Setelah lama merasa tersiksa, akhirnya dengan berat hati saya memutuskan untuk menghapus semua links kategori “Friends” dari blog saya ini. Bukan apa-apa, jauh lebih cepat orang mentaut ke blog saya ini daripada saya mentaut balik dari blog saya. Saya pribadi merasa ini tidak adil, dan sudah lama saya menderita karena ini.
Akhirnya, saya terpaksa memutuskan untuk menghapus semuanya, agar semuanya sama, tidak tercantum di kategori tersebut.
Kabar gembiranya, saya telah memasang plugin DoFollow !
Dengan ini, maka semua komentator (termasuk kawan-kawan saya tadi) di blog ini otomatis akan mendapatkan link / tautan dari blog ini, yang kebetulan saat ini diberi PageRank 5 oleh Google.
Ini juga adalah penghargaan dan rasa terimakasih saya atas semua kontribusi Anda, sehingga blog ini bisa menjadi jauh lebih bermanfaat.
Saya sendirian tidak bisa berbuat banyak. Namun, sharing informasi Anda di komentar di berbagai artikel telah membantu banyak orang, mencerahkan saya, menunjuki para penjelajah Internet ke jalan yang lurus, mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan saya, dan menjadikan blogsphere Indonesia secara keseluruhan menjadi suatu tempat yang sangat menarik.
Pada saat ini hanya inilah yang bisa saya perbuat sebagai wujud terimakasih saya kepada Anda sekalian.
Lalu, ada sesuatu yang baru di sidebar blog ini — widget Tunas Cendekia 🙂
Kini jadi mudah untuk peduli dan selalu up to date dengan perkembangan mereka. Cukup klik disini, lalu paste di blog Anda – voila ! WTC – Widget Tunas Cendekia.
Selamat menikmati.
Tes ah dapetin backlink dari sitenya om Harry 😀
Luar biasa. Terima kasih atas inovasi kepeduliannya mas. Mudah2an akan sangat membantu bagi mereka yang ingin membantu dan tentunya anak-anak yang kita bantu bersama. Salam kebersamaan!
Sharing semua plugins yang di pakai dong, kali2 aja bisa dapet pr=5 🙂
@tukangKoding – halal, halal 😀
@Yudhis – Makasih kembali mas, semoga sukses selalu.
@andriansah – hah? PR gak ada hubungannya dengan plugin 🙂 kalau mau, palingan bisa coba baca-baca disini.
sekedar ikutan komen ginian 🙂
nge test juga. dibaca ndak ya ma technocrati? klklklklklklkl 😀
pluginnya asyik juga, ntar kalo saya gagal masang minta petunjuk ya Om?
test dofollow juga 😉
ndak perlu dibawa ndak enak, nyantai saja kayak di pantai…
mas, kalo gak salah tag nofollow diterapkan oleh wordpress, mengingat adanya spam dan juga komentar yang sekedar asal-asal’an untuk meningkatkan pagerank.
nah, dengan menerapkan plugin dofollow atau strip nofollow ini sama aja ‘membiarkan’ orang-orang yang punya tujuan spt diatas. tapi disatu sisi bener spt yg mas harry tulis diatas.
dilema juga ya 🙂
Ke-sembilax euy!
*benar2 kabar gembira*
coba ikutan ngetest dong….
serba salah ya Om, tp adil semuanya sekalian gak dipasang, ganti ginian.. 😀 lha wong saya gratisan, jd gak perlu2 amat PR..
Widget Tunas Cendekia itu untuk apa?
plugin yang bagus tuh sebenernya
sayang seribu sayang
saya pake
ga bisa nambah2in pulgin eh salah plugin
Gua masih blom ngerti apa hubungannya gelang merah sama bantu anak indonesia kecuali dari hasil penjualan gelang merah tersebut di sumbangkan ke satu yayasan yang membina mereka. Lalu “apa kabar” bagi Dompet Dhuafa? RumahZakat? dll..
@Dudi – nofollow wordpress ternyata sudah terbukti tidak membantu mengurangi spam 🙂 karena spammer memang tidak mencari PageRank. Lha websitenya saja kadang cuma up selama beberapa hari/minggu saja kok, sedangkan proses peningkatan pagerank bisa memakan waktu berbulan-bulan.
Nah, jadinya saya pasang saja deh plugin DoFollow, sedangkan urusan spam saya serahkan kepada SpamKarma2.
Soal komentar yang asal-asalan, kadang ada komentar yang kelihatan asal-asalan, padahal sebetulnya dia serius lho 😀
@Emanuel Setio Dewo – Widget Tunas Cendekia itu untuk menampilkan posting-posting terbaru di situs Tunas Cendekia di blog Anda sendiri.
Contohnya bisa dilihat di sebelah kanan atas blog 🙂
@Azil – hasil penjualan gelang merah kemudian disalurkan oleh YTC (Yayasan Tunas Cendekia) untuk anak-anak yang membutuhkannya.
Dompet Dhuafa, Rumah Zakat, Portal Infaq, dll masing-masing mempunyai fokusnya sendiri-sendiri juga 🙂
ngetes juga boleh yah?
ngetes juga ah
sedikit ngebantu temen-temen yang ingin terus mengikuti perkembangan dari Tunas Cendekia, bisa menggunakan feedburner yang pernah saya buat.
lho kok hilang yah scriptnya? xixixiixxi
gini deh bikin link ke web cendekia aja, trus pake images dari sini”
ga bisa masukin code ya om harry?
nofollow wordpress ternyata sudah terbukti tidak membantu mengurangi spam 🙂 karena spammer memang tidak mencari PageRank. Lha websitenya saja kadang cuma up selama beberapa hari/minggu saja kok, sedangkan proses peningkatan pagerank bisa memakan waktu berbulan-bulan.
Nah, jadinya saya pasang saja deh plugin DoFollow, sedangkan urusan spam saya serahkan kepada SpamKarma2.
Soal komentar yang asal-asalan, kadang ada komentar yang kelihatan asal-asalan, padahal sebetulnya dia serius lho 😀
wew, analogi yang menarik
patut dicoba
kalo logo kenakan gelang merah itu apa juga plugin atau edit di theme terus masukkan imagenya aja mas ?
@blogwae – yup, cuma perlu edit theme dan masukin image & linknya saja.
wah kalo gitu mesti ikutan juga tuh
Waw, that’s great. I see dofollow can encourage people to comment. Thx for the info
Halal memang diridhoi mas. Mudah-mudahan semakin sukses aja.
Jadi tambah rajin commnet nih 😛
semua pasti mau memaafkan kang harry 😀 dan makasih telah bermuah hati
Congrats for using dofollow plugin. Thanks a lot.
Mas, begitu banyak orang bicara tentang backlink, karena hal ini mas sampai bersedia menderita lama. Boleh ga aku nanya : 1. Kita dapet backlink itu karena link blog kita tercantum di blog orang lain, atau kalau kita mencantumkan link blog orang lain di blog kita. 2. Para komentator diatas pada nyoba dofollow punya mas, bagaimana cara ngecek bahwa kita dapat backlink. Makasih dan maaf kalau kepanjangan.
@Yudi – semua link ke blog kita adalah backlink, kecuali yang diberikan tag “nofollow”.
Untuk memeriksa backlink, bisa search di google dengan parameter “”.
Contoh : ini cara memeriksa backlinks ke situs saya.
Semoga menjelaskan.
Mas, makasih telah merespon pertanyaan saya. Barusan aku coba ngecek backlink yang aku miliki. Kok website Mas Sufehmi ga masuk ya. Padahal aku suka kasih komentar. Apa memang butuh waktu ya Mas. Sory kali kelihatan o’on. Thanks
Apa memang butuh waktu ya Mas
Betul sekali 🙂
Paling cepat sekitar 1 bulan, tapi kadang juga bisa berbulan-bulan baru muncul di Google backlink nya.
Mas, maaf ngerepotin lagi. Jadi kerasan ke sini. Mas aku pernah baca, katanya kalau kita tukeran link, tapi link kita yang dipasang dalam bentuk banner ga akan dapat baclink, katanya harus dalam bentuk teks. Padahal aku sering lihat, tukar-menukar link banyak yg pakai banner. Lebih keren. Benar ga sih, link banner ga dapat backlink? Makasih banget
Link dalam bentuk banner tetap mendapat backlink, tapi kita tidak mendapatkan keywordnya.
Contoh: kalau backlink ke situs Anda seperti ini : kanker diabetes,
maka kalau ada yang melakukan search kanker atau diabetes di google, kemungkinan mereka akan menemukan situs Anda menjadi besar.
Kira2nya demikian.
I like dofollow plugin. Congrats for using it.
blogroll nya di dilet yach… wah wah…
okay dach, kami coba comment disini ntar dapet backlink ga yah.
Bang, aku baca di artikelnya mas Cosa katanya link dalam bentuk baner/chicklet tidak dapat backlink, artikelnya juga dicopy banyak blogger. Tapi kata sampeyan dapat backlink, mana yang benar ya.. Terus membuktikannya gimana ? Jadi bingung. Tapi makasih atas perhatiannya..
Iya ya, sepertinya sekarang tidak dapat. Dari Google tidak terdeteksi lagi. Paling dari backlinkwatch.
Trims untuk koreksinya.
bener tuh kira kira dapet backlink ga ya…..
Its a pity i ont understand this language othewise i would have posted something worth while!
bisa juga cek dari sini mas
I’ve just installed the dofollow plugin on my sites. Thank you.
Ikutan backlink ya mas. 🙂 baru pr4.
nyepam ah…
hee… 😀
Hello,nice post I like your site very well and continue to do so. I have bookmark your Site.Kevin Lupe
great article, i like it
Thanks for the great article.
Great post very informative keep up the good work!
Hey, great read. you might want to have an option for english version so more people can benefit from it.
nice article thanks for the info
hey, love the blog – i will try and keep up with it!! please keep more coming :)I wish I could start a blog but I don’t have much time
Thanks for the great information, it was very helpful.
Thanks for using dofollow plugin.
Widget Tunas Cendekia itu untuk apa?
That’s good news!
nice post .great information
Hey, great read. you might want to have an option for english version so more people can benefit from it.
Is that Turkish what I’m reading?
Either way, you’re pretty cool for using dofollow.
As long as comments are on-topic, I see no problems with it personally. THUMBS UP!!
thanks for the great info very helpful
This is very good to know. Thank you for sharing.
very useful information thanks for sharing
Wah, ko jadi banyak bule yang ikut comment karena dofollow gini ya? Kalau gt, saya ikutan comment juga ya, numpang backlink ya mas..
All my blogs are now dofollow, i love the plugin!
Nice Site. I am new here but will be visiting more often as you have done a good job. I consider your effort for this article is indeed valuable. Its well researched, well portrayed and well formated informative content. I really appreciate the work. Keep it up…..
Wah benar2 banyak bule nyasar ke sini yang ngejar link dofollow ya… Asyik yah mas Harry jadi terkenal.. Saya numpang linkback juga ya, hohohoho… Kunjungi situs saya juga ya kalau suka download paper models ato paper craft, gratis lhooo.. Makasih banyak 🙂
Nice blog , with very interesting articles.
Can this article be translated in English?? Very nice articles on this site..i enjoyed reading them..esp the ones on hacking,internet and multimedia
Gua masih blom ngerti apa hubungannya gelang merah sama bantu anak indonesia kecuali dari hasil penjualan gelang merah tersebut di sumbangkan ke satu yayasan yang membina mereka. Lalu “apa kabar†bagi Dompet Dhuafa? RumahZakat? dll..
Good on you for using dofollow. I empoly the same strategy on my blogs. Together we will rule the blogosphere
great post, a little hard to read with some of the weird characters that didn’t transfer well, but other then that I enjoyed the brief quotes form the interview.
This is something what you can really rely on…! Since long time I look here at regular intervals and read the interesting and well written contributions. Its really appreciating.
oleh ga aku nanya : 1. Kita dapet backlink itu karena link blog kita tercantum di blog orang lain, atau kalau kita mencantumkan link blog orang lain di blog kita. 2. Para komentator diatas pada nyoba dofollow punya mas, bagaimana cara ngecek bahwa kita dapat backlink. Makasih dan maaf kalau kepanjangan.
Appealing site, with very thought-provoking articles. Thanks for sharing.
Nice Post. I am new here but will be visiting more often as you have done a good job.
I consider your effort for this article is indeed valuable. Its well researched, well portrayed and well formated informative content.
I really appreciate the work. Keep it up…..
thanks for sharing a nice info
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great website and has a nice reputation. It feels good being here with the nice thoughts.
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Very well maintained saite, great job. Cheerz
great website and has a nice reputation. It feels good being here with the nice thoughts.I hope that you add some interesting post like above.thanks for sharing with us.
This is truly a great read for me!! I love the quality information and news your blog provides 🙂 I have you bookmarked to show this to my brother!
thanks for sharing a nice info
great post, a little harder to apprehend with some of the awe-inspiring characters that didn’t alteration well, but added again that I enjoyed the abrupt quotes anatomy the interview.
This is something what you can absolutely await on…! Since continued time I attending actuality at approved intervals and apprehend the absorbing and able-bodied accounting contributions. Its absolutely appreciating.
great article!
coba ikutan ngetest dong
Terimakasih untuk informasinya. Semoga sukses selalu. Salam kenal
Great post mate, had to use a translator so a bit difficult to understand but all in all was great to read the philosophy.
great post, a little harder to apprehend with some of the awe-inspiring characters that didn’t alteration well, but added again that I enjoyed the abrupt quotes anatomy the interview.
Satu lagi nih blog yang masang dofollow
My only real problem with google analytics is that it doesn’t work very well with a lot of ASP pages, which a lot of clients use nowadays. It can also get kind of hairy when trying to get it to understand what a conversion is. 😀 Instead of just any click, it needs to be one specific click haha.
Great advice there – Dofollow is the way forward
Apparently all agree that the plugging is working well. Thanks!
This is something what you can absolutely await on…! Since continued time I attending actuality at approved intervals and apprehend the absorbing and able-bodied accounting contributions. Its absolutely appreciating.
I have no other choice other than to say that “I Admit that the post is truly amazing”
Do follow is definately the future, Google analytics loves it
I can’t read the post, but I am dying to understand it since there are a lot of people saying that this post is great.
Great article,great job thanks for sharing and also for the dofollow.
I am confussed i cannot understand what do you want to say to me………..!
i will keep to visit your blog later………!
Bang, aku baca di artikelnya mas Cosa katanya link dalam bentuk baner/chicklet tidak dapat backlink, artikelnya juga dicopy banyak blogger. Tapi kata sampeyan dapat backlink, mana yang benar ya.. Terus membuktikannya gimana ? Jadi bingung. Tapi makasih atas perhatiannya..
backlink?,…ikutan ach thanks
ikutan backlink trims
Hey this is good to see that people are using this “do follow ” plugin. Seriously it will create a boom in the world of blogging.
With this we can make our blogs more poular. Good to follow.
very beautifull article
Good Luck!
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Congrats for using dofollow plugin. Thanks a lot
Interesting post, thanks.
Interesting, thanks.
sedikit ngebantu temen-temen yang ingin terus mengikuti perkembangan dari Tunas Cendekia, bisa menggunakan feedburner yang pernah saya buat.
This is something what you can really rely on…! Since long time I look here at regular intervals and read the interesting and well written contributions. Its really appreciating.
The information you gathered is really true.
Thats great to great piece of information you shared here through post…
mue sel arch ku ni ma?
this post is quite good, i’ll be visiting the site more often.
R you using DoFollow plugin? thanks for using that
trims udah do follow ya bro
ikut naut ah..
What great advice! So witty and wonderful!
Thanks for sharing, it was a bit difficult for me to understand, sorry I don’t speak the language, But I understood it proper, thanks to google.
It is tough to understand without a translator, but all in all it was a great post.
Great information thanks for sharing this with us.In fact in all posts of this blog their is something to learn . your work is very good and i appreciate your work and hopping for some more informative posts . Again thanks
Its was nice reading the article, thanks to google’s translator , I was able to read this.
Sorry I could not understand the language you used. Can you please tell me the name of the language you have used here?
Semua peserta retret melakukan pengakuan dosa di tempat khusus, … orang-orang yang telah terpanggil dan siap diutus sebagai pewarta kabar gembira (Injil)
Interesting. There are some good ideass presented here. I need to do spend some time reading more about these topics.
Hey there. Nice blog. Thank you for sharing. Where did you get your layout? Looks neat, can you share with me?
Thanks for the info.
Awesome. Great post. Thanks
What language is this blog in? Is there any way i can translate it?
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Nice topic and Blog Design man. I`d REally love..
it’s a nice blog. Salam kenal mas….
Great post thanks for enlightening me!
thank you very much very nice article
I think so too, the dofollow plugging is a very great thing. Very good post and very good blog.
Hello Buddy, you have got a nice blog. Would you like to tell me the name of the theme you used? I like it.
My only real problem with google analytics is that it doesn’t work very well with a lot of ASP pages, which a lot of clients use nowadays. It can also get kind of hairy when trying to get it to understand what a conversion is. 😀 Instead of just any click, it needs to be one specific click haha.
Nice article so far.
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Thank you very very good
Thank you very very good Play long time ago a lot.. I’m glad to see it again! Tnx, and sorry for my english =)
Sharing semua plugins yang di pakai dong, kali2 aja bisa dapet pr=5
I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more articles from you in the future.
– Jack
This is a very cool find. I’m not sure I pay much attention (although I support dofollow). Perhaps I should start!
sekedar ikutan komen ginian
Kabar gembira nih mas, kl gitu blog mas masuk dalam daftar blogwalking. Nyari ilmu skalian minta back link. boleh kan mas? makasih yaa…
Nice Site. I am new here but will be visiting more often as you have done a good job.
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thanks for contribution. very nice and useful post..
Is there a English or German translation to this article? I would prefer to read it.
Thanks a lot,
i agree with yudi yang lain
Iya ya, sepertinya sekarang tidak dapat. Dari Google tidak terdeteksi lagi. Paling dari backlinkwatch.
Trims untuk koreksinya.
I’d really love doing commenting.. but then the only trouble is that, I wasn’t able to understand the things posted… The only words that I get to understand is the do follow thing there..
That post is really amazing..Maybe the content of it is nice for it speaks about do follow attributes.
cool site,
well done …….. good job guys
Waw, that’s great. Saya melihat dofollow dapat mendorong orang untuk komentar. Thx for the info
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This post helps a lot to the readers. Well thanks for sharing this..
great post, a little harder to apprehend with some of the awe-inspiring characters that didn’t alteration well, but added again that I enjoyed the abrupt quotes anatomy the interview…
I just came across this post and tried hard to understand it and was amazed that people have lots of people come over and commented on this but I didn’t get even a word?
I couldnot understand the post as it is not in english but could get an idea that it is about dofollow links / plugins.
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Amazing post..
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Great post mate, had to use a translator so a bit difficult to understand but all in all was great to read the philosophy.
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