I needed to recover data from a crashed hard drive. Problem is, the data is on NTFS partition, and FC3 doesn’t support NTFS out of the box.
Here’s how to enable it to access NTFS partitions :
### Obtain current kernel version number
uname -r#make VERY sure that the uname output (above) matches the version string (below)
apt-get install kernel-module-ntfs-2.6.9-1.667/sbin/modprobe ntfs
# An example on how to mount an NTFS partition
mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/D_drive -t ntfs -r -o umask=0222
I like using Fedora Core 3 especially after I was able to get apt to work with it. It enable me to keep the computers up to date (very important nowadays, especially with regards to security updates) with little / no work in my part.
But it’s not very obvious on how to set it up on FC3, so here you go :
I just found out that support for apt has been deprecated for FC3 :
[ Merger announcement of Fedora Extras with Fedora Project ]
It’s suggested that you use yum instead of apt. Yum is already included in FC3, and the syntax is quite similar too with apt. It’s quite good actually.
To get access to loads of (previously known as) Fedora Extras packages, just [ follow the instructions here ]
That’s it for now, I’ll continue to share FC3 tips here inshaAllah.
Terus terang apt-get memang sebuah fungsi yang sangat membantu dalam me-maintain linux. Tapi saya rasa apt-get di debian masih lebih terpercaya dibandingkan dengan program serupa di distro lain. Atau, mungkin waktu itu apt-get belum secanggih sekarang? Hmm.. 😀
bandingkan apt-get dengan yum, fitur kurang lebih sama, hanya saja yum lambat karena parsing database yang berisi header setiap file rpm paket belum optimal, developer yum sepertinya sedang mendesain ulang yum supaya lebih cepat di komputer dengan spek rendah.