After 12 years of operation in Natuna, it was revealed by Alvin Lie, a member of the parliament, last week that Indonesia never got any share of the profit from ExxonMobil, the company which got the contract to manage the natural gas resources in Natuna. It’s among the most interesting, with an estimate of 46 trillion feet cubic of natural gas when surveyed on 1973.
This has been confirmed by Kardaya Warnika, Head of Oil and Gas Management (BP Migas). He said that from 1980 to 1994, Indonesia still got a percentage of profit share from ExxonMobil’s (then Esso) Natuna operation. But on 1994, Pertamina and Esso changed the contract, entitling Esso to 100% of the revenue from the operation. Indonesian central government only got the tax payment from them.
Oil expert Kurtubi said that this is very strange, considering that normal profit-sharing agreement usually divides profit in 60% – 40% scheme — the government getting 60% of the profit, and the contractor entitled to 40% of it. And this is after paying the tax.
ExxonMobil’s speaker, Deva Rahman, refused the allegation. He said that the Natuna situation is different. With over 70% CO2 content, it require high cost and technology for its operation. He said that the agreement has been understood and mutually agreed between the parties involved.
Speaker for Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM, Jaringan Advokasi Tambang), Andre S. Wijaya, said that this is not the only case. He said that ExxonMobil also works on a scheme that put Indonesian government and people in a losing position in their Aceh operation.
Source: Radio Nederland
Ini beneran pak? Emang apa begitu sulitnya mengolah Natuna sehingga harus 100%?
Menanggapi pernyataan Kepala BP MIGAS dan Pak Kurtubi…
Bukannya BP MIGAS itu dulu suatu direktorat di dalam Pertamina yang khusus ngurusin kontrak-kontrak dengan operator migas?kalau gak salah namanya direktorat MPS deh…
Artinya, yang dulu memberikan bagian 100% buat Exxon, ya…orang-orang yg sekarang ada di BP MIGAS…
Duh, kalau BP MIGAS memang cuma orang-orang pertamina yang “ganti baju”, negeri ini memang dalam status “gawat”…
Pak Kurtubi, bukannya orang pertamina juga ya?
Hehe, mungkin beliau emang gak berhubungan langsung dengan kontrak kali ya?
i’m sad to hear this ; Indonesia never got any share of profit from ExxonMobil’s operation in Natuna
Seddiiiiiihhhh, masaak sih kita dibodohi puluhan tahun gak terasa 🙁
Yang menandatangani perjanjian yang perlu bertanggung jawab
Ah the big oil companies do it again 🙁 its a shame to see this happening.
weleh weleh, kita di bodo bodohin. ga kerasa lagi wakakaka
jangan sampai kita dibohongi lagi ya
semoga om-om pejabat cepat insyaf dna tidak memakan ha rakyat.
sebaiknya pemilu 2009 ini kita bisa memilih pemimpin yang membela hak rakyat, dan merevisi semua kerjasama dengan perusahaan asing yang ada di indonesia.
berharap semua kerjasama minyak dengan pihak asing direvisi
Wah harus di-nasionalisasi kayaknya
the big oil companies do it again 🙁 its a shame to see this happening. jangan sampai kita dibohongi lagi ya
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jangan sampai kita dibohongi lagi ya
Very good post, thank you!
maju indonesia, never give up
sampai kapan negeri ini dijajah….
SDM kita yang semakin melorot sehingga dgn mudah kita dibodohin
kenapa kita tidak pernah tahu dan tidak pernah sadar kalo negeri kita dalam incaran investor asing
yg muda mabuk, yang tua korup, mabuk lagi, korup lagi, jayalah negeri ini… dhani ahmad.
Duh bikin sedih….. pejabatnya pada melacurkan diri