I’ve been plagued by various sickness since my arrival in Indonesia. First, it was asthma attack, and I ended up taken to hospital. Recovered after days. Then I suffered from a stomach bug. Now I’m still recovering from weird combination of internal infection + allergy. But I’m already working, since I’ve promised my cousin that I’ll help him building a computer system for his family business. He doesn’t seem too happy with my progress, but not much I can do really with all these sicknesses. Hope he’ll be able to understand it later.
Therefore I apologize to all of my friends in Indonesia that’s still yet to be contacted by me. My body still feels like it’s being pounded on by a 400 kg gorilla, ugh.
Satu, penyakit itu biasa. Dua, nggak aneh2 amat. Tapi kalau banyak, dan nggak berhubungan satu sama lain? Itu yang namanya cobaan, untuk menguji kesabaran, sekalian untuk membakari dosa-dosa yang barangkali masih ada. Selamat menikmati perhatian dari Yang Maha Penyayang :).
Terimakasih atas hiburannya, mas Koen. Hidup ini kelihatannya penuh beban yang sebetulnya bisa dinikmati ya 🙂
Kapan main-main ke Jakarta ? Saya kapan2 mau mampir ke rumah kawan di Bandung sambil mampir ke majelisnya Aa Gym.
Thanks for the post.