Sumber: http://satrioarismunandar6.blogspot.com/2006/08/rules-of-game-liputan-media-di-timur.html

Sejumlah pernyataan di bawah ini saya kutip dari sebuah posting di Internet. Terkesan simpel, tapi bagi saya –yang kebetulan dulu sering meliput politik Timur Tengah– memang ada kebenarannya. Hegemoni wacana pemikiran, yang merugikan posisi Palestina dan Arab, memang banyak menghinggapi insan media. Kita juga bisa membandingkan dengan pemberitaan media atas agresi Israel ke Lebanon, Juli-Agustus 2006.

Tetapi penilaian tentu terserah Anda masing-masing. Ini adalah sejumlah “rules” yang sering dipraktikkan media, dalam meliput konflik di Timur Tengah:

Rule No. 1: In the Middle East, it’s always the Arabs that attack first and Israel that defends itself. That’s called retaliation.

Rule No. 2: Arabs, whether Palestinian or Lebanese, have absolutely no right to kill Israeli civilians. That’s called terrorism.

Rule No. 3: Israel has every right to kill as many Arab civilians as it wants. That’s called legitimate self-defense.

Rule No. 4: When Israel kills too many civilians, the Western powers urge for restraint. That’s called the reaction of the international community.

Rule No. 5: Palestinians and Lebanese have no right to capture Israeli soldiers, even if their numbers are limited to three.

Rule No. 6: Israelis have the right to capture as many Palestinians as they wish — over 10,000 prisoners as of today, of which 300 are children. Uttering the magic word, “terrorist,” is all that’s
needed to throw Arabs behind bars without charges.

Rule No. 7: When you say “Hizballah,” you should always add “supported by Syria and Iran.”

Rule No. 8: When you say “Israel,” you should never add “supported by the United States and Europe” lest the conflict appear imbalanced.

Rule No. 9: Never mention “occupied territories,” or “UN resolutions,” or “violations of international law,” or “the Geneva conventions.” That might perturb television viewers and lead them to ask questions.

Rule No. 10: Israelis speak English better than Arabs. That is why we always give them — and their supporters — more air time. That way, they can explain Rules 1 through 9 to us. That’s called media objectivity.

Rule No. 11: If you don’t agree with any of these rules, or if you think they favor one party over another, that’s because you’re a dangerous anti-Semite.


  1. A Man is taking a walk in Central park in New York.Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog.

    He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl’s life.

    A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: “You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: ‘Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl!'”

    The man says: – “But I am not a New Yorker!”

    “Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning: ‘Brave American saves life of little girl!'” – the policeman answers.

    “But I am not an American!” – says the man.

    “Oh, what are you then?” The man says: – “I am Iraqi!”

    The next day the newspapers says: “Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.”

  2. the rules 100% is right 🙁
    Kapan yah negara arab itu bersatu. Dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah seharusnya negara2 Arab itu bisa menjadi negara2 yang mendominasi dunia.

  3. riyogarta, coba deh nonton syriana. kayaknya itu yang paling dekat menggambarkan keadaan dunia saat ini dengan fokus timur tengah. sampai ada Iran Liberation Comittee segala.

  4. ..dan pembenaran atas semua kecurangan israel berakar (atau diakarkan) kepada peristiwa holocaust. israel tidak cuma menindas negara2 arab, mereka mengincar seluruh dunia, jerman adalah salah satunya. makanya ahmadinejad ngotot mengadakan konferensi penyangkalan holocaust yang ditentang negara2 barat :). ada yang udah baca buku ‘The Holocaust Industry’ karangan Norman G. Finkelstein? kalo udah ceritain dong 🙂

    btw, syriana film bagus, salah satu film favorit saya selain fahrenheit 911.

  5. Tambah satu lagi dong:

    Rules No 12:
    Kalo Israel yang dari zaman Musa mendiami daerah Palestina, berjuang dan berhasil mendirikan negara hanya dalam 6 hari walaupun dikeroyok puluhan negara2 Arab…dibilang PENDUDUKAN Israel.


  6. Tambah satu lagi dong:

    Rules No 12:
    Kalo Israel yang dari zaman Sulaiman mendiami daerah Palestina, berjuang dan berhasil mendirikan negara hanya dalam 6 hari walaupun dikeroyok puluhan negara2 Arab…dibilang PENDUDUKAN Israel.


  7. @Blunt – “dari zaman Sulaiman mendiami daerah Palestina” — ada yang kurang mas; yaitu mereka kemudian meninggalkan the promised land tersebut selama beberapa millennia.
    Di berbagai negara, hukum yang lazim berlaku adalah tanah yang ditinggal kosong selama 10 tahun saja sudah berhak untuk di klaim oleh orang lain.
    Lalu tiba-tiba mereka muncul lagi dan sibuk merampasi tanah orang lain. Lalu Anda heran kenapa mereka jadi dikeroyok rame-rame ?

  8. dunia masih berdiam,,manusia pun masih berdiam,, jadi jangan berisik doank ngebahas timur tengah klo hanya sekedar teori…..

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