Monthly Archives: November 2006

JavaScript weirdness

I was trying to setup a “Save This” link so visitors can easily save any article into their account. However, it didn’t work.

After checking on Firefox’s Javascript console, I saw this error message : “missing ) after argument list“, pointing to the encodeURIComponent() function. It must be me, because after I contacted support, they said they never encountered error like this before. I probably should have informed them that I’m using Firefox on Ubuntu, it might be specific to this configuration.

Anyway, the solution is to use these code instead :

<a href=”<?php rawurlencode(utf8_encode(the_permalink())) ?>&title=<?php rawurlencode(utf8_encode(the_title())) ?>” target=_blank><img src=””> Save This Page</a>

Hope it helps someone else out there.

“Boleh saya posting ulang artikel ini di blog saya ?”

Kembali saya mendapatkan pertanyaan ini, yang (kembali) mengingatkan saya untuk segera memasang informasi lisensi isi situs ini.

Terimakasih kepada mas Denie, kini saya sudah detilkan lisensi dari isi situs ini, yaitu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

Secara ringkas; ya, Anda bebas untuk memposting ulang artikel-artikel disini tanpa perlu minta izin 🙂
Anda hanya diminta untuk menyatakan dari mana asalnya (sebuah link ke artikel aslinya sudah mencukupi).

Selamat menikmati !

catatan :

1. Bagi yang tertarik untuk memilih lisensi yang cocok untuk content-nya, silahkan bisa dengan mudah melakukannya disini :

2. Sebuah artikel bagus bagi kita semua, terutama bloggers : Ten Common Copyright Permission Myths.

Slashdot Wisdom #2 : On Spam

Another interesting comment — it’s funny, but may also contain some truth in it. In any cases – spam suck.

Quoted from comment #16672295 :

Right now, spam goes past spam filters by including a large amount of random nonsense text that resembles English language reasonably well. So we will get spam filters that detect large amounts of random nonsense text. So spam will include text that makes actual sense. Give it twenty years, and your average spam email will consist of 300 pages of text that is better than anything Shakespeare has ever written, followed by two lines begging you to buy viagra. Thirty years, spam will be two hour Quicktime movies better than anything you can watch in the cinema today, with the hero using viagra bought from the spammer in the right places.

Anyway, the real solution to stop spam is to use multi-tiered filtering system.

Bayesian filter, captcha, blacklists, user-submission etc are no longer effective when used on their own. But when combined (example: SpamAssassin, Spam Karma 2), their effectiveness will goes up surprisingly high.

You’ll need to pay attention on the order of deployment though — incoming email should be received by the blacklist filter first. This will cut the number of spam tremendously, so other filtering engines (which are also more resource-hungry) won’t be overwhelmed / won’t overwhelm the server they’re on.
User-submission (example: razor) should be last, you don’t want to annoy your users too much really.