When all 10 downloads access the database, and many crawlers at the same time, not many servers will be able to stand up to it. It’s like being machine gunned wearing just a simple leather cloth. If you have had the experience of having your website linked from Slashdot or Digg, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

In this case, squid acted as a thick titanium armor, and taking most of the hits for your server. I suspect now the number of crawlers has increased than before, but it shouldn’t be a problem.

MySQL is a bit strange though. Sometimes its CPU usage can be as high as 160%. Thankfully this is very rare, so it’s probably just some internal clean-up routine.

One day, after happily watching the low load on the server for a while, suddenly everything froze. Even my SSH connection. Attempts to reconnect to the server failed.
After a while, I was finally able to connect again. Looking around, I noticed there’s some sort of bandwidth limiter daemon running on the server. After consulting with Mr. Romi, I killed it. The problem stopped.

Happy ending ?

I’m still monitoring the server as we speak for glitches. For example, squid seem to hang from time to time. This can be caused by anything from bad memory to problem with specific hardware configuration; so for now I’ve setup a cronjob which will restart it in certain intervals.
It seems to help, so I can troubleshoot the problem in peace.

Anyway, I’m sure that with the increased availability, even more people will visit the website (Ed: confirmed!). Then at some time in the future, we may find the server overloaded again.

In that case, there are still many things which we can do to keep IKC up & running in just one server :

  • Coral-ize internal links : Coral is a global cache with servers all over the world. It has proven to help people with overloaded servers to lighten their load (when slashdotted, digged, etc). With the Coralize plugin, all of your internal links will point to its Coral cache.

    Actually, for most people, this may be the easiest and the best step they can do. I can setup Squid because IKC has its own dedicated server. Not everyone does, I personally also own a (shared) webhosting account. Coral CDN (Content Distribution Network) is a very nice & easy solution to us. It’s rarely mentioned though, so here you go.

    If you’re not using WordPress, you can still utilize Coral CDN easily ! Just append to your links. For example, if you access, you’ll actually access a Coral server, serving a copy of my website from its cache.
    I did say that it’s very easy, didn’t I ? 🙂

  • RAM Upgrade : This will enable Squid to have bigger memory cache size, therefore increasing its effectiveness significantly.
  • Roundrobin Edge servers : If the load is so high that even Squid is overwhelmed by it, then we can implement a cluster of Edge servers. People can volunteer their servers and have it act as the edge server for

    The incoming requests are spread over the edge servers by way of Roundrobin DNS feature. It’s not the best way to do it, but it’s very easy and the cost is almost nothing.

  • Use lighttpd : Apache is a rather heavy webserver. I personally like its (amazing) flexibility (there’s a reason why it’s called the Swiss Army Knife of Webserver), but at times you’ll need something else. From my experience, lighttpd + fastcgi is very nice alternative to Apache + PHP. The features are now quite similar to Apache’s, but it’s much more lightweight. Its community is also quite helpful and happy to help a newbie within reasons. Recommended.
  • And many other ways

Last, we’d like to say thanks to Mr. Romi for giving us the opportunity, it was very interesting ! Hope IKC will become even more successful in the future, therefore benefitting even more people. Well done pak.

Allah & Setan

Selama ini kami mencoba mendidik anak-anak kami dengan menganggap mereka sebagai kawan kami. Juga kami mencoba untuk tidak menghalangi kreativitas dan imajinasi mereka. Terutama jika mereka bertanya, maka kami akan berusaha untuk menjawabnya; walaupun kadang pertanyaan mereka itu susah banget untuk dijawab.

Salah satunya adalah pertanyaan Umar kepada istri saya beberapa hari yang lalu. Selama ini kami memberitahu dia bahwa Allah swt adalah suatu entitas yang sangat baik, dan Setan adalah entitas yang sangat jahat.
Kemudian suatu hari dia bertanya; “Ma, kenapa sih Allah kok ngebuat Setan? Kan setan jahat, ma?”

Ketika Helen menceritakan itu, saya bengong. Anak umur 4 tahun bertanya seperti itu?

Ini biasanya adalah argumentasi anti Tuhan yang disampaikan oleh para atheis; jika Tuhan = baik, mengapa dia menciptakan setan (yang jahat/jelek). Berarti tidak mungkin Tuhan = baik.

Hah… Umar sudah bisa bernalar sampai demikian 😀 tapi supaya yakin, saya pastikan lagi ke istri saya. Jangan-jangan dia bercanda. Tapi ternyata tidak, dia tetap tersenyum (dan bukan tertawa lepas seperti kalau dia berhasil mencandai saya).

Holy wow.

Anyway, setahu saya pada awalnya setan itu tidak jahat. Sama seperti manusia yang pada awalnya baik & bebas dari dosa. Namun, sama seperti manusia, Allah memberikan kebebasan memilih kepada setan. Berbeda dengan malaikat yang tidak mungkin bisa membantah perintahNya sama sekali. Dan dari beberapa literatur, setan pernah mencapai derajat yang cukup tinggi.

Namun, “hanya” karena rasa sombong, maka dalam sekejap semuanya itu hilang. Setan langsung tercampakkan menjadi makhluk yang paling hina.
Sayangnya, alih-alih bertobat, justru setan tetap bertahan dengan gengsinya. Malah minta umurnya diperpanjang sampai hari Kiamat, supaya bisa balas dendam. Halah…

Jadi kalau menurut saya, Allah tidak menciptakan setan sebagai makhluk yang jahat. Setan menjadi jahat karena pilihannya sendiri. Sama seperti manusia, yang bisa memilih, apakah dia akan menjadi manusia yang baik kah, atau yang jahat? The choice is ours.
Selama kita bisa memanfaatkan nikmat akal dengan baik, dan menghindari dari nafsu seperti sombong, gengsi, dll; maka insyaAllah kita akan selamat dunia dan akhirat.

Argumentasinya sih masih bisa dilanjutkan terus, seperti definisi jahat, hikmah dari kejahatan setan, dst. Tapi saya stop dulu karena saya ingin memeluk Umar, dan berdoa mudah-mudahan dia terus demikian; selalu bertanya dengan kritis, tidak taqlid buta begitu saja, Amin.

Powerbook without battery

After using it for several weeks, I noticed that my PowerBook’s battery capacity has decreased sllightly. Where it used to be able to run for about 2 hours and 15 minutes after a full charge, now it rarely able to stay on for 2 hours.
I’ve been guilty of running it for hours while plugging it to the power socket though.

Then I thought, let’s see if this thing can run without battery, just like my previous laptop (Lifebook). So I rebooted, then while it’s on the logon screen, I turned the battery lock *plop* there goes the battery, and the laptop is still running happily.

I’ll still buy a spare battery later, but now I’m no longer in any rush. Very nice.

QKLK : Interfaith marriage, Less marriage than ever, and other random interesting links

The number of people getting married has fallen to the lowest level since records began in 1862, figures revealed yesterday, noted The Sun. People are also getting in married in older age; figures from the Office for National Statistics yesterday showed that the average age for men to marry in 2005 was 36.2 and for women it was 33.6.

However, age maturity doesn’t equal behaviour maturity. Survey shows that married couples have about 182 arguments a year.

Bloody hell. No wonder people are avoiding from getting married.

The Dr. Khaleel Mohammed pronounced that inter-faith marriage, even when the husband is non-muslim, is allowed.

I hate to burst his bubble, but I can already spot a flaw in his reasoning – there may be no more of this “people of the book”, whose women are the only non-muslims allowed to marry the muslim men.

The people of the book is called so because they still have the same fundamental believe as Islam – the believe in one God and, of course, have the original book. One like Waraqah, Khadijah’s uncle.

However, such Jews or Christians is pretty much non-existant today. Calling today’s Christians or Jews as the people of the book is a gross ignorance for a highly educated scholar like him.

I just can’t sympathize with people who mislead others like Dr. Khaleed. Why mislead when there are other options ??

In reality, Dr. Khaleed is not doing the right thing either. Marriage is already hard enough as it is – the joining of two totally different creature, man & woman. It’ll be harder when they are of different cultural background. And it is the hardest when they are of different religion.
I’ve personally seen the cases, and it’s not pretty, especially for the kids 🙁

Anyway, I’m sure other experts will be able to point out other flaws of his reasoning, but I’ll stop here.

Medieval Muslim made a stunning math breakthrough, says Reuters. A very complex tile pattern in a mosque in Iran was later realized to be a complex mathematical figure.

Quoted :

Magnificently sophisticated geometric patterns in medieval Islamic architecture indicate their designers achieved a mathematical breakthrough 500 years earlier than Western scholars, scientists said on Thursday.

By the 15th century, decorative tile patterns on these masterpieces of Islamic architecture reached such complexity that a small number boasted what seem to be “quasicrystalline” designs, Harvard University’s Peter Lu and Princeton University’s Paul Steinhardt wrote in the journal Science.

Only in the 1970s did British mathematician and cosmologist Roger Penrose become the first to describe these geometric designs in the West. Quasicrystalline patterns comprise a set of interlocking units whose pattern never repeats, even when extended infinitely in all directions, and possess a special form of symmetry.

“Oh, it’s absolutely stunning,” Lu said in an interview. “They made tilings that reflect mathematics that were so sophisticated that we didn’t figure it out until the last 20 or 30 years.”

What really scares the mullahs ?, that’s the question on International Herald Tribune today. The US navy armada showing up near Iran ? Nope – it’s the diplomatic might and fear of sanction.
The mullahs even backed up from the holocaust propaganda. This is good, because then we can start looking at it rationally again, instead of inviting shadowy figures like the guy from Ku Klux Klan, and instanly lost whatever credibility they have.

Re: holocaust – the holocaust did happen, but the Zionists are blowing it WAY over and over again. There are many even in USA who’s sick of their cry on this, while themselves implemented apartheid-style policies over the Palestinians.

Anyway, hope the stupid cowboy (GW Bush, yes, I’m looking at you) have someone holding his itchy fingers. A single missle launch – and the whole Iran WILL revolt and retaliate to as many Western targets as possible.
While with this diplomatic approach, a peaceful compromise is more possible to be achieved.

Circumcision’s anti-AIDS effect found greater than originally thought.
Very nice ! 50% to 65% chance of avoiding AIDS. Quoted :

If we had an AIDS vaccine that was performing as well as this, it would be the talk of the town.”

Even better, introduce them to Islam, and see the AIDS growth rate plunges even further as more people abstain from careless and free sex. Let’s hear it for AIDS-free Africa, yay.

Islam’s Middle Path

Since I was a kid I’ve been observing Islam with great interest. It’s my religion anyway.
At first I noted how my elementary teachers and our adults are preaching something, but doing entirely different things. Also we’re taught that Islam is all about dogma. There’s almost no compassion on it. There is no joy. The religion seems to be all about mumbling on prayers in language that we don’t understand, five times a day. And anyone dare not doing it may face public humiliation and/or physical punishment.
The Ramadhan was especially tormentous – we couldn’t eat nor drink during the hot days (30 – 35 degrees celcius). The night prayers are 11 rakaat, and followed by a very long (and very boring) sermon.
Nobody cared to really explain to us what’s all these about. We’re just supposed to do it without asking any questions.

These are the traditionalists.
Islam is just believing, no thinking. You just do. Don’t ever ask.
I asked once, and the teacher ended up stuttering and scolded me for it. I don’t ask again after.

It’s enough to make some kids lose faith and care about Islam, but I held on. I think, there’s an explanation to these, and I shall make the journey to find it.

When I’m older, in my high school years, I found out about Islam’s sects. With open mind, I joined one after another, most interested in widening my horizon. I noticed though that many of them are not good to be in for long term.
In the beginning, they will be nice to you. You’ll be called brothers and sisters. For those who didn’t find love at home, bullied at school, and so on; this is pure joy. Suddenly you feel needed, and wanted.

But after a while, they will try to draw you into their community. Locked you in, and started the weird part of their teachings.
Each sects have their own peculiarities – getting as much money for the sect using any (and I mean any; cheating, stealing, killing) way possible, made you swear an oath of allegiance, teaching irrational hatred for people (even Muslims), brainwash you, allows prostitution, make their syaikhs (gurus) close / to the same level of a prophet or even God, and many other horrible things.

All of them are the same in this regard – they all claim to be based on Quran and hadits, but interpret it to their own wishes. They’re extremist in this regard.

Anybody who dare to question their sect will be excommunicated from the group. This may seem trivial – however, after years of intense involvement in the group; most will find themselves suddenly alone in the world. Their old friends and families have long gave up on them. It’s truly heart breaking.
The fear of this kept many as the member of the group, even though the inner heart are crying.

Indeed not all groups are like that. A few are good and on the right path. But sadly, they seem to be the minority on the scene, and can be quite hard to find.

Then I went to UK, work there for 5 years, and found something else – the Liberals.
At first they seemed good – they preached upon tolerance, open-mindedness, equalities, justice, and critical thinking.

However, digging deeper, I found troublesome things.
They preached upon tolerance, yet they will get rid of their opposition and have no hesitation on silencing their voices whenever possible.
They preached critical thinking, yet they’re cherry-picking verses from Quran and Hadith to support their claims. Many times, they’ll just plain lie to you. If they can have the opportunity to assassin your character, they will.
And just like the sects, these liberals claim to be based on Quran and hadits; but they interpret it so liberally; it’s as if they’re telling you that an apple is really an orange. They’re just as extreme as the sects, but worse since they claim to be of a superior intelligence.

I don’t like to be taken as a fool, so I distanced myself from them.

Found myself alone again, with weird people around me. I continued my journey. I tried to find more about Islam, with my limited time and capability. I worked hard to filter the wacky interpretations, and goes straight to the source and original interpretations. And what I found have made the journey worth it.

Islam : is all about compassion, good behaviour, and love to others. The prophet stated that his mission is to make us better in our akhlaq. That is it.

I’ve been presented with spins from Liberals & Islam-haters, trying to rebuke it. But I always managed to find out every single time the truth behind it – some are not presenting the whole picture, some are presented without its context, some are misinterpretation from the original language, some are very liberal translation, and some are downright lies.
Many of the Islam’s problems they presenting are actually really Muslims problem. And they dare claiming to be the superior thinkers ? I don’t think so.

Islam : wants their believers to think and use their brains. The command “Afala ta’qiluun” – have you think about that ? It’s written many times in Quran.
My journey was emotionally and intellectually painful. I’ve had to wade through so much crap and non-sense, sometimes even from people I thought would know better. This command kept me going, enduring the pain.

The result is, not perfect, but definitely a better me – one who finally understood the essence of his religion, and at ease with it. The old cliche is still true – no pain, no gain.

I also found several inspirations from some other good people :

  1. Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar : This is the principle of da’wa / calling people to Islam, meaning “call people to good, and prohibit them from bad”.

    Notice how the call for good is mentioned first. Then I noticed that the most successfull preachers are those who busy themselves in calling people to the good – with sympathetic words, understanding of people’s problems, and positive attitude in helping people to get over with their problems — instead of just criticizing people on their faults.

    People become attracted to the good, and automatically, they leave their bad side.

    These preachers solve problems, instead of adding more of it.
    I shall try to do the same.

  2. Care for others : This must begin with your closest ones. If you claim you care for others, while neglecting your own family, I’ll call you a hypocrite.

    When people care about others, Islam will be able to fulfill its promise as the rahmatan lil ‘alamin – a blessing to the world.

I’ve realized now that the problem with Islam is really the problem with Muslims. Many are ignorant, led by ignorant (or downright evil) ulama / syaikh / community leaders.
We need to awaken them by tapping on them gently and using kind words. Not kicking and screaming on them – and later wondered why they ended up beating you into a pulp. The way of Islam is the middle path – kind, gentle, soothes, and most importantly, enlightens.

So I begin my new journey. May God look upon me kindly and strengthen this weak shell and its soul for this journey, which shall not end until my death.

Solution : VisualBasic on Linux / non-Microsoft platform

One of the most asked questions I got from customer, in relation to their planned migration to Linux, is “Will Linux runs our legacy application ?”. And, 90% of the time, that legacy apps will be a VisualBasic 6 application. They feared that it won’t run on Linux, and their business will suffer.

I’ve always told my customers that “technical problems are not a problem“.
I can always help them find a solution for a technical issue. It’s the political ones that’s sometimes proved impossible to deal with 🙂
For example, once I met with a Canadian consultant, who happily informed me that he has been successful in making legacy apps running in older-than-dinosaur servers to talk with the web-apps on Linux, by creating a wrapper for these oldies. My inner geek bowed and saluted his hacking wizardry, and again my faith in our ability to overcome technical issues is strengthened.

Back to VisualBasic, what I did then is to observe their current situation. Each customer is unique, and a solution won’t always work for each of them. After the fact-finding session, then I usually able to prescribe the best solution for them.

Today I found one other possible solution for this.

Found a discussion on Slashdot, where it was noted that RealBasic is almost 100% compatible with VisualBasic and will run on non-Microsoft platform (even on Mac OS X).
Many will find its price (US$ 500) is way cheaper than to redevelop their corporate application.

Although not the solution for all, but it’s always good to have yet another choice, especially at this medium price range – it’s a clean solution and still affordable.

Just another reminder why I still check Slashdot from time to time — it’s not for the news, but the comments.
You guys rock. Thank you.

And to those looking to develop their corporate application – go web-based guys. Tying yourself to a single, proprietary, platform may prove very costly later.

And always, again, ALWAYS get the source code. Do not deal with a developer which will develop your corporate apps but won’t give you the source. Period.
You will thank me later for this, and when that happens, you may feel like transmitting a huge amount of money to my bank account. Don’t worry, it’s absolutely normal. In that case, just comment in this post, and you shall find my account details in your email in just a few minutes. 😀

OK, gotta code !

Solution: USB hard disk on Powerbook G4

I’ve found that my USB external hard disk (2.5 inch) doesn’t work on Powerbook G4. This is because Powerbook actually conforms to USB standard, and only provide 500 mA power to each of its 2 USB port. This, unfortunately, is not enough to power-up the hard disk.

A solution is to buy a powered USB hub; plug it to the Powerbook. Then plug the USB hard disk to the hub.

Another solution is possible though if you have a USB Y-cable. A Y-cable is a USB cable where one end has 2 connectors.
Basically, you plug the end with one connector to the hard disk, and then plug each of the other 2 connectors to Powerbook’s 2 USB port.

I furthered the hack by plugging one of the connector (because it’s not long enough to reach the Powerbook’s other USB port) to an unpowered USB hub, then I plug that hub to the other Powerbook’s USB port.

Since 2 USB port x 500 mA = 1000 mA, now it has enough power for the 2.5 hard disk.

I haven’t tried this trick with standard (3.5 inch) hard drive though.
You may have to use the powered USB hub, or, use the Y-cable and plug one of its connector to a desktop computer. Most desktop computers’ USB ports nowadays have enough juice to power even things that wasn’t supposed to be plugged there (USB-powered fan anyone?)

Anyway, HTH.

Krisis Darah – donor yukk..

Dapat kabar dari orang tua saya, katanya PMI sedang krisis darah, karena berbagai bencana yang menimpa kita akhir-akhir ini. Terutamanya mungkin berkaitan dengan wabah demam berdarah akhir-akhir ini ya.

STOP PRESS – daftar lokasi acara donor darah :

  1. Setiap hari Kamis, lokasi dekat kantor Republika.
    Belum sempat diverifikasi – ada yang bisa membantu konfirmasi kebenaran kabar ini ?
  2. Jumat, 23 Februari 2007, pkl 10:00 – 13:30. Lokasi: mesjid raya Bintaro.

Jadi teringat rencana saya untuk donor darah di Hangtuah, namun selalu gagal karena acaranya selalu hari Sabtu – kebetulan hari Sabtu itu masih hari kerja bagi saya (Yudi – saya gak menyalahkan Hangtuah lhoo, hehe). Biasanya justru banyak meeting bisa diadakan pada hari itu.

Nah, ternyata hari Rabu, 21 Februari 2007, ada acara donor darah PMI, di Carrefour Lebak Bulus. Mulai dari pukul 10:00 s/d selesai.
Wah ternyata kebetulan itu pas waktu lowong saya, syukurlah !

Bagi yang sedang tidak sempat, atau lokasinya jauh, bisa mencoba salah satu dari berbagai kantor PMI berikut ini : Daftar kantor PMI di seluruh Indonesia.

Anda punya informasi mengenai acara donor darah di lokasi lainnya ? Mohon bantuannya untuk berbagi beritanya dengan berkomentar di posting ini, sehingga kita bisa ramaikan acaranya.

Kapan lagi kita bisa memberikan bantuan yang sedemikian besarnya, tanpa mengeluarkan duit ? 😀

Mari menyumbangkan darah — kalaupun Anda sedang tidak bisa, paling tidak sebarkan informasi ini, sehingga jadi ada (syukur-syukur malah banyak) yang menyumbangkan darahnya.

btw; saya akan coba untuk selalu update posting ini dengan informasi acara donor darah terbaru.

1. Blood donor saves lives
2. Daftar kantor PMI di seluruh Indonesia

Masjid Al-Aqsa, atau Dome of Rock ?

Dome of Rock, NOT Al-Aqsa mosqueSelama ini saya mengira bahwa mesjid dengan kubah emas (seperti yang terlihat di gambar di samping kiri) ini adalah Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Ternyata, berdasarkan informasi dari BBC, mesjid tersebut adalah yang biasa dikenal dengan “Dome of Rock”.

Lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat di gambar dibawah ini :

Sebelumnya memang saya sudah menerima informasi mengenai hal yang sama. Namun, karena berbentuk email berantai, dan berasal dari kawan yang sebelumnya sudah tertipu oleh tipuan email berantai lainnya 😀 maka (tentu saja) otomatis tidak langsung saya percayai begitu saja.
Kemudian saya mencoba mencari informasi yang lebih bisa diandalkan lagi mengenai hal ini.

Terimakasih kepada BBC, mudah-mudahan inilah informasi yang sebenarnya.

Sumber: In Jerusalem, you can not just “dig”

LCP Terminated error

If you’re having problems connecting to the Internet via your mobile phone’s GPRS / 3G connection with “LCP Terminated” error, I think it’s fairly safe to say that you need to put a line like this in your modem’s configuration file :

On Mac :
write “AT+CGDCONT=1,\34IP\34,\\34,\34\34,0,0\13”

On Linux/Windows :

I’m quite sure because my Internet access in my Powerbook suddenly stopped. I kept on getting “LCP Terminated” error message in the PPP’s logfile. I messed around with almost all the settings to no avail – when I realized that the line above is disabled in the config file (doh).
Enabled it, and I got connected straight away…

The most complete APN list is here.
Let me know if you managed to find a better one.

Hope it helps someone.

keywords: ppp terminated error pap ms-dns

Nokia E90 Released

I’m happily using my Nokia E70 for quite some time now. However, as an ex-user of two Nokia Communicators, I couldn’t help yesterday but wonder if Nokia will release a better version of its Communicator series.

Voila – then I found the news that Nokia E90 has been launched !

E90 camera & speakerNokia E909500, E90, 9300

The Nokia Communicator series has been notorious for being slow and missing common high-end features, and a few other ugliness. I was so pleasantly surprised that E90 will be the first Communicator that won’t be so. Check it out :

  • Slow ? Nope, E90 uses the same processor as N95 & N800, and very speedy ! It’s able to do fullscreen video playback smoothly.
  • Weak / cheap feel ? E90 now sport strong hinges, and feels solid overall.
  • Internal memory ? 128 MB overall, usually leaving 80MB free. This is one problem on E70 – turned out it has small internal memory, so sometimes it’s not able to run more that a few apps simultaneously. No such problem with E90.
  • Connectivity ? it’s worthy of its name – Quadband GSM, bluetooth 2 w/ A2DP support, WiFi, USB 2, GPRS, EGDE, UMTS (3G), HSDPA (3.5G). Very, very nice indeed. No fax though, but you can workaround this for example by subscribing to Internet-based fax service.
  • Camera ? no more weak VGA cam – it’s now a 3.2 MB camera with LED flash plus an internal cam for video calls !
  • Other features ? GPS – finally ! Stereo speakers, 3D, FM radio, now also vibrates (!), updateable firmware via Internet, etc.

E90 is what 9500 should have been. Now it has all the important features, and then some. Very well done Nokia. When I got this, it may very well cause my laptop to gather dust at home.

Looking forward to its launch in Indonesia.

Pengakuan Dosa dan Kabar Gembira

Setelah lama merasa tersiksa, akhirnya dengan berat hati saya memutuskan untuk menghapus semua links kategori “Friends” dari blog saya ini. Bukan apa-apa, jauh lebih cepat orang mentaut ke blog saya ini daripada saya mentaut balik dari blog saya. Saya pribadi merasa ini tidak adil, dan sudah lama saya menderita karena ini.

Akhirnya, saya terpaksa memutuskan untuk menghapus semuanya, agar semuanya sama, tidak tercantum di kategori tersebut.

Kabar gembiranya, saya telah memasang plugin DoFollow !
Dengan ini, maka semua komentator (termasuk kawan-kawan saya tadi) di blog ini otomatis akan mendapatkan link / tautan dari blog ini, yang kebetulan saat ini diberi PageRank 5 oleh Google.
Ini juga adalah penghargaan dan rasa terimakasih saya atas semua kontribusi Anda, sehingga blog ini bisa menjadi jauh lebih bermanfaat.

Saya sendirian tidak bisa berbuat banyak. Namun, sharing informasi Anda di komentar di berbagai artikel telah membantu banyak orang, mencerahkan saya, menunjuki para penjelajah Internet ke jalan yang lurus, mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan saya, dan menjadikan blogsphere Indonesia secara keseluruhan menjadi suatu tempat yang sangat menarik.
Pada saat ini hanya inilah yang bisa saya perbuat sebagai wujud terimakasih saya kepada Anda sekalian.

Lalu, ada sesuatu yang baru di sidebar blog ini — widget Tunas Cendekia 🙂
Kini jadi mudah untuk peduli dan selalu up to date dengan perkembangan mereka. Cukup klik disini, lalu paste di blog Anda – voila ! WTC – Widget Tunas Cendekia.

Selamat menikmati.

Open Source Business Intelligence

To be honest, I never expected to find an Open Source Business Intelligence (BI) application, yet here it is; Pentaho. Amazing.

It encompasses almost the whole spectrum of Business Intelligence concept; Reporting, Analysis, Data Mining, the BI platform, Dashboards/Management tools, and Workflow.

Pentaho, Open Source Business Intelligence

Good stuff. Now I know what to answer when my customers are asking me for an open BI solution.
Well done!

Tim Badminton Indonesia Juara di Asian Sports Tournament

Kabar gembira dari kawan-kawan di Birmingham, dimana tim Indonesia barusan telah memenangkan kompetisi Asian Sports Tournament.
Mudah-mudahan semakin sukses di masa depan 🙂

From: “hadianto wirajuda”
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:27:58 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [MIB] Indonesia Juara Badminton

Dengan mengucap syukur Alhamdulillah, pada hari ini team bulutangkis Indonesia yang terdiri dari:

1. Handal Suryaputra, Men’s Single
2. Suryawan Murtiadi – Victor Mandag, Men’s Double
3. Budi Yulianto – Surya Pandita, Men’s Double

telah secara bersama-sama mengikuti Asian Sports Tournament yang diselenggarakan oleh Malaysian Society bertempat di University of Birmingham. Pada kesempatan ini kami ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada Handal Suryaputra yang telah meraih medali emas (Juara I) untuk kategori Men’s Single setelah mengalahkan peserta dari Vietnam, serta kepada pasangan Suryawan Murtiadi – Victor Mandag yang juga telah berhasil menjadi Juara I untuk kategori Men’s Double dengan menundukkan ganda dari Vietnam. Kepada pasangan Budi Yulianto – Surya Pandita kami juga ingin mengucapkan selamat dan terima kasih atas keikut-sertaannya dalam membela nama Indonesia dalam event ini.

Turnamen yang kali ini diikuti oleh Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, dan Hongkong merupakan event tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Malaysian Society. Diharapkan Indonesia dapat mempertahankan prestasi ini untuk penyelenggaraan event serupa di tahun yang akan datang.

Selamat dan sukses.

Atas nama seluruh Pengurus PPI MIB dan warga masyarakat Indonesia di Birmingham,

Ian Wirajuda
PPI MIB, Birmingham

Bahaya Situs (Blog) Gratisan

Saya baru saja mendapatkan email bahwa seorang kawan blogger, Luthfi Assadad, blognya dimatikan oleh hosternya,, dengan alasan “melanggar TOS (Terms Of Service)”. Walhasil, isi blognya lenyap semua, dan tidak diketahui apakah akan bisa diselamatkan atau tidak.

Sebetulnya, dimana pun kita hosting blog/situs kita pasti akan selalu ada kemungkinan ini (lenyapnya data). Namun, pada situs/blog gratisan, resikonya jauh lebih besar. Penyebabnya bisa kita baca di isi TOS :

Automattic has the right (though not the obligation) to, in Automattic’s sole discretion (i) refuse or remove any content that, in Automattic’s reasonable opinion, violates any Automattic policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (ii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Website to any individual or entity for any reason, in Automattic’s sole discretion. Automattic will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.

Dan ini makin diperparah dengan ustomer service nya — karena mungkin ada jutaan blog di pada saat ini, tentu sulit bagi mereka untuk membalas email komplain dari kita – mengapa situs kita tiba-tiba dilenyapkan begitu saja?
Pada hosting berbayar kita masih lebih mungkin mendapatkan penjelasan dari mereka, sehingga kemudian kita bisa memenuhi TOS mereka.

Lalu bagaimana solusinya jika kita sudah terlanjur menggunakan hosting ?
Saya barusan bertanya kepada seorang kawan, menurutnya ada fasilitas Backup di

Nah, dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas tersebut, maka jika tiba-tiba Anda tertimpa bencana ini, data-data di blog Anda sudah aman tersimpan di komputer Anda sendiri.

Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Terlampir adalah email selengkapnya dari kawan saya tersebut.

From: Luthfi Assadad
Date: Feb 12, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: Mohon Bantuan Dari Teman-teman blogger Semuanya

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh …
Teman-teman blogger semuanya ….
Pagi ini, ada sesuatu yang lain ketika saya mengakses blog saya ( BLOG SAYA DISUSPEND termasuk akunnya. Untuk akun yang disuspend akhirnya bisa kembali lagi dengan bantuan menu Reset Password (Lost Password). Blog saya disuspend dengan alasan melanggar Term of Service, yang mana saya sendiri gak tahu TOS yang mana yang saya langgar.

Setelah berhasil login (dengan password baru), rupanya blog utama saya tersebut hilang dari list blog2 saya.
Untuk itu, demi persahabatan kita, tolong, kirimkan email ke pihak wordpress melalui menu support dan meminta wordpress agar mengembalikan blog utama saya. Sekalian tanyakan TOS yang mana yang saya langgar.

Yang terakhir, sekalian sebarkan ke yang lain.
Dukungan dari teman-teman blogger wp sangat saya harapkan.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan dukungannya.

Luthfi Assadad

Indonesia Flood : hundreds thousands homeless, death toll rising

(source: Reuter)

Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, has been hit by some of the worst flood in years. Some areas are said to be submerged 4 meters under water. About 200,000 thousands are currently homeless, with 20 found dead; and the numbers are rising.

The rain has finally stopped after pouring in for days, giving chance for rescue workers to evacuate people faster. This is in anticipation of more rain.

“Jakarta is geographically not qualified to be the capital city, but this is the reality,” Sutiyoso, Jakarta’s governor, said in an interview on Metro TV. “We can’t afford to move the capital city somewhere else.”
Sutiyoso blamed deforestation south of Jakarta, which obliterated the water catchment area. However, when the rain fell just in Jakarta alone, it still floods. Sutiyoso was under heavy fire when similar flood happened five years ago, and the flood this time proved that he hasn’t accomplish anything to stop it from happening again.

There was plan to build a new flood canal on 1970, in addition to the current one built by the Dutch on 1930; but it was never completed. Talks are starting again now to restart the project. It’s estimated that it will cost around $440 million.

People are concerned that the flood will bring new outbreak. With dengue fever already in rise, additional outbreaks will seriously burden already overloaded medical facilities.

Parts of Jakarta has experienced various loss of services – electricity, clean water, telephone & mobile phone service, etc. The flood is so bad it reached places which never experienced it before.
Internet access also has been affected, with Telkom (one of the biggest Internet Service Provider) Internet giving out sluggish performance. Telkom’s datacenter, which hosts the Indonesian President’s website, was also affected when the electricity went out and the generators can’t be started because it’s put in the basement, which was already submerged under water.

Below is list of important contact details / source of information, courtesy of Indonesia News Blog :

Continue reading Indonesia Flood : hundreds thousands homeless, death toll rising