Dikutip :Â
"But the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and justice must also be recognized. Put yourself in their shoes – look at the world through their eyes.
It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of her own, and lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements of her parents every single day. It is not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. It is not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; to restrict a student’s ability to move around the West Bank; or to displace Palestinian families from their home.
Neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land."
Rakyat Israel dibujuk untuk mulai membuka diri terhadap tetangganya yang tertindas :
"That is where peace begins – not just in the plans of leaders, but in the hearts of people; not just in a carefully designed process, but in the daily connections that take place among those who live together in this land, and in this sacred city of Jerusalem. Speaking as a politician, I can promise you this: political leaders will not take risks if the people do not demand that they do. You must create the change that you want to see."
Siapa sangka, ternyata ada 100 high-tech start-up di West Bank ? Luar biasa, baru tahu saya….
"Already, we see how that innovation could reshape this region. One program here in Jerusalem brings together young Israelis & Palestinians to learn vital skills in technology and business. An Israeli and Palestinian have started a venture capital fund to finance Palestinian start-ups. Over 100 high-tech companies have found a home on the West Bank, which speaks to the talent and entrepreneurial spirit of the Palestinian people."
Mudah-mudahan rakyat Palestina bisa segera bebas dari tirani & penjajahan Zionist….. aamiinn….
Transcript: Obama’s speech in Israel
(CNN) — President Barack Obama delivered remarks in Jerusalem Thursday addressed to the Israeli people. Below is his speech, as prepared for delivery and distributed by the White House. Shalom.
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Saya cukup mengikuti Obama dari pelantikannya sebagai presiden yang pertama, sampai sekarang, sebenarnya dia sudah sering mengkritik Israel, cuma lebih tersirat saja 😀
kalo di belakang salaman, ya cuma sandiwara aja lah
Di dunia politik, pidato dengan pilihan kata-kata seperti ini sama saja dengan menghina Pemerintah Israel secara terang-terangan 🙂
Konteks ini yang perlu kita pahami.
Iya, apalagi pidatonya pas perayaan 😀
lidah memang tidak bertulang, lain di mulut lain di hati!!!
Nggak mudah sih menurut saya, bahkan untuk orang sekelas presiden amerika untuk mendamaikan Israel-Palestina. Lobi pemerintah Israel kuat dan banyak kepentingan bermain di konflik Israel-Palestina.
Lobi yahudi (baca:AIPAC*) di gedung putih dan pentagon sudah mendarah daging, sistemnya akan terus seperti itu siapapun Presidennya, kecuali sang Presiden sudah mendapat pencerahan
Kritik doang, banyak omong, tapi bantuan keuangan dan militer terus mengalir deras tanpa henti. Omongkosong sang pemimpin negara adi daya
Nggak ngomong salah, ngomong salah… dikasih hati mintanya jantung 😀
Dari awal emang mintanya Jantung, bukan hati. Kalau gak mau kasih, gak usah kasih sekalian.
Pepesan kosong para politikus busuk masih juga di telen mentah2
Yah, silakan tunggu hingga ada yang kasih jantung 😀