IPv6-ready : Yours Truly

Thanks to a new facility in Dreamhost.com, this blog is now IPv6-ready ! 🙂

(1) “What’s the meaning of that ?“. Well, basically now you can also access this blog via its IPv6 address, which is :


(2) “Cool ! I’d like to do that too, how ?” – if your website is hosted in Dreamhost.com as well, then it’s really easy.

On the “Manage Domain” menu, find your domain name; then click “Add IP” link. See the screenshot on the right for example.

And that’s it 🙂

(3) “Why ?” – alright, this will take some time. Bear with me 🙂

This morning, I got news that IANA just handed it’s last IP blocks to APNIC. Now they have ZERO block available for further allocation.

It may sound nothing of importance, until you find out that the Internet runs on IP addresses 🙂

Imagine for a moment, if houses have no street names, and no number. How would Mr. Postman deliver the packages ?

Same thing with Internet – when new IP address / street names are no longer available, you can not build new streets. Therefore, we’ll be stuck with existing streets only.

The Internet will stop growing.

This may still sound like nothing of importance though – until you realize that, in the last few years, The Internet has been expanding like an exploded nuclear bomb. Suddenly, everyone and their pet got connected to the Internet – Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Suddenly, we can do everything on the Internet – do groceries, buy car (I know I did), revolt (hello Tunisians & Egyptians), shop for music, watch TV, do Xmas shopping, play games with friends, get involved in many communities, etc.

A sudden halt to all these can have a devastating impact to many. Especially businesses, big & small ones alike.

Thankfully, the clever people of The Internet has foresaw this, and devised the solution since 1996. Let us welcome The IPv6.
While IPv4 only has 4 billion of available addresses, IPv6 have 340 undecillion addresses.

“340 undecillion addresses” – to find out how many that is, try writing “34” followed by 37 zeroes. No, I don’t feel like writing out THAT many zeroes 🙂 so, you do that, heh.
Another way to imagine that kind of number is this – if IPv4 is the size of a golf ball, then IPv6 is the size of the Sun (and remember that 1 million Earths can be fit inside the Sun !)

Crazy, I know. But better to overkill rather than face this exhaustion problem again, right ? Right ?

Anyway, back to IPv4 — with the old addresses taken & gone with such speed, we need to start transition to IPv6, like, YEARS ago. But somehow many of us managed not to.
Sure, many of the foundations are ready & in places – the routers, Linux, etc. However, if the houses themselves continue to ignore IPv6, then we’ll risk a parallel Internet : A vast IPv6 world with nothing in it, and a small IPv4 world, crowded & jammed.

So I decided to chip in and do my bit – I’ve booked an IPv6 address for my blog. So when the world moved to IPv6, then this website is ready to welcome you.

Let’s start moving ! 🙂

383 thoughts on “IPv6-ready : Yours Truly

  1. Hmm, masih belum bisa mencapai alamat IP di atas, baik dari browser ataupun ping. Ini masalahnya di saya atau ISP?

  2. This worries me because like many consumers I have an ADSL modem that doesn’t do IPv6. I understand that a large percentage of other consumers are in the same boat.

    OK. I’m technically aware & know how to tunnel, but how many others do.

    As a publisher with my own site I worry about the implications should I be forced to IPv6 hosting in the next couple of years.

  3. Dreamhost.com ya. Keren juga, Tapi masalahnya saya juga belom ngerti soal IPv6 ini. Musti belajar lagi nih kayaknya

  4. wah , aq ga pke drean host , jadi g tau .
    tapi kelihatannya keren juga .
    I Like this info , Thank’s before

  5. You really think the internet is going to stop growing? More services will be released, more people will be born, etc.

    Interesting article, nonetheless.

  6. It’s brilliant analogy : “if houses have no street names, and no number. How would Mr. Postman deliver the packages ?”

  7. LOL! I love your explanation of IPv6 and its advantages over IPv4. You would make an amazing teacher. (To bad it doesn’t pay as well as IT right?) I feel like a presentation of this blog post could easily explain this concept to a kindergarten class…Fantastic.

  8. @Maine Lobster

    That’s just the point. The internet will keep growing but is rapidly running out of addresses to grow into.

    IPv4 was a good compromise back when the Internet was being developed, but it has now run into one of its designed in limits. IPv6 gives us massively more addresses and will allow the Internet to continue to grow.

  9. Katanya IPv6 levih secure ya…???? luar biasa banyak pengguna internet ya. sampe IPv4 yang jumlahnya miliaran pun bisa habis….
    Salam kenal untuk semua komentator blog ini.

  10. It’s brilliant analogy : “if houses have no street names, and no number. How would Mr. Postman deliver the packages ?”

  11. I’m glad there’s a bigger push to IPv6. The reason it’s been so slow is basic economics. There really hasn’t been a reason to change besides a “moral obligation”. Now people are seeing the big picture. I can’t believe the internet has come so far!

  12. its really unbelievable how internet comes this far, just like the IPv4 before and now its IPv6.

  13. i would like to get some ipv6 for my domains, it would be sounds great if its free of charge to get some ip.

  14. This worries me because like many consumers I have an ADSL modem that doesn’t do IPv6. I understand that a large percentage of other consumers are in the same boat.

    OK. I’m technically aware & know how to tunnel, but how many others do.

    As a publisher with my own site I worry about the implications should I be forced to IPv6 hosting in the next couple of years.

  15. Aslm…

    Kunjungan Balik nih Mas, Wih Blognya Makin Keren aja Nih Jadi iri deh…hehehe
    Artikelnya oke banget sangat memberikan pencerahan, Makasih ya Mas.. Sekalian Saya mau minta tolong nih Mas, saya punya Blog baru ini alamatnya http://obatsakitgigi.net Ngebahas tentang Obat Sakit Gigi, Tampilan blog saya kayaknya belum Keren nih, Mohon donk Sarannya..

    Please Bantuin Ya, Sebelumnya Makasih nih dan Maaf kalo ngerepotin..hehehe

    Salam Blogger, Wassalm…

  16. tanks this info

  17. Imagine for a moment, if houses have no street names, and no number. How would Mr. Postman deliver the packages ?

    Same thing with Internet – when new IP address / street names are no longer available, you can not build new streets. araç Therefore, we’ll be stuck with existing streets only. thank you admin

  18. wow, it’s very informative, but honestly i am also a bit scared. so, can you tell me when will the internet will really move to IPV6? your post will be a nice discourse if you would post the steps on how to move to IPV. many thanks!

  19. Wow, I just heard about this switch over, and if it works we’ll all still be here. Hehe it seems like this digital reality is more tangible than the physical one.

  20. hi, nice tips, I have to dugg your article ..
    and I would frequently to your website, because this blog is very interesting.
    I will follow you on twitter 😉


  21. Lihat komentarnya kok nice post, thanks terus. Dasar junker semuanya (termasuk yg nulis ini x..) hehehe *peace*

  22. Well I hope your securing of a IPv6 address will go a long way in assuring your blog will be around for a long time to come.

  23. IPv6 ntu fungsinya apa ya buat para blogger?
    Minibushi masih newbie nih dalam urusan istilah seperti itu. Mohon infonya 🙂

  24. I will be honest. Its truly amazing how few folks are ready for IPV6. Companies are running around like mad trying to become IPV6 now, as they can’t get anymore IPV4 addresses. So some of the companies are actually keeping their IPV4 core, and updating just the necessary systems for IPV6 support, so I’m not sure we’ll ever really get to IPV6 fully.

  25. Essential information. Especially for those of us who are not well versed in ip tech speak. Thanks for clarifying.

  26. I will be securing my own ipv6 address soon for my blog. Thanks for the information and relaying its importance.

  27. I have always seen sites display the way you mention earlier. Thanks to your article I now know how they are able to display their webpage that way.

  28. Great information as always. I can always count on your blog to deliver concise yet thorough opinions about the latest technologies.

  29. thank mas referensinya
    Well I hope your securing of a IPv6 address will go a long way in assuring your blog will be around for a long time to come
    ditunggu artikel selanjutnya …thanks

  30. Wah ijin di simpan dulu bang… soalnya ade ane juga pake ubuntu linux.. katanya eror2… jadi bisa d pelajari.. makasih yah… artikelnya baguss

  31. bagaimana komunikasi IPv6 dengan network IPv4 yg sekarang existing sudah ada . Karena setau saya sudah beda protocol . thanks infonya

  32. thx for the article..
    but, what is the benefit of ipv6 why change to ipv6 so soon?

  33. I totally agree with you that we need to start transition to IPv6 because the old addresses are being taken at a very hi rate of speed.

  34. Ipv6 untuk ISP bisa didapatkan dengan cara :
    – Telah memiliki Account di keanggotaan APJII.
    – Telah memiliki Account-name di keanggotaan APJII-ID (untuk IP address)
    Untuk perhitungan biaya didasarkan pada tabel Threshold yang bisa diakses di websitenya IDNIC.

    Berbagi Pengetahuan

  35. terima kasih diatas perkongsian.. ICT semakin laju ke depan. jika beberapa minggu tidak update ada sahaja pekara yang baru,.

  36. do groceries, buy car (I know I did), revolt (hello Tunisians & Egyptians), shop for music, watch TV, do Xmas shopping, play games with friends, get involved in many communities, etc.

  37. beneran ready ta… tambah banyak nih pengguna internet… semakin luas pula jangkauan IP dunia..

  38. postingnya oke juga ,terima kasih atas infonya yang sangat menarik dan di tambah lagi artikelnya gan.seklian lam kenal aja.keren habis dah..

  39. Not every people understand this, and only a few have applied this IPv6.
    Well, fortunately there’s always DNS servers. Thanks to them, we have no worry about what kind of IPs to use 🙂

  40. Thanks for your good, I enjoyed a lot and I will come back to the track again in the near future.

    thank for you….

  41. IPv6 is the future of internet. It is more secure and robust when compared to IPv4. However the pain of interoperability will still exist.

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  45. Im really looking forward to IPv6 its going to give you the opportunity to have all the ips you could want once it becomes the standard

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  48. Thanks for your good, I enjoyed a lot and I will come back to the track again in the near future.
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  49. Pengembangan dari IPv4 yang sangat populer. Veris ini penyempurnaan versi seblumnya plus penambahan beberapa feature baru.

  50. Well I didn’t know about the IPv4 and IPv6, so if your blog is not IPv6 when the time comes you will not be on internet anymore? 😉

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  57. I like this thought. I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I am going to come to read it everyday!!

  58. Well will take a stab at the book not sure how much application I will have for it or what size things need to be before it becomes necessary but like your work and will take a stab at understanding it.

  59. I think we have to get ready for IP v6..

    more fast it is.. more better.. 😀

    Thanks for information here. i want to read your another article here.

  60. Well will take a stab at the book not sure how much application I will have for it or what size things need to be before it becomes necessary but like your work and will take a stab at understanding it.

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  62. is it related to Dreamhost.com? (IPv6)? Kinda looks amazing.. of course this would happen due to the Computer/Internet users in the world grow bigger from time to time.

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