That was quite scary – I almost bricked (read: killed!) my phone this morning, when I tried to upgrade it to Gingerbread (Android version 2.3.x).
To cut long story short – tried to install / “flash” Gingerbread ROM into my Samsung Galaxy Mini. There are many excellent tutorials that shows how easy to do this, for example :
# Upgrade Samsung Galaxy Mini and Root to Android Gingerbread 2.3.3
# Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570XXKPI Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread
# And many others.
However, in my case, the process got stuck at the following text :
<1> START!!!
<1> set download environment.
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> mibib download..
I was quite rightly scared at this point, thinking “dang, that’s it – my phone is bricked”.
Thankfully, that was not the case 😀 after MUCH googling around, I was able to finally upgrade my Galaxy Mini by doing the following :
DISCLAIMER: I shared this info with the intention to help others. However, I offer NO guarantee whatsoever that it will work for you as well.
Be aware that there is always a chance that your phone will end up bricked. Flashing ROM is not yet a 100% safe operation.
Now let’s continue, shall we ?
(1) Find another computer which has NOT Kies installed in it. (Kies is the software provided along with Samsung phones).
Looks like somehow that Kies is interfering with Odin / flashing operation on our Galaxy Mini. NOT good. Bad, bad Kies !
(2) Install Samsung USB driver there. If you haven’t got it, you can download it from here : [ Samsung USB driver ] (18 MB)
(3) Now, start following one of the tutorials listed above.
Now my Galaxy Mini is running Gingerbread 2.3.4 😀 yeah !
A bit more info – this is what you’ll get in Odin’s Message Box when everything’s going okay :
Download Start…
<0> Create File…
<1> StartThread Detected : 1
<2> StartThread Detected : 0
<3> StartThread Detected : 0
<4> StartThread Detected : 0
<5> StartThread Detected : 0
<6> StartThread Detected : 0
<7> StartThread Detected : 0
<8> StartThread Detected : 0
<1> setup connection…
<1> odin mode.. check plcatform verification.
<1> VerifyPlatform:V0, P0,R0
<1> START!!!
<1> set download environment.
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> mibib download..
<1> 1/10 Finished.
<1> qcsbl download..
<1> 2/10 Finished.
<1> oemsbl download..
<1> 3/10 Finished.
<1> amss download..
<1> 4/10 Finished.
<1> arm11boot download..
<1> 5/10 Finished.
<1> boot.img download..
<1> 6/10 Finished.
<1> recovery.img download..
<1> 7/10 Finished.
<1> system.rfs download..
<1> 8/10 Finished.
<1> data.rfs download..
<1> 9/10 Finished.
<1> csc.rfs download..
<1> 10/10 Finished.
<1> reset pda..
<0> Started Timer
<1> Close serial port and wait until rebooting.
<1> PASS!!!
<0> Destroy instant..
<0> Killed timer
So that’s how I did it. Hopefully it’ll help someone else out there 🙂
Enjoy !
thank you, very useful for fans like Android version 2.3.x, so many new features.
thanks mas.perlu juga di coba .untuk review harga kisaran berapa?
bagus juga tu info y.., soal y ada rencana mau beli tu..
nice share……………….
klo ada duit boleh dicoba tuch.
Good sharing, realy worth information. new features is remarkable
Your blog is very interesting. . the theme is also good. . do not forget to visit my blog ya. . thanks n good luck
Sama ngerinya ketika dulu downgrade fw nokia bb5.
veri nice info bro
yes it is not 100% safe, but it worth to try! really it’s awesome! 🙂 thanks bro
in case we failed, what should we do? read more i guess…thanks mr herry
i have hp like that but i lazy to upgrade to ginggerbread..
but thank to share mr.herry.. ^_^
visit me back Cheat Ninja saga and tips Blogger
nice info, bagaimana dengan cara upgrade huawei aviator?
any clue?
nice info mas
gak ngerti but nice share gan ..
visit me back
kok comment yg tadi gk masuk ya ??
saya coba gingerbird 2.3.1 tapi kyknya kurang stabil,, mungkin yg sekarang lebih stabil daripada versi lamanya. ya.. maju terus samsung !
waduh, hape ane masih nokia 3220 klasik nie,..
hp yang kaya gini berapa duit sekarang ya gan?
klo hp ini kena virus, antivirus apa gan yang paling ampuh?
ga punya duit buat beli hape ginian
Man, thanks! I was almost quitting looking for that tutorial. And it worked. Really, thanks! =)
nuggu gajian sama thr…
great! nice post, really useful..
but i use nokia n series… 😀
if can visit me back!
another great post…
i use galaxy mini but never do such update 🙂
anyway good share 😀
how many days once you post an article?
because I’ll always be waiting for you to new articles I’ve read
minalaidin walfaidzin mohon maaf lahir & batin tmn2 smua
although I haven’t android yet, but the information is very useful for me, becz I’d like to buy android next month. thank you
nice post sob
bole” kepengin punya nihhh
Awesome. I have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.
oke deh kalo begeto,,,,:):):)
makasi tas infonya gan
Thanks for the post..
I have an android-capable device and it is unactivated. Don’t know how to deal with it..
untung dapet ngantre HTC salsa waktu nie…lumayan harga miring dan uda gingerbread 😉
Gingerbread is awesome. I can’t wait for the next Android update
schönes Telefon
keren euy,.. bahasa inggrisnya lancar banget,…
mantap tuh HP,.. fiturnya lengkap dan harganya gimana yah,..
wah pengen beli rasanya. . .
wah canggih betul,jadi pengen beli”’
Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide
pengen nyoba…. tapi blum punya kowh…
gue jg baru mau beli Gingerbread cuma kayanya gak jadi deh, thanks ya bro
Sip…lah… I will try… thanks…
Nice to info… Thanks
it adds to my knowledge
mw donk hpnya
great! nice post, really useful..
but i use nokia n series… 😀
if can visit me back!
Wow, there is so much spam there… I cannot believe it.
cool share,
hope can find more information…
wah mantap nie tmplate nya
artikel yg sngat bgus,,
ilmunya bisa mudah untuk di pahamai,,,
Share yang bermanfa’at. HP Android masih belum kesampean, semoga segera.
Nice Post. Vey useful to upgrade Android.
great! nice post, really useful..
mau mau mau… cuman belum bisa kebeli, hihihi…
Minal aidin wal faidin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin kepada semua para blogger…
HP impian…:D
hope helpful 😉
terima help my GIO in 2.3.4 horrraaayy…
thanks, rally agreat post..
i will try 😀
Ternyata GalMin bisa jadi gingerbread ya?
kayaknya kalo sampe gagal siap2 kurban 1 hape nih. hehe
wihh galaxi mini keren juga y…
sekarang pasaran berapa y mas??
wah bahaya dah klo sampai gagal,hehe,semoga aja tidak
really nice
i want to try
ya ya ya bagus juga
nice tutoreial mas. makasi ya. jangan lupa mampir
HP ku masih jadul, tapi buat catatan tuk HP baru ntar dah! Hahaha
samsung galaxi mini keren bngt,, pengen beli v nunggi gajihan.. he
Got a similar problem with my BlackBerry. After spending one day on the problem my device was rescued. Almost got a heart attack 🙂
thank you, very useful for fans like Android version 2.3.x, so many new features.
Best Regard
Thanks. This article very helpful to me
i feel very lucky can find this page..
finally i find something that i want to know..
thank you for this usefull informations..
kayaknya perubahannya cuma perubahan minor ya?
tapi tetap layak di coba
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Nice posting mas. ini info yang saya butuhkan. Terima kasih ya.
Info yang bagus, terima kasih
Cara installnya pake apa emang ….?
Great..Nice Info
another great post… thank you.
Mmm…. OS Android 4.0 ?
thanks gan atas infonya… tapi saya msh agk bingung untuk yang bagian rootnya…..
saya malah menanti upgrade xperia x10 saya ke versi gingerbread ini, katanya bulan agustus >.< udah lewat 1 bulan ckkckckc
fiturnya lengkap dan performanya lumayan juga…….!!!
I actually have a Droid 2 and it magically updated itself a week ago, overnight! When I woke up it had a new Android OS installed and it looks way better.
samsung galaxi memang keren bngt nie…..
dah lama pengen beli hp gini,, v ampe karang blm terbli 🙁
wah i like Samsung
keren banget..semakin canggih aja..,,harganya berapa ya..?
Nice posting,This article very helpful to me,Thanks
kreen abis …
semakin canggih aja tekhnologi jaman sekrang…
wow bener hebat sob..terbukti bisa nih..makasi artikelnya
blog ku yang ol sekarang ada 20 orang.. biar jadi 21.. tolong agan mampir blog ku ok makasih semua 😀
top infonya..
Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a ton for sharing it 🙂 I m looking forward desperately for the next post of yours..
so nice,, so good,,
“so sis”
someday i have to use this phone coz really amazing phone..thanks for info
saya punya android galaxy mini
i have android galaqxy mini,but i don’t know the advantages of galaxy gingerbread.
Mantab Gan..
samsung galaxy memang sangat booming pada tahun ini. agan punya software / untuk samsung champ gt 3300 k gak? n kasih tutorial buat install nya coz ane nyoba install gak bisa2. thanks gan
Minal Aidin wal faidin, Mohon MAAF lahir dan batin kepada semua parágrafo blogger …
i feel very lucky can find this page..
finally i find something that i want to know..
thank you for this usefull informations..
bha fawkgfa Hello!!
Thanks for the tips. I haven’t tried to upgrade my Galaxy mini to gingerbread. Will refer your great tutorial if I got any problem. 🙂
makasih y dah berbagi Info nya…
samsung emang Is The best…
mantap ne kayak nya..
bisa coba di HP aku..
cheat ninja saga and tips blogger
wah, oke juga tuh…
pake ROM apa mas GB nya?
official kah?
wahh, penegn juga sih pake GB…
apak yah kelebihannya dibanding Froyo?
pengen sih…
minta link ROM GB nya donk masbro..
kecil, tipis, canggih… keren bikin ngiler aja
Good info, trim
hmmm, boleh dicoba nih…
tapi takut bricked euy…
tips yg bagus… bisa dicoba klo samsung galaxy mini sy ada masalah..
ntar kalo gw dah punya bakal gw cobain dah, hehehe
ini dia informasi yang saya cari tararenkyu gan 🙂
wow, tq for the post.. will try it for my android..
wah kpn nih kita bisa chat2
wah aku bingung gan yang beginian. salam kenal aja ya…
ada masalah ni ke?..
susah juga upgradenya, by the way salam kenal
samsung memang pilihan alternatif jika enga mampu beli iphone. terima kasih dah sahring
Tok Harry, komentar SPAM dihapus saja.
bagus bro! keep posting!
Good nutrition seems much easier when it is broken down and you look it at from that perspective, doesn’t it? But what do the three macronutrients do for our bodies? What ratio of our food should be allocated to protein, carbohydrates, and fat? How do I determine how many calories I should eat? I’ll answer those questions—and a whole lot more.
That’s a new horizon for me.
I got problems with Kies! too.
Btw, how about the performance after upgraded to Gingerbread?
Kreen Hp nya… thanks y dah share…
Minal aidzin walfaidzin mohon maff lahir dan batin…
Pak cara ini bisa dipakai di semua hp android samsung bukan ?
wah mantap nih tipsnya, tapi HP saya bukan samsung, apakkah berlaku untuk semua HP android???
how many days once you post an article ?
because I’ll always be waiting for you to new articles I’ve read.
I really liked your article. For me is very interesting to read.
I always let you know via e-mail each time you update a new article
Great Web Blog Bro… 🙂
wah bagus banget eh cek punya aku ya..ini udah ada post baru
wihh keren bangt… jadi pengen beli nie
wah mantep banget ni infonya… thanks ya
Kirain ga bisa di upgrade OS nya , ternyata bisa… asik juga ya
Wah nambah ilmu nih, thanks
thx gan ilmunya.. salam kenal
makasih banget postingannya. bagus ilmunya.
Cara nya begitu rupanya, referensiin ke temen saya yg membutuhkan bagus nih.
makasi banget gan
bagus ilmunya hehe:D
nmpg trh link yaa:D
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wuuihh…emang sekarang lg jamannya android yach..sesuatu banget..kunjung balik ya dan jgn lupa commentnya.saya tunggu..makasih
trimakasih infonya buat reviws lebih lanjut,,,, 😀
Kalo samsung corby bs di upgrade ke android g yah?
are yuo sure?
Thanks you for great tutorial Ita helps me a lot.
I love Gingerbread :p
nice post..
thanks for share…
makin canggih aja nih si sony, btw berapa nich harganya ?
makasih infonya,,,,, berkunjung balik ya dan download film update just on kabiboxs21
sy bener2 gak percaya klo trnyata android bisa diupdate gitu. apakah ini berlaku u android merk lain diluar samsung.. thanx for this great info
Thanks For Your Post. Its Awesome
Alhamdulillah yah’ sesuatu banget kalau bisa punya samsung yang keren ini.
nice for info ..
thanks for share
Thanks mas atas infonya
hehehe…., keren gan…., ane pengen
thanks sharenya…
perlu belajar lagi nih soal teknologi memang saya selalu ketinggalan
Wah galaxy mini memang HP android sejuta Umat nih….
Cuman baterenya aja yg ga nahannnnn…
good article and interesting greeting success please visit my blog article might be useful for you.
nice share, thanks for share…
Wow, this is the great post, with this information I have new learn for this information. Thank you very much and good luck for you blog. 🙂
hp apaan tuh? hp ane jadul gan… hehehe
Wah.. HP ane made in china nih…
Thanks for sharing with us great information and the post.
Nice tutorial, it is so clearly written, that even novice like me could understand it. Message written from upgraded Samsung 😉
And what to do in case we failed? Is there “undo” procedure?
thanks gan infonya..sangat membantu
makasi tutorialnya mas. mampir blogku juga ya VIAR Motor Indonesia
tips bgus..keep shering..thenks
Nah… ini dia yang di cari-cari. Hampir sama permasalahannya waktu upgrade android.
thanks infonya
trims infonya
mantab bahasa inggrisnya..
Post written is very nice and it shows many useful information . I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. You make it easy for us to understand the concept. Thank you for the post
i am happy that someone is doing nice work i really like your post
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saya uda beli gan.. bagus..
yg blm beli wajib beli neh..
wah jadi ingin beli di hp
Mesaj yazılmış çok güzel ve pek çok yararlı bilgiler gösterir. Ben yazı yazma seçkin bir yol bulmak için mutluyum. Bize kavramı anlamak için kolaylaştırır. Mesaj için teşekkür ederiz Thanks you Admin
Mesaj yazılmış çok güzel ve pek çok yararlı bilgiler gösterir. Ben yazı yazma seçkin bir yol bulmak için mutluyum. Admins
Good sharing, realy worth information. new features is remarkable
Thanks a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually know what you’re talking about!
infox sangat bagus dan lengkap tapi sayang saya lom bisa beli android hhehe..salam kenal yaaa..
salam kenal juga buat yang lain ….main main ke blog saya yaaa
klo ada duit boleh dicoba tuch.
thanks for your share, the tutorial in this post is what i need since last week
Your story rocks.. I feel like deep deep down down while reading the text displayed in the android..:D
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tengkyu kang infonya bermanfaat, karna kemaren pas upgrade, SGM saya malah jadi error… 🙁
salam kenal
Berita Unik Menarik
tengkyu kang infonya bermanfaat, karna kemaren pas upgrade, SGM saya malah jadi error… 🙁
salam kenal
Berita Unik Menarik
Looks like somehow that Kies is interfering with Odin / flashing operation on our Galaxy Mini. NOT good. Bad, bad Kies !
artikel yang informatif banget.. makasih ya…
I love sites of this kind, where you can post what you really think, and people all over the world read what you say and come and say their own view about it. Keep it up!
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Thanks for the recommendations shared on the blog.
nice…thank for share…
sangat membantu sekali gan
I just found this problem recently. Thanks for sharing. Good tutorial.
makasih ilmunya sangat bermanfaat,makasih udah di share ..
good job kawan
Nice Info Boss…… bermanfaat buat nambah ilmu android… sekalian jalan” neh Boss.
nice info gan..
waaw bagus tuh gan..
bermanfaat banget infonya..
Nice Posting boss..
Salam kenal kira2 samsung Galaxy tab bisa nggak ya di update pakai cara ini? Terus seandainya dalam prosesnya terjadi kegagalan apa dampaknya?
sip bisa langsung upgrade
ini dia yang di cari-cari.
boleh juga tuh tuk dibeli tuh….manatap
good article… mantapppp
ijin nyimak aja sob ……
thanks for the info, I just found out about this..
Pernah ngalamin bulan kemarin , ampai takut upgrade lagi hahaha
thanks infonya..
sekedar blogwalking aja.. 🙂
nice post..
jadi pengen beliiiii!!!!! beliin bang ! hehe maunya!
haduh, kpngen ajah punya tuh hp, pngen nyobain gmn rasa na pakai android….
wah, gw blm belum berani, upgrade ke GB ntar deuh .
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menarik sekali jadi pengen beli …. buat usaha oiii …
kapan bisa bli kayak getuan ya??doain bulan depan bisa beli y…mampir ya ke
numpang blog walking ya gan
{resep masakan}(resep masakan padang}{Kuliner nusantara}
nice info gan,,sangat bermanfaat untuk saya
owh.. ternyata ada juga yang mengalami waktu Upgrade ya di samsung galaxy… nice info Om,,,
wah info yang mantap……
waw thanks to share
nice share gan 🙂
HP nya aja belon punya..hik..hik..
thanks atas infonya,,, Berkunjung balik ya Download Film Gratis | High Quality – Boxsoffice
Excuse me。 nice info, bagaimana dengan cara upgrade huawei aviator?
any clue?
wih mantap bngt tuu
semakin hari semakin canggih aja teknologi….
nice info gan..
hebat banget ya sekarang teknologi..
ga boleh ketinggalan berita neh..
waah bagus tuh..
sangat informatif sekali..
cma biasana kalau di upgred cpt drop atau blank krn bkan kpasitasx spngalamn Nokia or Se jg cpet blank kalau upgred
Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya 🙂
Soal upgrade2an agak traumu. HP N95 ku jebol. Thanks.
ok sob gua coba dulu ya…
sip gan thanks infonya…
Thx info nya…
nice information good
I m using same cell phone
thanx to share this information
nice artikel
nice information very good…..thank you
I am happy to see this blog.Many many thank.
I got some new things here . i like it
oke banget sharenya 😀
la ini solusi yang tak cari2, galaxy mini mau ane upgrade android nya. makasih bos
Nice information of upgrading Samsung Galaxy phone thanks for share this information
bookmark dolo gan.. trims….
boleh nih, jadi sumber referensi, soalnya ane juga punya galaxy mini, dan blog ane jga ngebahas soal seluk-beluk mini
bookmark dlu tentang android, siap2 beli galaxy tab 8.9″
Lama g berkunjung ke sini..
Maksaih infonya Gan…
thanks buat infonya 🙂
sukses terus..
i think the installation had problem.
nice share, thank for info.:D
Nice info, thank’s.
mau deh beli hp ini, nice infonya
mau deh hpnya
mau deh upgrade
mau juga ama hpnya nice info
Info yang menarik terima kasih ya gan…..
Hello admin,
I just found your blog and suddenly really did not feel alone sebab beberapa orang kawan saya pun mengalami masalah ini huhu
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Thank you for sharing. These infos are so handy.
samsung dengan OS Android sedang banyak digandrungi
waduh, kalo soal ngutak-atik Hp tobat deh, ga ngerti. Tapi kalo di kasih HP nya sih mau…
terima kasih infonya
visit back yah
Good nutrition seems much easier when it is broken down and you look it at from that perspective, doesn’t it? But what do the three macronutrients do for our bodies? What ratio of our food should be allocated to protein, carbohydrates, and fat? How do I determine how many calories I should eat? I’ll answer those questions—and a whole lot more
Your blog is very interesting. .
Nice information of upgrading Samsung Galaxy phone thanks for share this information
thanks n good luck
menarik sekali jadi pengen beli …. buat usaha oiii …
thx you saved my phone
thanks for the info. its almost kill me. glad i found this
Maksih info nya gan
sip dah gan blognya..
dapatkan info-info sepak bola eropa..
ma kasih infonya …jadi tambah ilmu ni ane
bedanya gingerbread ama froyo apa gan?
Makasih atas infonya..
nice info….thanks for share
wah gan keren dah berbagi ilmu nya dan bermanfaat tidak sia2
useful post, because i use samsung galaxy too…
saya suka postingan berupa tips, karena sangat bermanfaat.
terima kasih
uihhh….mantabbb sob infonya…thanks alot
Saya sangat beruntung dapat menemukan situs ini. Terima kasih telah berbagi informasi-nya. Saya akan menikmati setiap hal-hal baru yang Anda posting.
Terima kasih banyak telah berbagi ini dengan kita semua
pengen deh beli ini ponsel
wah info yg menarik sekali 🙂 memang skrg yg paling bagus adalah gingerbeard 😀
thanks atas infornya ntar saya coba dech . …..
Thanks gan.. ntar saya coba dech .
he he he he .. merasakan seremnya flashing juga nih akhirnya 🙂 … tenang saja, kalau bricked di android ada jumper juga menggunakan sistem GOLD CARD .. even ane sendiri belum pernah belajar pakai GOLD CARD SYSTEM …congratulate
thanks for the tutorial, is very useful for me a hard time finding the solution
Pengennya se pake GB mas . .tp harganya mahal mas . .hehehehe . .
thanks buat infonya ya mas . .makin sukses sellu..
good luck:))
mantap nih solusinya….keren mas
asli kaga tau bahasa inggris bos,
Wah, terima kasih infonya gan, jadi pengen memiliki ^^
Terimakasih gan Infonya, jadi pengen memiliki ^^
Terima Kasih Gan, Infonya
In my case the process stuck at this text too :
set download environment.
big partition size!!
big partition size!!
big partition size!!
After many hours of searches on the internet I managed to solve the problem.
i’ll try to my mini too
untung ga punya hp nya. tp bagus juga infonya..
Alhamdulillah masih yg ke 301, … masih bisa berkomentar nich, … thanks Gan!
Nice tips.
Btw, how about the performance?
Is it faster or slower after upgraded?
Or no difference?
nice share 😀
terkadang suka ragu dan takut akan hasil upgrade ..
kecuali bisa upgrade sndiri, dan tahu setting yg dipakainya …
maaf ya .. suka kurang yakin sm upgrade oleh orang lain ..
keluaran baru ea,,,
wow bagus tu hp nya,,,
Thank you for the information, very useful. I wait for the next info
Segera dipraktekan. Nice share…
langsung ke tkp….
tk gan ane beli dulu hp kayak gini
realy gud info
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Infonya mantapz gan
Thanks to you, I now have a Gingerbread Anroid 2.3.x in my pocket. I’d say that’s quit appropriate, now that the holiday season is vastly approaching.
Louis Slade
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wow thanks to you
Gingerbread 2.3.4 mantapp.. info yg sangat bermanfaat. ctrl+d dulu gan. nice share.. keep posting.
aku ikut menyimak dulu,, belum punya barangnya seh, hehe.. good info.
Wow…ane coba bisa gan. Thanks alot!!
kapan punya kya gni ya
wow.. nice review..
At last… A proper solution. I was about to smash my phone.
sangat menarik..
nice review…
mantap gan. Sangat bermanfaat sekali. Salam kenal ya.
O iya, kalo berkenan berkunjung juga ya.
At last, a working solution. Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been having trouble upgrading my OS.
Ayoo2 buruan beli Samsung Galaxy Mini ….
Hi, can I also upgrade my phone into Gingerbread? My phone model is samsung GT-I5503.
nice info bro
Wow nice info. Thanks shob…
Nice info, i like to use Gingerbread better than froyo..visit my blog to get storage sheds info
Yang punya galax mini adik saya nih sob…Jadi kepengin beli samsung nih
Terima kasih sahabat atas berbagi pengetahuannya dan informasinya ini
Pengin banget punya Galaxy mini tpi udah telanjut beli hape merk laen…. huhuhuhu…..
Saya senang dengan kemajuan OS Android, namun sepertinya Android tidak bisa bersantai-santai karena sebentar lagi Ubuntu juga akan membuat OS untuk mobile computing.
masih belum berani mas, takukenapa-kenapa… tapi dalam waktu dekat akan segera mencoba
mantep banget tipsnya. tapi sayang hape saya bukan tipe galaxy mini….
Very clear explanation of issue, thanks for providing quality information.
nice share..
mau nyoba upgrade sendiri agak merinding juga, takut kalo gagal..
Salam kenal. 😀
I feel actual blessed that I begin this folio ..
I assuredly begin article I appetite to apperceive ..
Thanks for the advice ..
nice share gan……
i will to try it… 🙂
thx 🙂
makasih gan atas sharingnya
Recently update my Samsung Galaxy Mini to 2.3.4, reallly cool..thanks
I feel actual blessed that I begin this folio ..
I assuredly begin article I appetite to apperceive ..
Thanks for the advice ..
hemmmmm metz kenal gan….mksh info n inspirasinya
makasih atas infonya gan
wah informasi yg menarik…
yg seri ini bs d upgrade k andro ice gak ya?
wah informasi yg menarik sekali 😀
wah mantaf bangt tu hp ea?
Mas…. terima kasih atas infonya
nais Info cuy,,
bermanfaat Infonya
tapi sayang ane cuma pake Nokia he :0
infonya bagus bener
nice articel gan….
lg 47lv5400 Thanks for sharing this. Wow nice info.
makasih infonya, saya juga pemakai samsung galaxy
I have an android capable device but I am lazy to upgrade. And besides I happy with my OS. Thanks for the share.
Nice share….very useful information….
nice info,kunjungan perdana nich mas k blog anda ,smoga sukses selalu
Tampilan samsung galaxy mini bikin ngiler aja! Kepengen Punya! 🙂
nice info gan
nitip link bro… thx
waaaah.. kok nenek2 semua.. akwkakw.. but, nice share gann..
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Dulu saya punya hp ini, tapi bingung makenya, jadi saya jual lagi. hihi… 😀
Thank you a lot for your interesting post. I have been looking for such information for a really long time. Not all your content is fully easy to understand to me, even though it is definitely interesting and worth reading.
wah emang kalau kita ngulik hp ini memang asik ga kalah sama yang lain
welehh-welehh, blognya padet banget…
tapi keren sih… hehehe….
Terima kasih untuk ifonya ^_^
Terima kasih untuk ifonya n mksh . . . .
metz knl bos….
Very good info..keep it up!! congrat…
terima kasih infonya,sgt membantu
nice info..maksih gan..
menurut saya ada beberapa kelemahan di produk samsung yang satu ini,,, bisa di bahas lebih lanjut ga bro??
Nice Post Gan… ! Lanjutin.
terima kasih infonya,sgt membantu
terima kasih infonya,sgt membantu
trimakasih banyak atas infonya
wah ini dia yang saya cari cari selama ini
Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide
nunggu $$$ dulu buat beli yg kayak ginian gan.:D
mau beli ipad aja
Segala penyakit, ada obatnya..
subhanalloh maha suci Alloh…..
kunjungi blog saya
untuk yang galaxy fit ada gak ? ato linknya….
Tengkyu Mas Brooo…
nice info gan, pengen beli 😀
Thanks for sharing the tutorial on upgrading galaxy mini OS to gingerbread. That really help a lot of people here.
Nice Info Broe,,, Keep Update
Expanding horizon… thanx a alot 🙂
infonya bagus banget
thanks to share this useful info.
makasih infonya gan….
mantap nih….
matursuwun kagem share.ipun…..
nice share gan…..
sepertinya saya terlambat untuk info ini’
tapi tidak apalah, waktunya mencoba dulu
Your article is very useful, thanks for share it.
itu stabil gak bro? kalo gak stabil, ya repot, tar bolak balik ganti android os, hehehe 🙂
Nice one for revealing. I really hope it’s going to be helpful to some people that are seeking out it subject. Continue to keep submitting gentlemen and keep this specific message board a good area to find out details.
This is such appreciative info. Thanks for sharing it to us.
Saya suka Samsung, tapi harganya berapa ya?
nice informartion but i am nokia user 🙂
nice..nice… Thanks for you info..
jangan lupa kunjung blogku jg ya pak=((
nice..nice… Thanks for you info..
good post…
thanks a lot
mantap ini artikel
samsung galaxy mini emang produk yang luar biasa,..
Makasih blogwalking, walaupun bukan pengguna galaxi mini hhiihii
Very clear info.
You served all very detail…!
nunggu harganya turun dlu ah
pengen punya … kapan yaaaaa
Pengen banget gan punya SAMSUNG yang kayak gitu.. 🙂
pleased visit me :
bagus juga infonya jadi pengen beli deh yang kaya gitu …….
all..knapa stelah upgrade andorid 2.2 ke 2.3.4 usb jadi bermasalah, gk bisa debug usb lagi ‘n gk bisa nyambung ama Kies
This is so useful, i hope i tried it first before i sell it. I already have the latest Galaxy with the latest version, just release by samsung 3 months ago. Thanks for sharing admin. great tutorial.
Ditempat ane lagi boming nih…
Memang, upgrade android samsung sering ada masalah pada saat start up awalnya.
Cara mengatasi virus yang selalu ada gmana dunk??
Masing kurang faham… 🙁
makasih tipsnya kebetulan saya pengguna android ini….
Thank’s for ur tips. Trying now…
yes thanks for info Quote
perhaps there are new articles come again
Makasih pak informasinya…. 🙂
Kalo HPnya Samsung galaxy ace di upgrade apanya ya?
Menggunakan OS apa nih?
tipsnya mantap, i like it….
You are so talented, please continue doing good great topics.
thanks your artikel
semakin banyak pengguna samsung galaxy mini di seluruh belahan dunia. Sungguh mengagumkan…
good!! I wish i can upgrade with this performance!..
I love samsung galaxy!!
Wah hebat bisa gingerbread 🙂
It was a great site that I have never seen.I will keep visiting this blog very often.It is good to see your verbalise from the heart and your clarity on this important subject can be easily observed.
Thanks for sharing.
kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. upgrade gingerbread
nice post, good luck for you
Thanks a lot for sharing such a great post.. Its good be here and being part of it..
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Your blog is very interesting. . the theme is also good. . do not forget to visit my blog ya. . thanks n good luck
mantap bangat blognya …sangat membantu
asik asik
Never been better for an upgrade, really brilliant sharing. So helpful. amazing idea. thanks admin.
Very interesting topic admin. I really appreciate your idea of sharing. Thanks and looking forward for more quality blog.
thanks gan atas informasinya, sangat berguna. jgn lupa jalan2 ke website saya ya? 🙂
sayang hp ane bukan samsung. wheheheee….
nice info gan hp samsung nya.
banyak banget yang comment
I am glad to find your distinguished way of writing the post.
Glad to hear that you’ve bricked your phone ALMOST – nothing worse than losing one’s data, regardless of what’s the data on. Next time it might be wise to go through some XDA posts – just a hint
keep blogging deh gan …
hye, upgraded to 2.3.4 on asian model and my gps is not working, could anyone kindly tell me how the set the apn? will this fix the gps issue?
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Terima kasih infonya, very useful to me….
Samsung Galaxy Mini emang mantaps….!
kepengen beli tapi msalah harga jadi mikir
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Yeah had that happend to me !!!
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sayang blm ada dananya hehhe
mantap sob 🙂
saya coba gingerbird 2.3.1 tapi kyknya kurang stabil,, mungkin yg sekarang lebih stabil daripada versi lamanya. ya.. maju terus samsung !
katanya lebih bagus yg honeycomb yah bro ?
unfortunatelly,i dont have samsung galaxy…
wah telat nih dapet infonya,sayang ane belon juga punya nih hp..
A very well-written post. I read and liked the post and have also bookmarked you. All the best for future endeavors.
wah telat nih dapet infonya,sayang ane belon juga punya nih hp..
Nice info. Semoga bermanfa’at buat yang punya nih gadget. Thanks.
Nice share. Tutorial yang bagus, dan usefull. Thanks mas Harry.
info yg bagus. tks
info yg bagus pak. tks
keren gan. info yg menarik.
great information….thanks
Thank you for the information. =)
wah bagus bgt , kira2 harganya brp ya?
Sharing yang bagus. Terima kasih
Komentarnya banyak banget malah ngalahin jumlah kata dalam artikelnya.. ajarin dong kang…
hatur nuwun gan
keren ni sob 🙂
hmm, nice gan, keren :thumb6: :thumb5: :thumb4: :thumb3: :thumb2: jangan lupa mampir ke blogku ya 😀
Very rare on net to find good blogs for reading your blog is really nice with good explanation of the topic.
bagus nih sob….nanti saya coba…
Ampun ini komentar bisa banyak amir kayak gini? berapa visitornya perhari pak?
Thanks a lot for sharing such a great post
Good and nice information post. Thanks for sharing this post.
love samsung galaxy mini 🙂
Aduh mesti di translate dolo nih kyknya..Soalnya aku masih bingung baca bahasanya mas..harap maklum orang kampung..Tapi kyknya ini bermanfaat banget nih..terimakasih ya.Salam kenal
Sangat bermanfaat, sayang sy blom bisa beli Samsung
thanks information, and perfect post friends
nice info, i will try it with my samsung..
info yang bagus…salam kenal gan…keren web nya…antri yg komen…very good job
Mending dibawa ke Orang yang memang ahli biar gk terjadi error..
harus benar-benar ahli, karena CS belum tentu bener..
klo salah-salah bisa2 gk dapet dipakek sama sekali..
bagus banget infonya, jangan lupa kunjungi blog saya juga ya,..
Thank you very much. Now i am happy with my Ginger Rom
Mas untuk Harganya kok ngga ada ya?
HP ini memang keren sekali, ketimbang BB ane sih lebih prepare ke ini.
Salam kenal ya gan.
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kapaan anee punya hp baguus….
makasih infonya gan…
info keren nih…. arigato 😀
THANKS!! You helped me out soooo much.
Kudos to you my friend.
mantap artikelnya masbro…
salam kenal!
Met kenal bang harry.
Infonya keren.
Latest Gadget News Review Blog
samsung type ini banyak disukai oleh orangorangterutama karena featurenya yang keren. infonya lengkap dan bagus
terimaksi info ny…..
waw… mantaps… 😀
because I’ll always be waiting for you to new articles I’ve read.
I really liked your article. For me is very interesting to read.
I always let you know via e-mail each time you update a new article
gan thank you good info on the blog and useful, hope and greetings always successful
sipphh ^^d
tp bisa tolong dijelaskan buat yg samsung galaxy S5670 ,,, 🙂
info yang sangat bermanfaat. thx
thanks infonya gan…
Pengennya se pake Gingerbread mas . .tp harganya mahal mas . .hehehehe . .
thanks buat infonya ya mas . .makin sukses sellu..
good luck:))
nice post, thx…
Great post.
Best I read them today.
this is a nice tutorial ! i’ll try it on my Samsung Galaxy Mini. thanks 🙂
bagus mana android ginger dengan android ice cream?
nitip bro: makasi
i will tell my friend about this solution.. thx nitip >,<
great article guys, i’ve trouble to upgrade my samsung galaxi to gingerbread, and you solve it. Great
wah mas,,aku gx mudeng pake bahasa inggris…ada yang versi bahasa indonesia gx? hehe
Nice info, thanks.
nice info gan… thanks ya…
ijin nyimak gan
Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your great article on this. Hope it’ll help many Android users.
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dapatkan info gaget (apple) disini..
thanks buat info yang menarik ini dan salam kenal sob
Lumayan membantu walau sedikit pusing 😀
makasih infonya gan
good article and nice post ..
thanks your info …
keep spirit ..
thanks for sharing gan…salam kenal bro…klo ane masih pakai BB nih soalnya ikutan temen2 aja yg bbm an
haiii,, salam kenal ia dari dian. ^^
o iya jangan lupa mampir ke blog dian iya di,
wuaaaah.. blog kamu bagus. good luck iya kawan.. ^__^
” Tukeran link juga bisa. “
I like it…
nice info om 🙂
I really enjoyed reading your article about samsung. I do not know much about samsung. Thanks for the information and friendship greetings from Indonesia.
Great info.
nice info,
keep posting
makasih infonya om…..
mantap, terima kasih atas tambahan ilmunya
Nice info! Thanks 🙂
informasi yg bermanfaat oomm..
Selamat tahun baru semuanya… bermanfaat bro.. 😀
gan kalo hape 6600 symbian v2 bisa di upgrade jadi symbian v3 kaya e63 gak ya…?? kayaknya yg bisa diupgrade cuma hape android mlulu…
posting yang bermanfaat, trims bro. sehat selalu
Sudah lama tidak bersilaturahmi ke sini semakin banyak nih yang komentar haha gagal pertamax ^^ assalamuallaikum mas
Coool info. Thanks for sharing. God bless you all.
Nice share.
But I think I’ll buy a gingerbread installed one rather than upgrading, coz I’m not a geek 😀
nice info….
ada gak sob cara upgrade wave 533 ke android
makin asyik dan bermanfaat bahasan’y…
i have have the same problem 🙁
waaaw, nice inpho mas…
Very nice blog..i like your post..
thanks for the info and have a nice weekend 😉
apa cukup worthed nih untuk diupgrade…
For this, i will keep reading
It must be useful for those who want to upgrade their samsung, kinda complicated though. Are there other easyer way?
Awaiting your next Post, I supposed.
Anyway… please visit our site
interesting post. artikel yg sangat berguna. terima kasih sudah mau berbagi 🙂
Its so good article. I always improved my mind when visit here.. Thanks for share 😀 Nice blog!
mantap infonya .. ikut tenar masalah kesehatan coba disini rajanya info ..
terima kasih infonya..sangat berguna..
wahhhh, ini nih yag ane cari….
makasih banyak gan 🙂
Thanks for info, this is very useful if I have this product.
Mksh gan, ini bisa menjadi refrensi bgs jika besok sy jadi beli 🙂
I had the same problem updating to gingerbread with my galaxy. Looking through message boards it appears to be a firmware problem with hardware from Samsung
Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your gre
mantab nich bang…!
kang kalo pas lagi upgrade tiba-tiba hp mati itu kenapa ya bisa tolongin ‘ngak….!
bookmark it bro
you have a very well-written post. I read and liked the post and have also bookmarked you. All the best for future endeavors. thank you so much.
terima kasih atas info yang anda berikan..
salam kenal ya..
Thanks for share very useful for us..Good job
ponsel saya nih 😀 hik
Terimakasih info tentang upgrade samsung galaxy mini, sangat bermanfaat bagi saya…..
sepertinya ini artikel yg terbaru..mana kelanjutannya mas? kok lama blognya nggak di update lagi…? salam dari Bali
nlog ini sudah cukup terkenal,tapi kok belum diupdate ya.
galaxy tab memang hebat
fiturnya cukup banyak dan nice buat main game
thanks bro, helps me with my android
bagus juga tu info y.., soal y ada rencana mau beli tu..
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Thanks for share very useful for us
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Terimakasih info tentang upgrade samsung galaxy mini
devi jauga suka harry sufehmi
Nice Post. Very usefull. Thanks for ‘re share.
Informasinya bagus dan bermanfaat 🙂
Ditunggu kunjungan dan komentar baliknya 🙂
Sekalian tukaran link.
Salam Persahabatan.
keren infonya gan, thanks udah sharing
It would be easy for me to upgrade mine now. Thanks for the tutorial!
thanks for your share its important to me,,
Thanks for the info, it really helps
thanks for your information…. this article has advantage thing for people who have Samsung Galaxy Mini… bagi yg pakai samsung galaxy mini, cocok bngt artike ini
thank you for sharing. im new samsung user. love it.
wahh referensi yang bagus,
Android memang selalu menarik untuk disimak, terima kasih telah berbagi pengalaman dan info.
Semakin banyak aja dimana” samsung…
Apakah ini akan bisa menggeser posisi BB…?
Kita tunggu saja…
samsung emang keren abis..
aku pemakai samsung soalnya 🙂
sangat menarik
berapa nih harganya…?
nice to see this content, thank you !!
thanks very much, it saved me a lot of work!
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we love this!
Sempre inovando para a melhora de nossos pacientes!
hopefully it works on my samsung galaxy mini..
wah isep jempol aj nih.. trmksh infonya mas
nice share gan….
معهد Ùواصل
Wah hebat blog ini …yang koment 609 termasuk gue.
Salam kenal
Not really a good idea, this happens not only to mobile technologies but laptops as well. It will just result to corrupt files or its totally compatible but it won’t work at all. There is something missing of what you do or its the gadget that has a problem.
Thank you for this information, I really wanted to upgrade my samsung galaxy. I think Ill just sell my old one and buy a new one. Brilliant post.
semakin canggih aja teknologi sama kayak yg punya blog kreatif sekali
Informatif, thanks gan…
Mantap bro.. Sangat Membantu
thats good job! thanks you for share!
Informasi yang bermanfaat
Wah, info yang bermanfaat ini sobat
Thanks for the great posting. This is really helpful.
Thanks u ..
This is really helpful.
Informasi ii sangat amenarik bagi saya 🙂
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Info yang bermanfaat… thank… 🙂
angan-angan saya semoga terbeli..!!
harga di surabaya berapa yah..??
harga di palu berapa yah..??
hihihi untung ga sampe brick beneran hpnya kang. kalo gw sih mending bawa ke outlet samsungnya aja dahhh
btw hp handal samsung neeh untuk harga segitu dah wus wus
I was finding such a post.Now I have got.So thanks for this post.
saya sudah sukses uprage ke cynogen 2.3.4 tapi koq saat membuka sebuah program sering force close ya mas…ada solusinya ga?
akhirnya, tenkiyu gan infonya 😀
this article is so helpful, thank you admin for sharing. I love galaxy…
I’m having trouble about upgrade. Thanks for the info. Thanks a lot for sharing i appreciate the help.
may i try it? 🙂
thank you bro …..
“salam kenal saya akmil”
please feel free for visit back my
wihh,ngiler nieh..!!!!hedeuhch….!!!!
Mas, bagus banget solusinya …. selain samsung…. aku mau nanya hanphone yg lain, kalo apple ada solution gak bwt nyari aplikasi gratisnya.
Terimakasih infonya ,,,,harganya disebutin donk gannn……..
Hi Harry! 🙂
It’s been a few years…am one of your blogger friends, saya–myphilosophy, but first I’d like to wish you Happy New Year 2012.
Wish you all the best for another year of goodness and sharing that you’ve been doing greatly w/ this site. Congrats.
I’m back in the U.S. now, but I will be hopefully traveling around this year…maybe visiting Indonesia too. But before that happens and maybe we could meet in person finally, I’d like to share w/ you a video that sparked ideas in me and I know you’re the right person that can help make this happen in Indo w/ technology and skills that you have :-), pls watch this video:
Just switch the world “Africa” to “Indonesia, we practically share similar issues…but there are solutions, and people need to engage and all be activists for what we believe in, esp. for Indonesia, right?
Anyways, let me know what you think. I don’t know if you still remember me; we emailed each other a few times in the past (I was living in France then). Pls email back to me, instead of using this comment box. Sorry, I couldn’t find your email address.
I’m glad that you’re doing well, it seems like 🙂
More successes and well-being for you and your family.
I’d like to re-start a ‘conversation’ again; maybe something good will come out of this…who knows?
Hope to hear from you, cheers from abroad…
Keren lah 😀
gadget impian ku ni
planing this year want to getting
this items,ohh stile have problem about upgrade
waaa ini gadset yang saya inginkan 🙁
Terimakasih informasinya, jadi kepengen upgrade ke Gingerbread nih..
mas kalo sony ericsson gimana cara upgradenya ya
Pengen punya ane bro tuh gadget
Helpful post. Thanks!
thanks atas infonya gan .
kebetulan ane pake galaxi mini tak coba penasaran neh.
samsung galaxy memang sangat booming pada tahun ini. agan punya software / untuk samsung champ gt 3300 k gak? n kasih tutorial buat install nya coz ane nyoba install gak bisa2. thanks gan
ane cobain dulu gan,.
coba pake gadget tentangga dulu ah 🙂
HP nya blm punya, artinya jg blm tw 😀
Thanks for your article. It very helped me. It was exactly that I wanted.
thanks for the mantap artikel nya yah doain saya yah kang harry
Salam dari Blogger indonesia 🙂
artikel yg menarik gan..
Thats really good artikel! a lot of thanks
This is a great article! It’s a shame that upgrading the OS on your phone these days isn’t as “smart” as the phone!
wah terimakasih ya atas infonya..saya juga pake galaxy mini
see my post
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wah hp nya sama dengan ku
nice share bro…
mantap pertamax
ttims infonya…hp ane jg berfungsi lagi deh
thanks mas.perlu juga di coba .untuk review harga kisaran berapa?
Another great post… Thanks for sharing…
bagus sih, tapi belum punya duit.. nunggu uang cair dulu,, heheh
i like it, good idea
kasusnya seperti di 5800 gan. aku kira cm d symbian aj. gan. sgt bermanfaat gan…trmksih ya
pengin beli tapi harus nabung dulu
gk punya duit wat blinya,,,
Thank You for providing such great information but something .All information has been helpful.
how much is it? I hope I can afford to buy it.
wah..sayang belum punya android…hehehe
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salam kenal…
kunjungi blog saya yah
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thank infonya, buat nambah pengetahun
wah kalo yang satu ini saya tidak berani dah soalnya belum pernah upgrade ponsel
agan-agan, mampir juga ya saya,.,.
itu udah d.sebutin tad nama blognya,.,.
saya blm berani upgrade sendiri, takut fail mending minta bantuin temen yang dah ahli
Your blog is very interesting. .
thanks for the article you provided is very useful at all
careful.. its not safe
Interesting writing.. lots of infomation i got here…
woo it’s easier than the other ways that my friend suggests me to do… a lot cheaper too…
….. thx 4 sharing…
woow android………. i havent
Buat yang sudah terlanjur bricked bisa menggunakan jasa kami, silahkan kunjungi website kami
apa bedanya Gingerbread sama android mas???
nice post… thank you
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waduh pusing saya mas
Thanks for the info, you are very clear guidelines for the practice
tankss guees with your info..
nice share sob
infonya udh di jlni dr dulu
ada info untuk upgrade gingerbread v2.3.6 ga yg ga lelet internet.
sy udh coba versi 2.3.6 tp internetnya lelet banget
Makasih bang infonya,sudah lama blognya ga ditambah, ditunggu lagi gan postingnya
nice post dude… keep posting
salam blogger indo
Masih berencana bli galaxy mini.
kali ja mo upgrade da error langsung ke tkp gan.
Tks..informasinya masih up to date..
Cool! That’s a clever way of looikng at it!
ngikutin perkembangan gadget pening kang…he ehheheh…hampir tipa minggu ada yang baru terus….salam kenal kang,tapi bagus juga info nya buat referansi bagi yang doyan gonta ganti gadget…
This information this blog very help full for me. I enjoy for this blog. Thanks for posting blog.
kayaknya yg bisa diupgrade cuma hape android mlulu…
thanks buat infonya… emang keren samsung galaxi mini,jadi kepengen dan ditunggu yang lebih modern???
ea sama thanx info nya
informatif.. nice share gan…
mksh solusinya mas, barutau ane!
Ginger Bread memang keren. Huawei X1 pun sudah diupgrade ke 2.3. Layak untuk dijadikan mainan baru..
That was quite scary – I almost bricked (read: killed!)
waktu saya upgrade gio, sempat ada ada masalah, mau ulangi upgrade, dowload mode gak bisa dari hp, lalu saya coba download mode dari pc. dengan android SDK manager, sekarang sudah lancar.
thanks ya gam informasinya… aampuh banget
Makasih gan atas infonya.
makasih infonya ,,..jadi tau y, susahnya upgrade
ajib infonya, useful for me..thanks
hi,thank you usefull tricks 😀
it’s very usefull. i have a galaxy mini too. can i upgrade into ice cream sandwich???
wah bagus sekali tuh, jadi pingin punya ?
Mantap deh info nya.
Thanks untuk informasi nya gan,.,
Thank for the info!
When i used to use iphone scare = updates! hahha
Really nice things here you all shared.
mantaps nih, nanti perlu dicobain…
makasih infonya bro .
share buat Galaxy Young juga ya lw bsa 🙂
makasi tas infonya gan
nice info, bagaimana dengan cara upgrade huawei aviator?
any clue?
kren banget
infonya keren..l
ditunggu info selanjutnya
nice info, boleh untuk di coba…
Gute Informationen, aber wohl leider ein Opfer von Spammern…
Thanks for posting this useful information. This was just what I was on looking for. I’ll come back to this blog for sure! I bookmarked this blog a while ago because of the useful content and I am never being disappointed. Keep up the good work.
thx for your posting, its powerfull… nice dude 🙂
thank u sir.. good articles.. and that is nice blog..
Good sharing, realy worth information. new features is remarkable
mantep… coba upgrade andro ane ahhh 🙂
thanks gan infonya!
nice infoo.. thanks
thanks infonya..
visit back ya..
akhirnya saya temukan juga tips seperti ini..
saya juga termasuk orang awam dengan HP Samsung galaxi mini ini…terima kasih info nya sangat membantu..
terimakasih buat informasinya!!!samsung memang keren…
baru jumpa cara nak upgrade.tq bro.sangat berguna tip ni.
Wah keren HP nya, jadi pengen punya kayak gitu
thanks a great article and very helpful
klo hp ini kena virus, antivirus apa gan yang paling ampuh?
hebat yaaa teknologi canggih
trima kasih untuk informasinya, it works
samsung emang saingan berat apple. kemarin, galaxy tab juga mantab
Nice information sir…
wajib di coba gan
It’s the best time
to make a few plans for the future and it’s time to be happy. I’ve read this
post and if I may I desire to suggest you some interesting things or
trima kasih untuk informasinya, it works
terima kasih infonya…
pengen cari samsung galaxy…tapi gak punya uang
amazing informational post, thanks for putting this up 🙂
kang, terima kasih infonya mah,..bermanfaat sekalii
trima kasih untuk informasinya,
nice share sob
nice onfo gan..
slam kenal mas,, thank tipnya di coba sok
just the way i needed. thank you so much for opening up about this topic. I appreciate it admin.
info yang sangat berguna..thanks..
tips yang sangat bagus… trims
Waah.. info yang berguna ni bagi saya yang pengguna androis.. Nice share sob.. 🙂
Tips yang sangat bermanfaat bagi para androiders..
samsung memang keren…
rame banget yang komentar..
thank’s for your information,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
kereeeeennn 🙂
Awesome. I have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.
have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.
very nive…
Thanks, this device is pretty good in market
I will bookmark this page, it’s really good article and remembering year 2012 for me.
great post, I was looking for this. thank you
Harga Galaxy S sekarang berapa ya.. masi di produksi ga…??
Oh thanks for your posting i have the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy Mini when it will them upgrade to Gingerbread
Hmmm…. info soal upgrading Gingerbread…..
great information…..
Thanks fo sharing this information. It works great for me.
same problem happened with me, thanks for share this.. 🙂
sudah sering gonta ganti firmware tapi untung belim pernah ngerasain ngebrick, tapi kalo suatu saat perlu tinggal ke sini aja..ijin bookmark gan.. 🙂
makasih atas infonya, sekarang harganya dah turun g ?
informasi yang sangat menarik mas
jika mengalami AMS downloadd atau MBIB download tapi lamaaaaa baanggeettt.. dan dengan cara diatas kok masih tidak bisa.. coba ganti file OPS nya.. Alhamdulillh saya berhaslil..
can anyone help me? i just bought the samsung galaxy wonder. When i tried to connect it to computers, it doesnt works. error saying that my computers didnt recognise the USB. Ive tried in a few computers already and the error still same.
nice info…really helpful… thx for share
pengen bgt pake android, tp sayang harganya masih blm terjangkau sama kantong ane hiks hiks
Thanks a ton for the help with this post, i found what i was looking for. now i can upgrade my samsung galaxy.
thanks for your information bro,,,!
thank you for info
thanks infonya..mungkin bisa diupgrade lagi jadi GB 2.3.7
ok, good info for yr post…thanks
om mau tanya nih? ini caranya bisa di pakai buat hp samsung android yg lain gak?
thanks for your information bro,,,
kren nich tampilannya,harganya berkisar berapa ya?
terimakasih dengan adanya artikel ini saya mendapat pengetahuan abru yang sangat bermanfaat. ditunggu artikel berikutnya gan.
nice share……………….
klo ada duit boleh dicoba tuch.
happy blogging
android mantapp
Halo mas, nice article review about Galaxy Mini. Anyway, kalau ada yang tertarik dengan promo-promo yang digelar oleh Samsung bisa lihat di sini:
Masih berfungsi ga ini triknya ? 😀
versi gingerbeard cam nya bisa buat scanner lho…
Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your great article on this. Hope it’ll help many Android users.
Hi All I’ve got a PR2 website. Visit and Give your comment and If you want we can exchange links. Hope for the best.
berita kita
Galmin Emang mantabbb
ternyata galaxi mini bisa di upgrade juga ya ke gingerbread..
galaxy mini spek nya jg keren
That’s something amazing, the more advanced your cellphone is, the more problems you have with it. isn’t there a way to get a good and advanced cellphone?
wahhh bagus tuh,,,,,
setiap aplikasi yang ada di market banyak yang gratisan, tapi ada juga yang berayar.Ada yang tau bagaimana cara pembayarannya?
thanks your information friend
Ternyata GalMin bisa jadi gingerbread ya?
kayaknya kalo sampe gagal siap2 kurban
hhmmm, i see that 😀
mantap tenan infonya…trims gan
Finally someone solved it, made my day!
wow i will try this trick
thank you 😀
hmmm.. my samsung is samsung galaxy ace
i want to ask you ? it is risk for our phone ?
Great trick,,,
I will try it…
this content is really good. nice to read and hekp my! a lot of thanks
Sama mantepnya ketika dulu downgrade fw nokia bb5.
wowo,very nice info.
Keren nihhh..
comentnyaa banyakk bangetttt..
pada berburu backlink nieee
SGM can install flash palyer
sipp dah minfonya
kereeeeeeennnnnnnnnn ommmh 🙂
Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide
terimakasih atas informasinya gan,.,,,
Oh thank you very much. Now I can try Honeycomb
terimakasih nih infonya..sangat menarik sobat…
ampun gan, ilmunya belum nyampek ni.
tp nice info gan buat tambah2n kalo bsk beli.
infonya bagus, makasih ya om….
Mantap.. infonya..
hape ane masih jadul nih,,
makasih infonya.
Very Helpful. I love this post. Thanks. 🙂
very good information excellent
Oh thank you very much.
Nice info… ditunggu posting lainnya.
Nice info Gan… Ditunggu posting selanjutnya… Makasih.
Info yang menarik buat para pecinta android, kebetulan saya juga menggunakan android, masalah yang paling krusial adalah Batery nya.. Huuuuu.
andorid, iphone, bb bla bla bla haaaa sudah pake telpon rumah sajalah hehehe
thanks inponya gan….akhirnya nemu juga caranya setelah lama dah googling
Ane punya yang galaxi tab 7 versi lama.. gmn cara upgradenya yah gan ?
TQ.untuk info ini.
wow..ternyata hp android bisa kayak compi ya….salam kenal..msh newbie bgt neh,lg genjot pengunjung..oiya kunjung balik ke sp tau bermanfat..mksih
Ane paling demen ama samsung dan itu nurun ama anak-anak ane juga.. samsung club
sip ..good
pada bagus-bagus..
kagak mudeng mas
nice post! really, very funny:)
I ran into a similar problem with my android. Drove me nuts. lol
terima kasih buat problem solvingnya kang,, ini yang ane cari – cari… matur nuhun…
Makasih ya sob artikelnya bagus dan unix mampir ke blog saya ya … Link
Kok lama banget ngga’ update postingnya ya?
thank for information..
very impressive, but i dont have this tube, lol.
kapan ya saya punya android.. *mewek
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Samsung suckss.!!
This could be possible you can get the resolution In 2012 as soon as possible. Company is provide upgrading tools to update the samsung mini
mas harry blognya udah ga pernah diupdate lagi ya??
Kok lama banget ngga’ update postingnya ya?
thank info samsung galaxy mini upgrade
thank info android samsung galaxy
mantap gan ponselku udh bisa di update ke gingerbread 2.3.4
mantapsss gan
saya jiuga pake samsung tapi samsungnya yang corby………..
Mantapss gan……makasih gan..salam kenal ya
Thanks Informasinya ya mas.. tapi lum berani oprek2… @_@
mas bagamana klo bkn samsung yang di upgrade
makasih sharingnya gan. hmm…nyari sekennya aja dah, soalnya samsung ane bukan yg ni.
sudah bisa porting ke ICS belum pak 😀
really great information thanks alot
thanks bwt infonya bro, tapi saya gax punya hp android bro, tpi ijin save dlu aja
well samsung is my next target .. he .. eh
kalau dompet lagy tebal kayaknya saya mau bermigrasi neh
wah hati2 tuh klo mau upgrade hape…
mesti kudu teliti biar gak kenapa2…
Wah gak berani coba2, padahal punya beberapa hp yang rusak ^^
Samsung ini pasti mahal..
punya saya nokiyem ajah..
murah awet dan bersahabat haha
Wah mantap sekali tulisannnya, rekomended banget.
Thank you bro..
I’m too afraid to do this. Better go to gadget service. Thanx anyway brada
Simple and verry usefull
Nice post dude
pengin banget nyoba galaxi mini tp lagi gga ad duit.. hihihih
It is another very useful post buddy.
I was searching for this information. Please also post some useful topic on how to make money online by doing some small networking.
galaxy mini memang android paling murah, tapi kecanggihannya luar biasa
mas, blog saya tentang galaxy mini juga nih. mau tukeran link ?
thanks buat sharingnya
makas atas sharingnya ya mas
Wah makasih sob infonya,
ini yang saya cari dari 2 hari yang lalu,,,
wilujeng ngeblog
mantaap gan model terbaruu ,,
makasih banget pak,
ijin cari backlink ya
makasih pak, makasih juga bekling nya :d
androind memang hebat.. tq
bakar ajjj ini web,.. !!!!!!!!!!!! bakar-bakar-bakar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice info, mau nyoba ah….
Thanks untuk info yg berguna nie
android galaqxy mini mantaps gan
Keep blogging. Visit u here. Like to be friend.
samsung memang keren
كمبيو تك
ديشا Ùوكس
Nice Post… Thanks.
Terima kasih sahabat telah berbagi informasinya ini
nice info bro
banyak banget yah komentarnya
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Jule Carrio
I don’t have smsung galmin yet
bagus infonya…thanks….
Thanks, I just want to upgrade my samsung and I am very lucky meet your article.
maaf gan suka lupa ,,,
I will bookmark this page, it’s really good article and remembering year 2012 for me. Tahan you so much
Wah, ane gak punya samsung.. tapi ikut menyimak deh, nice share.. sekalian tambah ilmu…
Rame banget nih blog komentarnya?. Dofollow tp prnya tinggi. Page speednya 0.01kb/s. Nggak percaya cek aja di . Mantaaaaaaaavv….
Hmm, do you think this will work on series S now?
Terima kasih atas infonya.
Wow, makasih artikelnya.. Cari infonya dulu, belum berani ngoprek samsung galaxy saya, masih takut2.hehe
Bagus Infonya, good article…trims
Makasih banget tipsnya.
Ntar dicoba.
sayang gan hp saya nokia …
terus jadul lagi hp’nya …
salam kenal gan … 🙂
Kapan ya saya punya Samsung Galaxy juga… hmmm
pengin banget upgrade ke roti jahe/gingerbread, tapi galaxy ku masih baru nih, masih takut mo diutak utik, tar kalo dah agak lama tak coba tutornya,
sayang q lom punya smartphone cam thu
nais Info cuy,,
bermanfaat Infonya
tapi sayang ane cuma pake Nokia he :0
Alhamdulillah, saya lancar-lancar aja untuk proses upgradenya. Langkah-langkah yang lainnya bisa di cari di kok gan 😀
Masih rada bingung bos, soalnya rumit bin njelimet
Thanks infonya gan, tak coba dulu
Info yang bermanfaat, kebetulan lagi butuh jadi langsung ke praktek
Kayaknya rumit ya pak?
jlimet gan..
gak mudeng aq..
nice share.solve problem …
wah jd pgn cepet py galaxy hehe
kapan ya… aduh seru y bisa py hp android kyk gt
keep blogging 😉
salam blogger jogja
An attention-grabbing dialogue is value comment. I feel that you should write more on this topic, it won’t be a taboo topic but generally individuals are not sufficient to talk on such topics. To the next. Cheers
Finding good information from blogs is not always easy, but you have done a great job here, interesting title too, cool.
takut gagal gan kalo coba upgrade 😀 hha jadi gak ane coba sampe skrang.
makasih gan infonya.. ane nitip link yah 😀
nunggu GB resmi aja deh dari Samsung untuk Galaxy Mini..
biar bisa upgrade OTA..
Hi, Thanks for sharing … it is really helpful..
You should use your blog more, you see how many people really like it!
very good, information really
nice share masbro langsung di coba
waduh…belum punya galaxy mini hehe
bagus banget tamlatenya…. musti punya galaxxy mini ni
thx sharing ilmu galaxy nya…
Nice artikel. keep up the good work
Thanks for information for upgrade galaxy mini.
thanks for the info,
i will use this gadget
Awesome. I have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet. BTW great post!
Postingannya bagus gan, salam sukses untuk webnya, kunjungi web saya ya gan . Thank you
very nice info bro,,,
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Hmmm,,, not bad,,, i like your blog
I loved your blog. Thanks for the post.
hatur nuhun gan sama infonya …
saya langsung coba ya … 🙂
salam ….
Matur tengkyu.. nice post
sangat membantu.. cobain deh 😉
very good
information very good post
gal ming sudah sampai 2.3.6 kan ya…
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Sip gan, pas lg cari artikel spt ini.
help, my samsung usb driver wont work!
Thanks bro!
wah,,,saya g ngerti itu bahasa apa ya,,,maklum newbi
very much information thank
thank information, very gooood
help, my samsung usb driver wont work!
ini yg dicari
nice share masbro langsung di coba
veri nice info bro
info yang bagus
berhubung saya sedang memakai android saya berterimakasih sekali bisa menemukan artikel di blog ini 😀
info bagus nih, kebetulan lagi nyari artikel tentang android 🙂
wow i use android phone too
Komentarnya gak pada nyambung. hahaha
Pengen deh rasanya galaxy mini saya juga di-upgrade jadi Android yang baru.
blogwalking ya gann 🙂
baru ini daratang dari gue ane,,,
wow i use android phone too
nfo bagus nih, kebetulan lagi nyari artikel tentang android
nice info mas bro….
saya baru tau klo galaxy bsa d upgrde ke ginerbread 🙂
thank you admin, good web article. I’m from indonesia and I enjoyed reading your article! Keep posting
I like it 🙂
nice article info smartphone samsung galaxy mini
thank information article samsung smart phone
mkasih tuh ats info nya
tolong mampir juga ya plizz tapi kalau sempat hrus di sempatin donk
very good information thank
nice article… very help full…
thanx infonya…
nice share thanks for information,,,
thxxx gan, infonya berguna bgt
alat pesta bandung
thanks information
very much information
Artikelnya bagus banget, saya akan segera akan mencoba di website saya, sampai saat ini website saya belum SEO Frendly nih,
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menguruskan alexa Ranking. Terimakasih… Artikelnya bagus banget !!!
wah,,, kweren,,,,, 2x,,,
nitip lapak gan!!
Very nice post…
Terima kasih infonya….
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Terimakasih Infonya
artikel yang bagus,
sangat bermanfaat..
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nice info thanks for share,,,
sangat bagus artikelnua
this is very good post i like it.
It’s look really great to read the post!! Thanks for the great info!!
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It’s nice to know something about upgrading a galaxy mini. Thanks it’s a big help for me and my galaxy.
nice info.. makasih
info yang sangat bermanfaat mas ……terimakasih atas sharenya
kern infonya gan, sayang aku lom punya hp samsung galaxy….
thanks for share this info .. keep posting 🙂
Kejadian yang sama dengan Tab 7 Wifi. Ada yang sudah bisa upgrade ke GB blom?
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Thank you for your lesson about how to upgrade to Gingerbread 2.3.4. I try it.
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I am very interested of Samsung Galaxy mini. So I need some special tips about this handset. can anybody help me?
Kok bahasa inggris yo mas… aku nggak ngerti…
Tapi, ngomong-ngomong jadi ngeri kalo update OS kayak gini, trus berhenti, ntar takut gak bisa booting lagi hpnya. Trims ya tipsnya…
mas pembahasannya pakai bahasa indonesia doank jadi saya harus lihat kamus nih.terima kasih infonya….
Galaxy mini, impian banyak orang….
Galaxy mini top bgt
Mini is ok….
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Ja di mau beli nih oom ,,mantappp
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thanks for posting….
Very Nice post . and good information in this site . thanks for sharing.
hey,,, nice blog thanks for posting,,
I’m interested in the same cell phone, it costs approximately how much?
information is very good, and I am interested in the phone. should I buy?
very information very good.
Info dan ilmu yg sangat menarik tapi sayangnya saya gak punya handset nya
Thanks mate! This is really an important information.
kayaknya mantab nie kalo bisa upgrade android sendiri, tapi belum tahu langkah-langkahnya 🙁
terima kasih atas infonya, sangat menarik juga
samsung is good gadget especially for galaxy mini, i love it too
Thank you for the great article I did enjoyed reading it, I will be sure to
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I want to encourage that you continue your great job, have a good day
kalo buat galaxy fit, adak gak ya bro….
waduh ga pernah punya samsung android gan, punyanya BB, tapi ntar klo ane punya boleh coba tips nya
As usual, a very insightful post from you guys.
and great post for ideas…. 🙂
Abacus Franchise
Thank for your tips
android emang oke punya gan…trims tipsnya
lowongan pekerjaan
After looking feel very useful, very good article
wah bagus bgt..
semoga bermanfaat nich infonya
thank bnget nich infonya!
Very nice post! Love this…Thanks for sharing!
wah jadi pengen coba upgrade juga nih. terima kasih atas tutorialnya.
It is such a nice post I enjoyed it so much.
thanks for sharing.
nice sharing gan..hehe
your post is so much helpful for me because I also have samsung
mobile and thanks for this information.
Thanks for share.
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Thanks 4 Sharing!
makasih banyak neh,, bermanfaat nich infonya
thank bnget nich infonya!
saya baru tau ada web yang luar biasa bigini isinya
sampai bisa PR 5
salam kenal sobat 🙂
thanks informasinya gan….
nice post thanks for posting
it’s nice post well written and good knowldge for share us thanks for post…
makasi gan udah di share artikelnya
Yang mau buka toko online gak pake ribet, silahkan kunjungi
terima kasih ^_^
Lowongan Kerja : a great post
great! nice post, really useful.
thank infonya, lumayan buat nambah pengetahun
Thanks for the tutorial, is very useful for me a hard time finding the solution
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Thanks for this guide! im gonna try it right now
Grtz from Belgium
info bagus nih, kebetulan lagi nyari artikel tentang android
alhamdulilah hp ane udah tab gan..hehe
bukannya sombong ya gan
Good writeup.Nice information post in your content blog.
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This worked. Finally. Thanks.
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