Hi, can you enlighten me on why this repost is cut off ? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10151758256246594&id=574601593&refid=17
I tried looking around for a setting to not do this / show the whole post in the repost. But I haven't been able to find it (if there's any)
Do let me know. Thanks :)
Embedded Link
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.
Probably because there is a limit to FB status so people can click the read more link to go to G+
Just a note; I have edited said Facebook repost so it now has the full content.
Just in case someone was confused, "what cut off ?" 🙂
Saya menyimak saja, dan mengikuti
very helpful post. Thank you for sharing
Hi +Harry Sufehmi, Facebook has started to limit the post message length to a 1000 characters. And that's the reason your repost have been shortened. There's nothing we can do about it, Facebook is Facebook 😉
pagi gan mau menyapa blog yang keren ini… makasih
terimakasih informasinya
terimakasioh informasinya
ijin nyimak… slm kenal ya gan..
facebook always change.
informasinya !!!!!!!
sangat mantap men infonya!
info nya sangat menarik mas……………………
terima kasih sob buat informasinya………
wah nice info banget sob 🙂 Nonton TV Online disini ya sob 😀 TV STREAMING HIBURAN IndoStreaming.TV
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very helpful post. Thank you for sharing
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info yang sangat berkelas ni. gak sia2 ni mampir sini. loading blog juga top. trims sob
info bagus gans
thanks atas infonya gan
info yang sangat bagus, temen temne jangan lupamampir di
#souvenirpernikahan souvenir pernikahan
oke sippp mantap atas infonya moga bisa bermanfaat bagi arang banyak
salam. http://www.agenvimaxori.com/
nize info gan
waah keren sekali ya silahkan mampir di http://novalkyuhyun11.blogspot.com/ juga yang mau undangan pernikahan murah masuk sini ya http://www.hanakreasi.com/ makasiii :*
informasi yang sangat bermangfaat, semoga makin sukses aja blognya dan salam blogger aja deh
nice post sir..
i wait your new update 🙂
Desain Interior Rumah
nice post bung memang seharusnya seperti itu jika ingin selalu maju jika memerlukan undangan pernikahan silahkan mempir saja karena dsini undangan pernikahan murah sekali
infonya keren pak di tunggu postingan selanjutnya, jika bapak jenuh mo liburan liburan aja ke karimun jawa siapa tau dapat hadiah dari kami masuk aja ke situs karimun jawa semoga berkah selalu amiiiiinnnnnnn
thank’s gan infonya
informasi yang bagus..
mudahan bisa memberikan banyak manfaat…
ijin menyimak ya…, sip maju terus…
master ilmu gendam
info yang menarik kawan
nice post gans
niceeee post mas mas masssss hohoho
Very insightful post. I learned a thing or two about posting.
info bagus…i like it
terima kasih sob buat informasinya..
infonya menarik untuk di simak dan di baca karena sangat bermnafaat sekali mkasih
nice info….
mampir juga ya
Udh brulang2 ane bc ga faham2 hehehe
pdhal bgus artikelnya,
Amazing post pal…
very helpful post. Thank you for sharing
Very insightful post. I learned a thing or two about posting.
informasi yangsangat bermanfaat sob, lanjutkan
bermanfaat sekali postinganya di tunggu postingan yang lain
ijin nyimak gan, meskipun pake bahasa inggris akan ane terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia. thx
ijin share ya gan… moga aja bermanfaat buat sobat netter yang lainya
Thanks ! Thank you for taking time to explain it. 🙂
That's a relief, and at the same time, quite infuriating. Looking forward to the time when I can be gone from Facebook for good 🙂
Thanks again !
tengkyu gan infonya alusss. http://goo.gl/sF2xfL | http://goo.gl/pDtWCs | http://goo.gl/d8zdXB
Tetap semangat untuk terus beraktivitas. Selama masih punya semangat pasti kita akan dapat meraih apa yang kita cita-citakan. Semoga makin sukses dan maju terus.
terimakasih informasinya
aku masih bingung banget tapi terimakasih infonya salam kenal
nice info,thanks
I say thank you to the makers of this article, this article contains very useful information for readers, especially my own smeua. I’m waiting for other information that is not less interesting.
Good luck to you
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thank you
Informasinya sangat bermanfaat..
Update terus ya.. Terima kasih..
Informasinya sangat bermanfaat.
Update terus ya.. Terima kasih..
How can other services like Hootsuite still post longer-than-1000-character posts? That really limits the ability of this services to act as a potential full replacement.
nyerah deh kalo membaca bahas inggris, hehehe