Pakar Linux digaji lebih tinggi : artikel menarik dari PC World, ternyata di tahun…

Pakar Linux digaji lebih tinggi : artikel menarik dari PC World, ternyata di tahun 2012 ini, para profesional Linux mendapatkan gaji yang lebih tinggi daripada profesional di bidang IT lainnya. 

Diskusi di Reddit mengungkap beberapa contoh menarik

Dikutip : 

"I had a great company come out of the blue that was willing to pay about 300k for a good admin/engineer. Their last admin left @220k"

"Checking in to confirm this. I just had two companies fighting for me. I won. YAY LINUX!"

Linux pros saw a giant salary leap in 2012: Dice
It’s been clear for some time now not only that IT professionals face better-than-average prospects in today’s tough marketplace for jobs, but also that those with Linux skills tend to fare even bette…

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