A+, bahasa pemrograman untuk bidang Keuangan

A+ adalah sebuah bahasa pemrograman yang dibuat khusus untuk kebutuhan bisnis, terutama pada bidang keuangan.

Uniknya, A+ ini di develop oleh staf Morgan Stanley, dan lalu kemudian dirilis dengan lisensi GPL ! Morgan Stanley terus mendukung development A+ sampai saat ini.

Morgan Stanley adalah perusahaan terbesar 38 di dunia, dan masuk di dalam daftar Forbes 500. Morgan Stanley banyak menggunakan berbagai software yang dibuat oleh staf IT mereka sendiri dengan menggunakan bahasa A+, dengan hasil yang bisa kita lihat sendiri.

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A+ is a descendent of the language “A” created in 1988 by Arthur Whitney at Morgan Stanley. At the time, various departments had a significant investment in APL applications and talent, APL being a language well-suited to the manipulation of large arrays of numbers. As technology was moving from the mainframe to distributed systems, there was a search for a suitable APL implementation to run on SunOS, the distributed platform of the period. Not happy with the systems evaluated, Arthur, motivated by management, wrote one geared to the business: large capacity, high performance. He was joined in his efforts as the language took on graphics, systems’ interfaces, utility support, and an ever-widening user community. Over the course of the next few years, as the business began to reap tangible value from the efforts, the pieces were shaped into a consistent whole and became A+.

A+ soon became the language of choice for development of Fixed Income applications. It offered familiarity to the APL programmers, the advantages of an interpreter in a fast-paced development arena and admirable floating-point performance. A significant driver was that many of Morgan Stanley’s best and brightest were the developers and supporters of the language. Through their practical application of technical values, they instilled fervent enthusiasm in talented programmers, regardless of their programming language backgrounds.

27 thoughts on “A+, bahasa pemrograman untuk bidang Keuangan

  1. Hm… emang apa sih kelebihan bahasa A+ kalau dibandingkan dengan C++ atau C#? (I mean, it’s very possible to make a financial program with that language).

  2. Sama seperti kelebihan bahasa SQL (spesial untuk database) atau Cobol (spesial untuk bisnis) – A+ di desain khusus untuk aplikasi2 finansial.
    b.pemrograman lainnya juga bisa; tapi mungkin akan banyak perlu membuat library sendiri, kecepata developmentnya kalah, dst.

  3. Apa bedanya bahasa Pemrograman C++ dengan bahasa bahasa A+ dan apa-apa keunggulan dan kelemahan dari masing-masing program??

  4. Apa itu bahasa kompatibel dengan bahasa non kompatibel???

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