Links of the day

I wish I knew Xdebug when I was having problems with my PHP code a few weeks ago – with debugging client, it sure beats using echo 🙂

I’m pretty scared using Windows nowadays, and here’s why.

I’ve had the luck of cleaning computers from CoolWebSearch, and let me tell you these things are damn close to impossible to get rid of.
Good thing CWS is still rather “harmless” – now imagine a keylogger as stealthy and deeply stuck as CWS; using Windows then could cause your bank / paypal account / etc to become empty mysteriously…

I’ve been rather dependent to Regex Coach when I need to create a regular expression.
But sometimes, some things are just too time consuming to be created from scratch. At these times, just may save your bottom from getting kicked by your boss.

Rsync on Windows

Previously, you need to install cygwin and then rsync, if you need to run rsync client from Windows. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly easy to use.

Thankfully, now you can use Sync2NAS instead. What’s more, it’s also has been developed with backing up user’s data in mind. Finally, it is an easy task to be done.

4 thoughts on “Links of the day

  1. rsync di windows susahnya dimana? kok rasanya saya pakai gak ada masalah?

  2. Sepertinya kalau suatu program tidak ada interface GUI-nya, jadi susah digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang 🙂 kita yang biasa oprek2 di console memang tidak merasakannya. Sync2NAS memberikan interface GUI untuk rsync, sehingga menjadi lebih mudah digunakan oleh banyak orang.

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