Intel selling US$ 200 laptop in Indonesia + Free Windows

This is huge news – in several mass media there are announcements that Intel has just signed the MoU with Indonesian government to sell Rp 1 trillion (approx US$ 100 million) worth of their Netbook @ US$ 200 each.

Craig Barrett @ Indonesian school

That means about 500 thousands of those.

Intel has delivered several hundreds, samples I guess (correction: donation), to several schools in Jakarta.

All of them will be running Windows XP, which was donated by Microsoft.

In the photo is Craig Barrett along with Intel Indonesia’s top brass, in a school where they have donated the Netbook (aka Classmate PC). (photo credit:

Moral of the story ?
It IS possible to build truly low-cost laptops ***glares at Asus*** 🙂

More details (in Indonesian) :,

61 thoughts on “Intel selling US$ 200 laptop in Indonesia + Free Windows

  1. Microsoft stopped the support for XP (well, they were supported it again for a small time frame).

    Should we just move to Linux instead of using an unsupported OS?

  2. I think JISUS is a better candidate, because Windows XP or Windows cannot be installed in this machine.

  3. kita syukuri dan dukung, toh untuk kebaikan (mudah-mudahan), kan jadinya ada fasilitas untuk anak-anak kita belajar pakai komputer, masih banyak yang belum mendapatkan kesempatan menggunakan komputer dan internet.

  4. intel nggak mau ambil resiko daripada laptopnya nggak laku, mending pake os komersil yang dukungan hardware di seluruh dunia sudah jelas.

  5. @avianto – crazy thing is, it’s then the customer that revolted against Linux.
    True story – we helped a vendor to launch their computer preloaded with Linux. We also stood by to provide technical assistance in case of problems. We were so happy, naturally since we have been working to make this a reality for quite a long time.
    The vendor is happy too, they are finally able to offer truly low cost computer to the masses. And these Linux computers can be expected to be free from viruses.
    What happened then? Several customers were not able to use their devices with these laptop. Shouldn’t be a problem, just report it to us, and we’ll help get it on. Right?
    But no. Instead they’re calling the support team names, yelling, abusing them, and (the final straw) threatened to complain to the mass media.
    The management caved in to the threat, and cancelled the project.
    Even though these bastards were in the minority.
    Bloody abusers. These uncivilized cavemens are bringing down the good stuff, robbing it away from our reach.

  6. @sir alex ferguson – sstt… Intel sebetulnya maunya pakai Linux lho. Tapi karena ada deal khusus (cerita di balik layar nih, tidak bisa saya buka disini), jadinya ya pakai Windows, he he.
    @enggar – ***lirik Asus lagi*** 😀

  7. hi harry,
    just catching up reading your blog and to see what’s been exciting here 🙂 thanks for this news, but i’m wondering why the price is still almost double compare to the great news i got in this link before…;-P

    imagine the number of laptops could be donated? instead of 500K to 1M, that’d be even more amazing! 🙂

    hope you’re well.


  8. Saya mau dong beli 1 Laptop mini untuk aku dan anakku. Masih bisa bantu beli gak pak? Makasih banyak….

  9. wah asik neh.. ada laptop murah lagi, walau yg eee jg belum kebeli, hehehe
    kali2 yg ini bisa kebeli ahh…
    sukses mas harry sufehmi..

  10. Mas, Aku bisa beli Laptop murahnya?
    Gimana Prosedurnya? Makasih…

  11. Chief,

    tentang razia laptop yg baru2 ini mulai marak, ada info tentang software apa aja yg di razia ato cuman microsoft aja?

    oiya, kl kita dowload freeware di internet apa juga termasuk membajak?

    hmmm, satu lagi ( maaf ya chief kl ganggu wakunya chief yg sibuk:) ) ada gak komunitas atau link utk konsultasi masalah beginian? jadi gak gangguin chief melulu

    maksih ya chief , maaf kl mengganggu

  12. we sdh liat speknya,balas kekotak email yah pak kalo ada perubahan harga…

    kalo harganya masih USD200 saya pesen satu az Pak Harry,,,
    pls contact yaa..Kalo yg pesan banyak pasti lebih murah….
    thx be4

  13. @All — saya tidak menjual laptop ini, lagipula menurut pemerintah laptop ini TIDAK DIJUAL.
    Laptop ini hanya untuk disalurkan LANGSUNG ke sekolah-sekolah di penjuru Indonesia.
    Mudah-mudahan menjelaskan 🙂

  14. @Maya – hi maya, great to see you around ! Yes unfortunately that US$ 100 was way too optimistic in their price prediction.
    However, it’s definitely is progressing towards that price range. So hopefully in 5 years time, who knows? Keep your fingers crossed 🙂

  15. @ari – yang dirazia adalah SEMUA software komersial (bukan freeware / open source) yang tidak ada lisensinya.
    Kemarin ini ada pemilik laptop Mac yang juga kena razia, karena software Microsoft Office for Mac di laptopnya tsb adalah bajakan.
    Tentang komunitas – saya biasanya senang nongkrong di forum KOM-TEK.
    Semoga bermanfaat.

  16. Gimana cara untuk pesan asus eee pc 4 GB 7″.
    Harga sekarang berapa ?.

  17. gimana caranya, saya mau beli asus Eee PC 4GB 7″ ?.
    berapa harganya sekarang ?.

  18. Microsoft adalah penjajah diera modern, mereka meracuni orang orang berkemampuan terbatas di dunia ketiga dengan pendidikan , software dan hardware gratis. Untuk kemudian dilakukan razia pada saat panen tiba.

    Intel sama aja, selalu mengeluarkan produk baru secara bertahap dan sistematis, sehingga membuat produknya yang kita beli dengan uang hasil kerja keras menjadi tidak berguna dalam 5 tahun bahkan kurang.

    Berapa duit yang dibawa keluar dari indonesia dari penjualan software dan hardwre. Apa yang dapat kita lakukan??? Sedihnya pilihan kita cuma 2, yaitu hidup dijaman batu atau ikuti cara mereka, betapa menyedihkan.

  19. @naif – Sedihnya pilihan kita cuma 2, yaitu hidup dijaman batu atau ikuti cara mereka, betapa menyedihkan.
    Kalau Anda berkomentar ini sekitar 10 tahun yang lalu, bisa jadi Anda benar. Namun pada saat ini, alhamdulillah, sudah ada tersedia banyak pilihan 🙂
    Misalnya, dengan LTSP, maka hardware bisa dipakai bahkan sampai 10 tahun tanpa perlu diganti.
    Saya masih ada memiliki Pentium II zaman batu yang masih berfungsi baik & performanya secepat Pentium 4 🙂
    Pilihan sekarang ada banyak sekali. Sehingga masalahnya bukan lagi mengenai tidak adanya pilihan; namun TERLALU BANYAK pilihan – sehingga sering membingungkan 😀

  20. omg saya terlalu lama hidup dalam gua. org sekarang sdh tdk meributkan isu itu lagi. saya setuju dgn Bapak daripada ngeributin sst yg ga bakal bisa menang, mending mencari solusi.

  21. I know it is too late to post comment but i am just wondering if they will still sell it this year. Do you have any idea?

  22. @Gold – I just walk around a mall near my home yesterday, and was gobsmacked to see a netbook selling for only US$ 250.
    Granted, it’s not US$ 200 (yet) – but it’s still like, WOW, finally laptops are cheaper than mobile phone 🙂
    And for additional US$ 50, you can get a netbook with 1 GB RAM, 160 GB hard disk, wifi, bluetooth, etc – the works. Amazing.

  23. I am not sure but was it a move to break the back of $100 laptop scheme initiated by some organization for poor countries? I forgot that company’s name, anyway whatever it’s a good one! For kids it’s essential and netbooks are enough for students and low-end users because most of us don’t perform heavy tasks on computers. $250 fits well in budget and not a bad idea to give a laptop to these kids who are the future of Indonesia.

    I think $250 would be without any profit for Intel, I think so? If they’re making it so they would be giving it without profits or maybe contributing by reducing some money as well from the original cost.

    If we could assemble a laptop ourselves which is still not yet possible, then we would have an idea how much actually vendors make it.

  24. Quite impressive donation, but most of in fact there’s a lot of people out there still depend on cracked OS.

  25. Until now, i don’t have a laptop yet. i want buy but with the price is cheap. is there new information about cheap laptop with good quality?..Thank for information a lot.

  26. It’s not difficult nowadays to buy cheap laptop. There are plenty of brands. You can find a laptop with good characteristics for good money.

  27. Now that’s the type of post I like to read. Some things in here I have not thought about before. Looking forward to reading your next insightful posts.

  28. Big Great News and salute for Microsoft Windows who care with education program in Indonesia. I hope they will continue this program… Bravo Microsoft Windows.

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