Below is a reply to a message that I sent to Obama’s campaign a few days ago.
Basically I was suggesting that Obama pick Oprah Winfrey as his vice president.
I think Obama & Oprah would make a formidable team, and will bring good things for all of us.
Not just to American people, but potentially to many others in this world.
Let’s hear it for Obama & Oprah ! 😀
Dear Harry,
Thank you for contacting Obama for America. The volume of messages we’re receiving has gone up since Barack’s victory in Iowa. While we cannot respond individually to over a thousand messages per day, the level of interest and thoughtfulness of the comments reflected in these communications are very gratifying. Your thoughts on our campaign and America’s future are greatly appreciated.
Individual citizens like you are the foundation of this campaign.
Thank you again for writing.Sincerely,
The Correspondence Team
Obama for America
saya merasa email itu dijawab secara otomatis oleh program… tapi entahlah, coba saja pak harry menulis email lain dengan alamat dan isi berbeda apakah akna dijawab dengan jawaban yg sam …
Wow It’s a brilliant idea! I’ve never think of it. Let’s see what will happen then …
ga ngerti terjemahin dong
hope obama’s is the good president for america and actually for the world..
we hope so..
by the way…mr. harry..
if you have a vote right…you gonna choose him?
Nice teaser.
The great thing about Barack Obama is that he as an orator and inspiring charismatic leader is in the major league. A country like the US badlyneeds an inspirational president after the disastrously incompetent and totally immoral Bush administration which made a travesty of democracy. I guess even John McCain would be a huge improvement after eight years of horror.
The problem with all candidates however – and that includes Obama- seems to be that their public image in stead of their political program determines their success. It’s all mainly about appearance -they should parade as good, morally middle or the road, religious, middleclass buddies who are eloquently entertaining without being bitchy about what the majority of voters like to think is typically American – and to a far lesser degree about content and competence.
So, whether or not an Obama administration will be up to the high expectations of his hardcore friends, remains to be seen. Let’s just hope and pray Obama will turn out to be the next Roosevelt.
As for Oprah … No comment.
Gak nyangka baca beginian di blog nya Harry. Apa sih yang di harapkan dari seorang Obama ? Ini ada beberapa petikan berita tentang Obama
@adit – betul, itu reply otomatis dari mailserver mereka 🙂
Saya cantumkan saja sebagai bukti bahwa saya memang mengkontak tim kampanya Obama, he he
@pluto – gimana kalau diterjemahkan sendiri? Lumayan, hitung2 latihan belajar b.Inggris 🙂
Modalnya juga gampang, cukup buka kamus 🙂
@arizane – definitely, Obama is the sanest president candidate there is for Americans right now. 🙂
@colson – Hi pak, always nice to have you around 🙂
The problem with all candidates however – and that includes Obama- seems to be that their public image in stead of their political program determines their success.
Indeed, but that’s how (current) democracy system works 🙂 make people thought / percept that you’re the best (by showing the best public image); then that’s it. You win.
My suggestion of Oprah as VP is also based on this line of thinking, cashing in on her massive popularity.
And not only that – she seems also to be a quite a nice lady. Truth is I don’t watch her show (it’s just not my taste), but rationally thinking, I think she can help Obama on his campaign.
Back to image building stuff — it’s pretty easy to detect on the candidates. Even Obama is bluffing sometimes.
For example; he promised to go tough on the enemies of Israel (as mentioned as well on the second article mentione by Damian).
But on the other hand, he also rejected the idea to strike Iran, which is the enemy of Israel 🙂
Then when we reconciled other facts, I think it’s safe to conclude that Obama is only pretending to support Israel.
I personally looking forward to see Obama become the US president, and see him cut the funding to Israel 😀 and use it to make his own people prosper instead.
Here’s one rooting for Obama !
@Damian – ini namanya politik 🙂 dan Obama hanya berpura-pura mendukung Israel.
Data-datanya cukup banyak, dan saya juga jelaskan sekilas pada komentar saya untuk Colson.
Jangan mudah terkecoh / percaya begitu saja dengan kata-kata para politisi. Perlu ekstra kritis dalam menganalisa berbagai janji-janji mereka.
Kebanyakan mengobral janji manis. Namun dalam kasus Obama, dia terlihat seakan2 pro Israel, namun kenyataannya tidaklah demikian.
Dan ketika kita bandingkan Obama dengan alternatifnya (McCain), jelas Obama masih JAUH lebih baik dibandingkan McCain —- McCain telah berjanji untuk meneruskan berbagai kebijakan Bush !
Sangat berbahaya sekali….
saya itu kok susah ya mau hunudzan sama persiden amerika.
termasuk obama yg mungkin bakalan jadi pengganti bus.
gak ada yg pernah apik kl sama orang muslim.
inget omongannya fadli zon waktu ngisi di solo, amerika itu dikelilingi yahudi konservativ. jadi siapaun presidennya, kayaknya polahe (tingkahnya, kl bahasa indonesia) sama saja.
yah siapapun yg kan jadi dedengkot kekafiran dan memerangi islam, akan senantiasa ada satu golongan yang akan terus berjuang mempertahankan dien ini. salam jihad!! (uhuk..uhuk, maaf simbah terlalu semangat)
nyoba masuk mas
we lha bisa, lha tadi nyoba komen kok gak bisa.
begini saya mau urun anggit, soal obama..saya itu kok gak bisa husnudzan babarblas ya sama persiden amerika. gak ada yang pernah baik sama orang muslim kayaknya. inget kata fadli zon waktu ngisi di solo, amerika itu, dewan tertingginya sana, majelis syuronya itu dikelilingi yahudi konservativ, jadi siapapun persidennya, polahnya gak bakal beda.
entahlah..siapapun yg bkl jadi dedengkot penentang islam, akan ada seklompok orang beriman yg senantiasa konsisten membela kebenaran hata ja’a amrullah. salam (simpati) Jihad!
saya dukung obama
Ini melengkapi Komentar saya yang kemaren
@Damian – ketahuan eramuslim tidak paham politik Amerika, hehe 😀
Obama itu masih jauh lebih mendingan daripada McCain.
situs itu dibuat karena lawan2 politik mereka menjatuhkan Obama dengan cara mengatakan bahwa Obama itu muslim.
Karena kebanyakan rakyat Amerika pada saat ini sedang anti-Muslim (gara2 kampanye Bush), maka mereka jadi anti Obama.
Maka kemungkinan besar McCain akan naik — padahal dia ini setali tiga uang dengan Bush. Alias lebih benci lagi kepada Muslim daripada Obama.
Obama dulu pernah di Indonesia dan pengalamannya menyenangkan menurutnya. Selain itu dia juga etnis Kenya.
Dengan latar belakangnya yang multi kultural ini, berbeda dengan McCain yang benar-benar murni “putih”, maka wajar jika Obama lebih mampu memahami kultur / agama / ras selain kulit putih, dibandingkan dengan McCain.
Dimana ya media muslim yang bisa menganalisa situasi & berita dengan cerdas….. 🙁
@All – right, looks like we can forget about Obama + Oprah duet.
That’s too bad really – but I had a hunch that indeed American is still having problems about being led by black president (and even more so with black vice president)
Oh well, perhaps some other time.
Kita lihat saja antara janji dan bukti, Obama for america or Obama for dunia.. meski besar harapan saya kalau Mang Obama memang bisa bawa banyak perubahan, pertama: Buat Amerika dan kedua buat Dunia, ya termasuk Indonesia.
Terlepas dari itu semua.. kita di Indonesia dan orang Indonesia mesti punya kapabilitas lebih baik lagi dan posisi tawar kedepan-nya..
There might be a chance that once this Obama business is over, it’s just having same slavery with different master 🙂
Sepertinya kepercayaan terhadap Obama tidak boleh terlalu berlebihan. Masukan dari era muslim mungkin ada baiknya: berhati-hati saja, atau lebih baiknya jangan bergantung kepada Amerika untuk urusan terkait kepada dunia islam.
Kalau bisa berandai-andai mungkin saja kebalikannya bisa terjadi alias dia tetap pro israel. Dalam sejarahnya hanya satu dan satu-satunya presiden Amerika yang berani mengultimatum Israel hanyalah Dwight D. Eisenhower terkait kepada serangan Trio Inggris-Perancis-Israel tahun 1957 (Suez Crisis)
Jimmy Carter, yang sekarang di boikot sama lobby yahudi gara-gara bukunya, pada saat jadi presiden dan berpidato di knesset yang isinya kurang lebih menyanjung Israel:
Richard Nixon juga pernah berdialog dengan Billy Graham tentang “ketidaksukaannya terhadap lobby yahudi” tetapi tetap memberikan military aid kepada Israel dan menutup2i insiden Liberty.
@tazlucu – kita lihat konteksnya, yaitu Obama vs McCain.
Jika kita perhatikan konteks tersebut, saya kira kita semua akan setuju bahwa Obama adalah pilihan yang JAUH lebih baik dibandingkan McCain.
Nah, konteks ini yang tidak pada berbagai artikel eramuslim tersebut. Jadi artikel tersebut tidak komprehensif, pembahasannya masih parsial.
Nanti kalau McCain yang terpilih dan kelakuannya persis sama seperti Bush, baru deh pada cuma bisa penyesalan doang, he he.
Hmmm, mungkin ada perbedaan cara pandang terhadap Obama vs McCain.
Saya dan mungkin Era Muslim melihat dari sisi lain:
1. Kita, terutama umat muslim, jangan terlalu “silau” dalam melihat Obama, bukti-bukti-nya seperti yang ada di Era Muslim regardless apakah itu taktik atau bukan.
2. Kita, terutama umat muslim, jangan selalu (seperti saat ini) bergantung kepada negara lain, terutama AS, dalam menyelesaikan masalah “rumah tangga”-nya seperti masalah Iran, Iraq, Palestina atau bahkan masalah dalam negeri sendiri, dsb.
3. Tidak ada jaminan bahwa Obama dapat bertindak tegas terhadap Israel, sesuai dengan tulisan Era Muslim, contohnya Nixon. Dapat saja dia menjadi reinkarnasi Bush tapi dengan bentuk atau mantel yang berbeda. Dapat kita lihat bahwa capres AS masih tetap berlomba-lomba mendapat dukungan dari “lobby yahudi” di AS terutama si AIPAC.
Kalau dibilang mendukung sih saya juga mengharapkan adanya perubahan kepemimpinan di AS, cuma menjaga agar jangan terlalu berharap apalagi menjadi naif.
Kayaknya Obama yang berpeluang deh, dan saya jg dukung Obama.
I believe to Pres. Obama regarding on his sincerity to serve people of the America and as well for the benefits of other countries. Regarding on Oprah, yes she is very popular in terms of talk show and i saw as well a potential to be a good leader but now whole America. Anyway, there are other ways if she really wanted to help specially on the economy crisis that America has encounter. By the way, i like your posted article and you have a good opinion on some various topic and issue. keep it up the good work…
That’s good to know you are Nation concerned Citizen. Not all will be like you exposing the thoughts that people have in mind. Really this will help in making America the best of all Nations. I second the reply sent by the Correspondence team. Proud of you! Jane @ change management
I like Vice President Biden but who is really running the US? Is it President Obama? As for Oprah… let’s keep her out of politics! 🙂
I like Obama. I think that wit Obama US will grove up
Wow It’s a brilliant idea! I’ve never think of it. Let’s see what will happen then …
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nice article here
Hahaa Good one . Obama and Oprah will definitely change the World :D:D . Thanks for writing!
That would be quality, its the sort of thing that would actually happen here in UK! We would probably end up with Jeremy Kyle as priminister!
hope obama’s is the good president for america and actually for the world..
we hope so..
by the way…mr. harry..
if you have a vote right…you gonna choose him?
Hmm… bener ngga tuh?
yeah obama is idol for kenya country
i believe if he is good, that’s enough.
Oprah has more power than Obama?
I do not know if it is a really good team two
Trusting OBAMA is the great way.
In its initial period, Obama was looking promising but as the times goes, especially in the recession times it became difficult for Obama to sustain the same effect on the Citizen of USA
nice info mass,,, thankss
Lol, what a crazy idea! Yet they say, only the most crazy ones can truly be ingenious and brillliant 😛 For sure many people find it interesting 😛
Interesting to read this now. We’ve got Obama – but Oprah? Presumable she wasn’t interested in a political career; she has a ton of fans.
Great letter they wrote back to you. I think this kind of personal touch is one of the reasons they won the election, people want to feel that they are somehow connected to the leadership, not that it all happens behind some closed door without their permission…
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None, once they become legal they wont get those jobs, because they don’t speak english on weekend jobs, and they might as well hire the white guy, if they have to pay them both decent wages…. then they will force our government to support them, yay tax increase can’t wait!!
Wow what a unique and different idea. Crazy enough that it just might work.
Thats an awesome idea
wow…it’s great idea…I THINK oprah deserves to be hired as a vice president, Because she has anything…exp: she has a brilliant woman, also she has strong character as a woman…Thanks for sharing your info…the article is so informative indeed…
best regards,
Hendra agus
I think Obama & Oprah would make a formidable team – me too!
Another reason it would be a good move for him is because celebrities are already loved by a lot of people and therefore would be popular.