Father’s Prayer For His Children

Children are Creature of Light.
Born pure & innocent.
Bringer of joy.

As they grow however, darkness start to weigh upon them.
They began to know pain, hate, and lies.

I realize that just our love for them is not enough to protect them.
Lord Almighty, please grant us patience & knowledge, to teach & guide them.

Please give them strength to soar above the darkness
To not be engulfed by it.


55 thoughts on “Father’s Prayer For His Children

  1. We as parents teach our children how to live. We teach them to lie, because we want. We want the world the way only we want. We parents want the world the way we like to be.
    We are the source of troubles not our innocent children.

  2. That is so true in so many cases.
    Hopefully many will start to realize this.

  3. we are the one what we want on our child…hope we can make our children to be succes and we as paent must realize it…

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  6. Amien, Thank you Dad for your prayers ..
    may we be given the power to be kept out of the darkness and avoid the ugly nature of hatred and lies ….

  7. Parents always look-after us whenever anything goes wrong with us , however situation is.. I also pray for my parents to live long life than me..

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  9. setiap ayah pasti mendoakan yang terbaik untuk anak tercintanya, begitupun dengan anaknya yang memberikan yang terbaik buat ayahnya.

  10. setiap manusia pasti mempunyai hati nurani yang sangat peduli terhadap sesama, seperti halnya didalam informasi ini. seorang ayah yang begitu peduli terhadap seorang anakanya.

  11. Don’t ignore the effect it will get to the children, no matter how older or younger they will. Trust the The almighty Allah will do through your devotion.. Thanks to writing.

  12. harus ada bingbingan dari kedua orang tua sehingga anak bisa kita arah kan,,,maksih gan sharingnya

  13. orangtua selalu menjaga apa yang disayanginya apalagi anaknya pasti berjuang mati-matian untuk menjaganya sampai dia dewasa

  14. makasi gan udah di sadar kan, sebagai laki laki yang kelak menjadi seorang ayah, itu akan membantu saya, makasi gan

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  17. begitulah sebagai orang tua tiada henti untuk mendoakan anak-anaknya semoga menjadi yang lebih baik. amin

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