Seminar – MyGOSSCON 2009

:: In 2009, we successfully developed an Election Result system based 100% on Open Source software. SERIS (SMS Election Results Information System) was built in just 2 weeks by a 7 man team. It was able to process about 20 million votes & displayed the result in just 1 hour.

I was then invited to speak about it at MyGOSSCON (Malaysian Government Open Source Software Conference) on 6th November 2009 :

The complete details was published here :

More details about SERIS is available here :

It was a great event. I also got the chance to meet with other F/OSS activists & implementators. Loads of information & perspectives sharing. My thanks to the event organizers.

I continued my work on F/OSS, including the creation of AhadPOS in 2010, and many others. Here's hoping to more.

MyGOSSCON 2009 @ Putrajaya, Malaysia

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