Machine Hayabusa

I don’t know why, but this morning I suddenly remembered an anime I watched when I was a kid, titled “Machine Hayabusa“.

It was quite unique in many ways. Example; is there any other F1-themed anime that was as popular as that ? But it’s just not that, the reason it was very interesting was because of the imaginations put into the series. Like how the tracks were different, and each poses different challenges. Due to that, Ken’s car can be fitted with different engines, so to adapt to the current track. Two of the engines can even make the car to fly.
And, the racing/driving techniques were, let’s say, a bit …. unusual ๐Ÿ™‚ 2-wheels technique on a F1 race ? Not in my lifetime, he he.

Also, the race was not the usual F1, it was more like a deathrace ๐Ÿ™‚ especially since team Black Shadow joined it. It might be a bit scary to watch for little children.

So I already said that Ken’s car can fly, but his car’s not the only one with extra capabilities. Other cars can also do different things, some even have weapons I think.
But Ken’s the most intriguing one, especially the V3 engine, simply awesome. It was the first time I saw a car with a jet engine ๐Ÿ™‚ whenever the V3 was turned on, others can only watch his dust. Total overkill. This anime may got its idea from Spirit of America, the first known car with an attached jet engine. (taken from a F-86 Sabre)

What really stood up though was the kind of ordeal Ken’s team has to go through. And how they pulled each of those.
Each episode was simply an awesome display of persistence and mental/physical struggle. This is why I’d really love to be able to watch it once more time.

[ Hayabusa 3D – amazing pictures ]
[ Machine Hayabusa V3 – from HotWheels (!!) ]
[ Summary from ]
[ Summary from ]
[ Machine Hayabusa – DVD ]

95 thoughts on “Machine Hayabusa

  1. kayaknya dulu pernah nonton di laserdisc, eh kenapa gak ngebahas speed racer? ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. I am not sure if Speed Racer is considered F1, but to me, growing up in the states the cartoon you are writing about looks a lot like Speed Racer. You can see in the speed racer toys that the car in Machine Hayabusa and the Family in Speed Racer are remarkably alike. Is this the same cartoon? What country is this cartoon from and where did you grow up?

  3. Hi, it does looks similar, but I think it’s a different cartoon. Machine Hayabusa was from Japan (anime), and quite popular in Asia and some parts of Europe (especially Italy). I grew up in Indonesia..
    Speed racer looks like a really great cartoon to me. Seems like I’ve missed it when I was a kid.
    Thanks for coming.

  4. I remember my friend (who was from Japan), he always talked about this cartoon. He actually annoyed me so much that on his third visit I asked him to bring me a copy – and he did.

    Thankfully I have to say. As a big F1 fan I really enjoyed it, even though it was kind of new for me.

  5. Yeah I have seen it here in japan and love it. It is popular. Very nice website and post and keep up the good work!

  6. I didn’t actually realise it was meant to be F1. Surely it was just based on made up car racing. The cars looked a wee bit similar but that were the similarities ended.

    That said, great cartoon. I used to love it as a kid

  7. i think machine hayabusa ken is very cool cartoon, and a bit diferent to speed racer, more adventure and very complex , speed racer was originally name in japan as mach go go, it premier on tv japan around sixties, and a diferent era too , but both are good cartoon

  8. I liked it as I remember because of the appearance of a villain team, Black Shadow, the international racing was ruined. To compete with Black Shadow, Saionji Racing Team was founded. They developed a racing car, Hayabusa. It was a super racing machine that carries hyper power engine, Cavalier Engine. The main driver of the team was Hayabusa Ken whose big brother was killed by Black Shadow.)

  9. Hayabusa is a hugely distinctive machine. A machine that captivates the gaze. I have been fascinated by the the Suzuki Hayabusa.

  10. Each episode was simply an awesome display of persistence and mental/physical struggle. This is why Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd really love to be able to watch it once more time.
    Agree with you ๐Ÿ˜€

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