Needless to say, I hit their limits pretty quickly ! 😀 ha ha
So I looked around, and thankfully found a solution : SAN (Subject Alternative Name) certificate.
Basically you can create a single SSL certificate, which contains 100 domains in it. Cool 🙂 another great feature from Let's Encrypt ! (y)
To make it easy for me (since I'm such a lazy sysadmin, LOL) I created a script to automate the creation of these SAN certificates :
Feel free to use it too. Hope you find it useful.
# !/bin/bash
# specify the location of Let's Encrypt tool
# and its parameters
certbot='/usr/bin/certbot –agree-tos –email my@email.com –apache –redirect –expand –renew-by-default -n '
# put the domain names in this file
vhost=( `cat "domain-list.txt" `)
# loop variables
#################### START ##########################
for t in "${vhost[@]}"
ssl_exec="${ssl_exec} -d $t "
let "n++"
# every 100th domain,
# create a SSL certificate for these 100 domains
# (SAN = Subject Alternative Name certificate)
if (( n == 100 )); then
# echo $ssl_exec
# reset the loop variables
# create SSL certificate for the rest of the domains
# echo $ssl_exec
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Artikelnya sangat menarik dan bermanfaat. Sangat piawai dan mumpuni yang bikin artikel ini. Ditunggu Artikel – Artikel menarik berikutnya Bos……
Terima kasih
Jangan lupa mampir dan singgah ke AGEN POKER TERBESAR SE-ASIA dan TERPERCAYA :
verdiğin biligiler çok yararlı teşekkür ederim. Muş Tanıtım ve Haber Sitesi
Boss mau nanya sebenarnya buat SSL Certificate ini untuk web maker ya dan bagi web user fungsi nya apa?
Terima kasih boss
Jangan lupa mampir dan singgah ke TRAVEL AGENT TERBESAR SE-ASIA dan TERPERCAYA : http://www.gotravelaindonesia.com
Hapa pun saya tak paham tuan pasal ni…
sebagian teks saya kurang faham Gan
saya kurang paham sih..
sapi saat ini saya tidak memakai SSL
salam kenal dari kami di bandung
saya sudah pakai ssl lebih aman untuk web
saya sudah pakai ssl lebih aman untuk web, jadi kalau mau buat web bisa langsung order dengan sslnya
thanks mas bro ribet tapi seru
Nice page bro. Cek juga web Rendang Tambuah Ciek kami ya http://tambuahciek.com
The sensitive data can be transmitted over the internet to a website or website, if it is, then you need an SSL certificate. https://www.eworldtrade.com/importers/nd-channel-seller-is/199094/
It’s really amazing I’ve almost 10 domain and facing an issue with SSL just because only 1 so i add it to my blog have look please https://www.britishessaywriters.co.uk/blog/how-to-start-an-essay-with-a-quote/ I’ve question can i add 1 SSL in deference domain?