Awas Chiropractic

:: Allya Siska Nadya tewas pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2015, beberapa jam setelah menjalani terapi chiropractic di sebuah klinik di PIM (Pondok Indah Mall). Seperti berbagai "pengobatan alternatif" lainnya, Chiropractic memiliki resiko yang cukup besar :

Apalagi di Indonesia, yang masyarakatnya masih sangat percaya dengan "pengobatan alternatif", klinik Chiropractic merebak dengan cukup cepat. Setelah jatuh korban, baru pada heboh :

Chiropractic adalah praktek medis yang berdasarkan pada #kepercayaan Daniel D. Palmer di tahun 1895, bahwa sumber semua penyakit adalah masalah pada tulang belakang :

Tentu saja ini keliru sekali, kita kini sudah tahu bahwa ada banyak penyebab penyakit. Seperti bakteri, virus, dst.

Karena itu Chiropractic jadi cenderung memiliki berbagai kepercayaan aneh lainnya, yang bertentangan total dengan ilmu medis modern. Seperti anti-vaksinasi, anti fluoridisasi air, dst.

Selalu waspada dengan pengobatan alternatif, seperti Chiropractic ini.

Dikutip :

The core concept of traditional chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, is not based on sound science.

Collectively, systematic reviews have not demonstrated that spinal manipulation, the main treatment method employed by chiropractors, was effective for any medical condition, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain

spinal manipulation, particularly of the upper spine, can also result in complications that can lead to permanent disability or death; these can occur in adults and children

As well as occasionally killing or disabling its patients (something about which it is in complete denial),[3] the chiropractic profession is notorious for recommending, often with dire warnings, indefinite courses of treatment — where a physiotherapist will try to restore function and discharge a fit patient, a chiropractor will tend to try to keep the patient coming back indefinitely. Much chiropractic continuing education is focused on "practice building" — i.e., sales technique.

So, chiropractic works about as well as mainstream physiotherapy for some conditions, claims to treat conditions it can't, has a tendency to try to bleed you dry, and might kill you. The phrase "not recommended" sums this up nicely.

Chiropractic – RationalWiki
Chiropractic is the theory and practice of correction of “vertebral subluxation processes” to treat and cure a supposedly vast array of diseases with no scientifically verified connection to vertebral anatomy. Basically, this means cracking the spine in several places because the spine, …

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7 thoughts on “Awas Chiropractic

  1. Ini namanya "anecdotal evidence" 🙂 yaitu "kebetulan ada yang sembuh, lalu dianggap bahwa akan selalu sukses100%"

    Sedangkan banyak orang yang menjadi korban tidak dibahas sama sekali 🙂 seperti yang diungkapkan disini :

    Itu baru membahas bahaya dari 1 (satu) pengobatan di Chiropractic (neck manipulation). 

    Silakan bayangkan sendiri, berapa banyak total korbannya dari semua pengobatan yang ada di Chiropractic.

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