Monthly Archives: March 2011

Jumat Pagi Bersama Ulil

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Ulil Abshar Abdalla ? Salah satu tokoh JIL ini sudah dikenal karena berbagai kegiatan & pernyataannya. Selain di media konvensional, saat ini Ulil juga cukup aktif di Internet, termasuk di berbagai situs social media.

Suatu hari saya membaca tweet berikut ini dari account Ulil :

Ulil: If Muslim dictators kill their people, Muslim tend to shut up. When the world tries to stop them kill, they shout: INTERVENTION! Gosh!

Saat itu adalah pagi hari Jumat, 25 Maret 2011. Suasananya adem & tenang, jadi menggugah saya untuk mendiskusikan pendapat tersebut diatas.
Ketika itu saya kira balasan saya tidak akan ditanggapi oleh Ulil, tapi tidak apa, yang penting saya sudah menyampaikan pendapat saya. Yaitu :

Saya: Sejahat2nya Saddam, dia tidak spt GW Bush yg bantai ratusan ribu orang & bikin jutaan lainnya jadi pengungsi. Hm ? Gosh !


Saya: Intervensi langgar konsep kedaulatan / sovereignty. People have the right to sort out their own problems. Gosh !


Lalu saya melanjutkan rutinitas pagi saya dengan santai, dan bersiap-siap untuk sarapan…. ketika kemudian saya sadar bahwa ternyata tweet saya dibalas oleh Ulil ! Ups 🙂

Ulil: But yes, you’re right, Muslim suffer from amnesia a lot. When Muslim dictators killed their people, they tend to shut up!


Pagi hari Jumat itu tiba-tiba menjadi jauh lebih menarik 🙂

Selama beberapa jam setelah itu, kami saling kirim mengirim tweet. Sampai saya luput sarapan 😀 dan terpaksa minta izin pamit dulu kepada Ulil :

Saya: Yeah, but you have had your muffin, and I haven’t mine (breakfast). Slow down ! 😀


Diskusi saling tukar pikiran kemudian terus berlanjut kembali dengan seru, sampai akhirnya kami sepakat untuk saling tidak setuju (agree to disagree) 🙂
No problem, tiap orang punya hak untuk punya pemikirannya sendiri-sendiri.

Terlampir adalah beberapa kutipan diskusi tersebut.
Selamat menikmati….

Ulil : If Muslim dictators kill their people, Muslim tend to shut up. When the world tries to stop them kill, they shout: INTERVENTION! Gosh!

Saya : Intervensi langgar konsep kedaulatan / sovereignty. People have the right to sort out their own problems. Gosh !!/hsuf/status/51060190732230656

Ulil : If Muslim dictators kill their people, Muslim tend to shut up. When the world tries to stop them kill, they shout: INTERVENTION! Gosh!

Saya :!/hsuf/status/51075936921206784

Ulil : most people killed after the US invasion of Iraq was caused by civil war between warring groups of Syiah and Sunni.

Saya : Which would not happen if Saddam was not removed by USA, right ? Gosh !!/hsuf/status/51070936765579264

Ulil : Who says sovereingty is a sacred principle? It’s just a modern myth. It becomes a pretext used by dictators to kill their people!

Saya : Then why bother with countries at all ? Let’s invade everyone & create Earth nation ! That’s what Nazi tried anyway.!/hsuf/status/51075445055172608

Ulil : Who say Arab can take care of their own problem? Is sending troops by Saudis to Bahrain to kill protestors part of that care?

Saya : Don’t tell me you forgot about Egypt already 🙂 And Tunisia.!/hsuf/status/51074644026998784

Ulil – Intervention is not ideal, but less evil than letting dictators killing their people or other kind of atrocities!

Saya : And who are you to #judge other people’s affairs? Principles, like sovereignty, are there for good reason.!/hsuf/status/51074205999050752

Ulil : No, Saddam invaded Kuwait without approval of anyone. It was only him going mad and delusional!

Saya : WikiLeaks begs to differ with you:!/hsuf/status/51073932345876480

Ulil : First of all, Saddam invaded his neighbor, Kuwait. Forgot this? Second, he killed his own people for years. Forgot this too?

Saya : Kuwait was invaded under approval of USA. Forgot this?!/hsuf/status/51070300678393856

Ulil : First of all, Saddam invaded his neighbor, Kuwait. Forgot this? Second, he killed his own people for years. Forgot this too?

Saya : USA should have principles like the “Prime Directive”. Arabs now have proven that they can take care their OWN problems, right ?!/hsuf/status/51071240332509184

Prime Directive :

The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules; it is a philosophy and a very correct one. History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous.” — Jean-Luc Picard

Ulil : US is not an angel but it’s the only country that has the best military prowess today. And that entails responsibility.

Saya : And have they acted responsibly? So far, the Palestinians would say no.!/hsuf/status/51081070107561984

Ulil : Palestine problem needs separate discussion. Don’t lump everything in one basket!

Saya : Nope, it’s an excellent example of how USA does #not wield their power responsibly, but by using #DoubleStandards instead.!/hsuf/status/51082583580213248

Ulil : All counries practice double standard, not only the US. Even Muslims use double or even multiple standards too in judging events.

Saya : That’s no justification to make it (#DoubleStandard) right 🙂!/hsuf/status/51083659968643072

Ulil : You haven’t said your words about what’s the best way to stop genocide. Is intevention is not justified at all in such situation?

Saya : Only on #true cases of genocide, example: Nazi vs Jews. Intervention should be an #exception not the norm !!/hsuf/status/51084317903953920

Genocide :
any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Ulil : And what’s that other country with no big business interest behind it that have military ability and willingness to stop atrocities?

Saya : I thought that’s what The UN are for ? (but first we need to wean them off USA’s money though)!/hsuf/status/51089016136802304

Ulil : What if UN, due to its lack of capability, is unable to fulfill its mission to protect lives of people from their dictators?

Saya : Then its lack of capability is our fault, and we must rectify that – empower The UN more 🙂!/hsuf/status/51098199636717568

Ulil : Yes, because US has big power, it has big responsibility to stop atrocities in Libya. Right? Who else will be able to do?

Saya : Someone else with no Halliburton/Exxon/etc piggy-backing them, preferably 🙂!/hsuf/status/51085242269843456

Ulil : And what’s that other country with no big business interest behind it that have military ability and willingness to stop atrocities?

Saya : In case of inter-national affair, The UN is the #democratic institution which has most right to take on issues on this level.!/hsuf/status/51098930636800000

Ulil : Killing in Libya cannot wait for the fix of UN. The moral responsibility lies now on countries with best military power.

Saya : You believe on getting to the end, no matter how / the means. That’s fine. I believe in the process.!/hsuf/status/51104189643898881

Ulil : Anyway, I agree with coalition’s attack to stop Qadhafie from killing his own people. You may have diff. oponion, and that’s OKAY.

Saya : I fully agree as well that you full right to have your own opinions. Thanks.!/hsuf/status/51081279692738560

SOLUSI: Wifi lambat di Ubuntu Linux

Tadi pagi saya melakukan transfer file dari komputer server di rumah via Hotspot. Tapi, kecepatan transfer yang didapat hanya sekitar 100 KBps. Lho, kok parah sekali ya ? Hm…

Untungnya di Linux, kita bisa cari tahu sumber masalahnya dengan mudah.
Jadi, mari kita buka layar Terminal 🙂 dan ketikkan perintah berikut ini di komputer server tersebut :

iwconfig wlan0

Maka kemudian muncul informasi berikut ini di layar Terminal di komputer :

$ iwconfig wlan0
wlan0 IEEE 802.11abg ESSID:"linksys007"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: 00:1C:10:66:CC:44
Bit Rate=1 Mb/s Tx-Power=14 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=47/70 Signal level=-63 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Aha, langsung kelihatan ada informasi yang menarik disitu : Bit Rate=1 Mb/s, ternyata Wifi di komputer server kecepatannya saat ini hanya 1 Mbps = 128 KBps.
Pantesan lambat sekali 🙂

Solusinya mudah sekali, yaitu cukup ketik baris berikut ini di Terminal untuk set kecepatan Wifi server menjadi 54 Mbps :

sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M

Selesai !
Setelah itu proses transfer file dari komputer server tersebut langsung ngebut tidak terkira 😀 sukses !