Monthly Archives: September 2020

Installing HTTrack on Ubuntu from Source

Today I needed to have the latest version of HTTrack installed to make a (static) mirror of a website that I managed

After a few attempts, this is how you compile & install HTTrack from source on Ubuntu :

wget ""

mv cserv.php3\?File\=httrack.tar.gz  httrack.tar.gz

tar xzvf httrack.tar.gz

cd httrack-3.49.2/

### the following is the key to a successful install
apt-get install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev build-essential

./configure && make && make install

Cutting a Table out of a mysqldump output file

I was restoring the backup of a MySQL 5.x server into MySQL 8.x server – and found out that it corrupt the MySQL 8.x ‘s mysql table

Which stores the usernames and passwords.

So I had to delete the mysql table from the backup, before trying to restore it again

Turn out it’s pretty easy, just will take some time since it’s a pretty big backup :

# search for beginning of 'mysql' table
cat backup.mysql | grep -n Current Database: `mysql`

# 155604:-- Current Database: `mysql`

# search for ending of 'mysql' table
tail -n +155604 backup.mysql | grep -n "Current Database"

# 1:  -- Current Database: `mysql`
# 916:-- Current Database: `phpmyadmin`

# cut that table out
head -155603 backup.mysql                > new.mysql
tail -n +$(( 155603+916 )) backup.mysql >> new.mysql

# voila !

Crontab runs on different timezone : here’s the fix

A few days ago I got reports that a server is running its cron jobs at strange times. Logged in, and indeed it was. A huge backup was running during peak hours. Saying that it disrupt people’s work is an understatement.

To my surprise, the explanation for this issue can not be found straightaway. Took some googling to find the cause. And even more time to find the correct solution.

So to cut the chase – /etc/localtime was a link to /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/NewYork

Changed it to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta – and voila, now the cronjobs are running at the correct times.

Hope it helps