Just say NO to APJII – conflict on .id domain management

Budi Rahardjo sounded the alarm on .id domain management, with his post titled [ Just say NO to APJII ].
To those following the topic, this actually has been going on for quite a while now (ok, this is the first time I heard about the litigation threat though)

I freely admit that I don’t know all the details about this issue. However, I’d like to testify that to my knowledge and experience, Budi Rahardjo is a person that cares. He has done much good to Indonesian IT community, and without hidden (selfish) agenda like many others. Indeed he sometime speaks rather harshly, but I think he’s somebody that you can trust.

If you agree, let’s help spread the word.

Oh, one more thing – I HATE backstabbers. (been there several times myself)
You, mr / ms backstabbers, discourages people from doing The Right Thing. The world sucks because of people like you.

2 thoughts on “Just say NO to APJII – conflict on .id domain management

  1. betul, pak budi sesuai dengan yang disebutkan mas harry ini.

    he’s somebody that you can trust.

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