My daughter was shocked when she found out that went down. She was shocked again when she found out that AmebaPico ( also closed down this 17 Dec 2012.Â
Now she plays in LAN, with her brother & sisters instead 🙂
Not everyone is able to take it so easily. Some have built elaborate new worlds in these games; and was hit with quite a powerful emotional shock when these worlds disappeared. It was totally unexpected, they probably thought that it would last forever. Not a chance.
It was good while it lasted though – my daughter got new friends, and also able to practice her English on these MMOGs. Some friends of mine even met their SO (significant other) on these MMOGs & some got married. So that wasn't too bad.
Digital apocalypse: living through the death of virtual worlds
In the middle of the night on November 30, 2012, Erin Palette’s carefully kept world ended. During the last moments, her City of Heroes character Silence Do-Good held a torch aloft in her bright…
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" We hope to have your continued support with new games in the future "
Ha ha. Fat chance 😀
DOTA2 gimana nasibnya mas?