Breaking Fajr : A Muslimah's Twilight :…

Breaking Fajr : A Muslimah's Twilight :

As usual, another brilliant piece from the genius Hamzah Moin 🙂

Some favorite quotes :

He was so handsome that even Abdul Wahab was lowering his gaze

" “My parents had immigration issues… they were deported back to Transylvania ” he added
(yep, I lost it there 😀 )

"  _It’s okay_ … being a vampire has allowed me to live a long and pious life ”

Idris explained , “ I looked up the fiqh when I converted (to Islam) and I found out that eating humans is Haram ”
(yep, lost it again there)

Abdul Wahab smirked. “ _I looked up the fiqh and marrying a dead guy is Haram ”
Zahra started crying

Bwahahaha…. genius !

Breaking Fajr: A Muslimah’s Twilight
Written by: Hamzah Moin. Zahra ran up the stairs sobbing. She plunged on top of her bed and wept into her pillow. Zahra was fed up. Marriage proposal after marriage proposal, Zahra was getting frustra…

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