Probably will just bring that PC to a computer shop & get them to install the RAM instead. Already spent too much of my time on it.
FirstMedia rocks : on Friday we called them about subscribing to their FastNet service. On Saturday they showed up 😀 totally did not expect that.
And now we got 4 Mbps Internet line connected to our home. Yesss… happy, and creeped out as well.
I still remember that's the Internet bandwidth of my office, Birmingham city council. One day I worked during holiday, took the opportunity to download some big ISO file, and was subsequently awed when I noticed that the download speed continued to climb, until it stabilized at 500 KBps / 4 Mbps.Â
Now you get that kind of speed at your own home….. yes sir, we have done some pretty good progress.
Goodbye Sitra Wimax, your Bintaro BTS is just way too flaky & unreliable. Enough is enough.
From left to right: 3 TB hard disk, FirstMedia modem, Hotspot.
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