Psion 5MX

In anticipation to my return to Indonesia, where I expect I’ll be mobile / on the road most of the time at the day, I just bought a Psion 5MX to enable me to work anywhere.

The reasons:

  1. It’s way lighter and easier to bring around than a laptop
  2. While small in size, the keyboard is still convenient and speedy to use
  3. It’s able to connect to Internet, and browse/email/etc.
  4. There are a LOT of applications available for it
  5. You can run Linux on it – and it’s Debian-based too. (minimizing the need to compile software, which means longer CF card life)
  6. It runs Linux without destroying what’s already on it – a small program will cause it to boot from the CF card, which has Linux installed in it
  7. It’s a bargain (most especially when you compare it to laptop price 🙂 ) at about 100 poundsterling
  8. It’s a very convenient voice recorder – it has dedicated buttons for this feature, so you can record straight away without having to open it first. It’s very important for me because I’m very forgetful 🙂 I really hate it when I forgot brilliant ideas because I wasn’t able to record it when it occurs. I almost bought separate device for this – lucky for me, 5MX can do this too.
  9. It uses 2 x AA batteries, not some weird proprietary battery. So when it runs out of power, I just need to buy AA batteries – which is available pretty much everywhere.
  10. The Psion community is amazing – you can find the solution for your problem on Google quite easily. Or when you need to ask questions, the community is very helpful

This afternoon, I’ve managed to get it to access the Internet via Nokia 6820 :
Internet — GPRS — Nokia 6820 — infrared — Psion 5MX

It was quite a struggle to get it connected for the first time, but now it’s rock solid.

Someone probably will argue that it’ll be more convenient to connect via Bluetooth (and use different PDA), why do you use such antiquated thing, and so on.
However, I’ve yet to find any other PDA with the features listed above, so it’s Psion 5MX for me at the moment then. Do feel free to let me know if you find anything else that can beat that feature list.

6 thoughts on “Psion 5MX

  1. Siang Mas Harry. Saya search psion di google dan diantaranya ada alamat anda ini. Saya cuma mau tanya, anda beli psion 5mx di mana ya? Saya pengen beli juga tapi nggak tau mesti cari ke mana. Saya baca di surabaya ada, tapi agak jauh dan saya gak pernah ke Surabaya. Saya domisili Yogya. Makasih utk infonya.

  2. Hi,saya perlu bantuan informasi product Psion5MX yg saya pakai.fungsi touchscreen-nnya tdk berfungsi.disentuh tdk berfungsi sama sekali.bisakah mas menyarankan sesuatu utk hal ini atau alamat service centre-nya di jakarta.sebagzi informasi, saya membeli product ini di Ceko.jadi software yg disertakan dlm versi Ceko.tapi yg terinstall skrg english version.sebelunyaterimakasih.reyrara

  3. halo mas harry,

    sampai sekarang ini masih berfungsi psion 5mxnya?
    dimana bisa mendapatkan kanibalannya psion 5mx? untuk casing dsbnya.


  4. Wah komentar2 disini terlewat oleh saya, mohon maaf.
    @retha – saya membeli Psion ketika masih di Inggris. Maaf saya juga kurang tahu dimana mendapatkannya di Indonesia.
    @alex – halo mas alex, mohon maaf Psion 5MX nya sudah saya jual 🙂 Pada saat ini saya menggunakan Nokia E71.

  5. Hai, gak sengaja saya googling nemu blog Anda.
    Dulu pas masih kecil I am a gadget lover. Umur 10 tahun-an saya sudah jatuh cinta sama organizer hmmm, PDA, sebuah gadget yang memang terlalu mahal dan mewah buat seumuran saya pada saat itu. Akhirnya ngumpul2 uang jajan cuma mampu beli organizer. =)

    Gadget tsbt adalah Psion 5 MX dan Casio BN 20, sayang waktu itu saya tidak punya uang untuk beli gadget tsb. Membaca blog anda mengingatkan saya bagaimana saya bisa menjadi seorang gadget lover.

    Jika mungkin ada orang lain juga yang kebetulan membaca blog ini dan menjual Casio BN 10 atau Casio BN 20 atau Psion 5 MX hmmm Palm m500 juga boleh, bisa hubungi saya di
    Prioritas, kondisi bagus (90-100%) dan lengkap.



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