Tag Archives: Android

Want to keep root access when you do an OTA update?  Here is a quick tip on how…

Reshared post from +Armando Ferreira

Want to keep root access when you do an OTA update?  Here is a quick tip on how to restore root.  The tips mentioned in this video vary from device, hope you find it useful.

I would appreciate if you please +1 and Share this video!

#Android   #Root  

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Ayo ayo mari kita jadi developerAndroid ;)

Reshared post from +Linux News Here

#Android jobs are booming, while the number of Apple iOS vacancies has levelled off, the world's largest online jobs survey has revealed.

Using data from 230,614 positions posted in Q3, Freelancer.co.uk saw 16 percent growth in the number of Android jobs, at 4,795. Meanwhile, the number of iOS jobs rose a comparatively small eight percent to 5,509.

In the previous quarter, the number of Apple jobs shot up by 30 percent. To an extent, this quarter's comparatively feeble growth came about as developers waited for the release of iOS6 in September. But there's no doubt that the poor reception for the iPhone 5 had an effect.

Android jobs rocket as iOS jobs stagnate

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