Wow… looks really sweet !

  • About 7 hours battery life
  • Much less heat
  • Very low power consumption
  • Security features: 2 (TWO) RNG (Random Number Generator), also AES, Montgomery multiplication, SH1, SH2 accelerator. And NO DRM.
  • NX support (anti buffer-overflow exploit)
  • Advanced Power Management: Up to 15000 faster P-state transition than Pentium-M, etc
  • Heat control: TM1, TM2, and emergency shutdown if somehow the chip still manages to overheat. However, normally, C7-M is not expected to need even a heatsink; so those heat control facilities seem rather, unneeded?
  • Speed: 1.5 GHz

Note that VIA also produces desktop version of C7, which should perform better than this mobile version.

The question: is there any (serious) catch to all these goodness ?
Still trying to find the answer for this at the moment. But I like how VIA refuses to implement DRM, so any laptop/computer with this chip will have better chance of being bought by me.

11 thoughts on “VIA C7-M

  1. ini prosesor atau notebook? kalau prosesor, 7 hours of operation itu based on what? berapa watt yang dia konsumsi saat full processing?
    btw, NX = no execute, itu bukannya lebih ke arah mencegah virus?

  2. #1 – ternyata saya lupa ngasih link ke artikel aslinya… [ ini dia ]

    C7-M ini prosesor untuk notebook. 7 jam itu melakukan operasi yang sama dengan notebook lainnya yang berbeda prosesor. Saat peak, sepertinya dia mengkonsumsi 7.5 watt.

    NX = no execute, tujuannya adalah mencegah data untuk jadi di eksekusi ( dikenal juga dengan istilah buffer overflow). Nah, ini (buffer overflow) sering di exploit oleh virus.
    Walhasil, untuk marketing, dibilang bahwa prosesor dengan NX kebal virus 🙂 padahal sih, [ tidak juga ].

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