Solution : Problem When Upgrading Samsung Galaxy Mini to Gingerbread 2.3.4

That was quite scary – I almost bricked (read: killed!) my phone this morning, when I tried to upgrade it to Gingerbread (Android version 2.3.x).

To cut long story short – tried to install / “flash” Gingerbread ROM into my Samsung Galaxy Mini. There are many excellent tutorials that shows how easy to do this, for example :

# Upgrade Samsung Galaxy Mini and Root to Android Gingerbread 2.3.3
Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570XXKPI Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread
# And many others.

However, in my case, the process got stuck at the following text :

<1> START!!!
<1> set download environment.
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> mibib download..

I was quite rightly scared at this point, thinking “dang, that’s it – my phone is bricked”.

Thankfully, that was not the case 😀 after MUCH googling around, I was able to finally upgrade my Galaxy Mini by doing the following :

DISCLAIMER: I shared this info with the intention to help others. However, I offer NO guarantee whatsoever that it will work for you as well.
Be aware that there is always a chance that your phone will end up bricked. Flashing ROM is not yet a 100% safe operation.

Now let’s continue, shall we ?

(1) Find another computer which has NOT Kies installed in it. (Kies is the software provided along with Samsung phones).
Looks like somehow that Kies is interfering with Odin / flashing operation on our Galaxy Mini. NOT good. Bad, bad Kies !

(2) Install Samsung USB driver there. If you haven’t got it, you can download it from here : [ Samsung USB driver ] (18 MB)

(3) Now, start following one of the tutorials listed above.

Now my Galaxy Mini is running Gingerbread 2.3.4 😀 yeah !

A bit more info – this is what you’ll get in Odin’s Message Box when everything’s going okay :

Download Start…
<0> Create File…
<1> StartThread Detected : 1
<2> StartThread Detected : 0
<3> StartThread Detected : 0
<4> StartThread Detected : 0
<5> StartThread Detected : 0
<6> StartThread Detected : 0
<7> StartThread Detected : 0
<8> StartThread Detected : 0
<1> setup connection…
<1> odin mode.. check plcatform verification.
<1> VerifyPlatform:V0, P0,R0
<1> START!!!
<1> set download environment.
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> big partition size!!
<1> mibib download..
<1> 1/10 Finished.
<1> qcsbl download..
<1> 2/10 Finished.
<1> oemsbl download..
<1> 3/10 Finished.
<1> amss download..
<1> 4/10 Finished.
<1> arm11boot download..
<1> 5/10 Finished.
<1> boot.img download..
<1> 6/10 Finished.
<1> recovery.img download..
<1> 7/10 Finished.
<1> system.rfs download..
<1> 8/10 Finished.
<1> data.rfs download..
<1> 9/10 Finished.
<1> csc.rfs download..
<1> 10/10 Finished.
<1> reset pda..
<0> Started Timer
<1> Close serial port and wait until rebooting.
<1> PASS!!!
<0> Destroy instant..
<0> Killed timer

So that’s how I did it. Hopefully it’ll help someone else out there 🙂
Enjoy !

1,132 thoughts on “Solution : Problem When Upgrading Samsung Galaxy Mini to Gingerbread 2.3.4

  1. Your blog is very interesting. . the theme is also good. . do not forget to visit my blog ya. . thanks n good luck

  2. saya coba gingerbird 2.3.1 tapi kyknya kurang stabil,, mungkin yg sekarang lebih stabil daripada versi lamanya. ya.. maju terus samsung !

  3. how many days once you post an article?
    because I’ll always be waiting for you to new articles I’ve read

  4. although I haven’t android yet, but the information is very useful for me, becz I’d like to buy android next month. thank you

  5. Awesome. I have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.

  6. Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide

  7. terima help my GIO in 2.3.4 horrraaayy…

  8. i feel very lucky can find this page..
    finally i find something that i want to know..
    thank you for this usefull informations..

  9. I actually have a Droid 2 and it magically updated itself a week ago, overnight! When I woke up it had a new Android OS installed and it looks way better.

  10. Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a ton for sharing it 🙂 I m looking forward desperately for the next post of yours..

  11. samsung galaxy memang sangat booming pada tahun ini. agan punya software / untuk samsung champ gt 3300 k gak? n kasih tutorial buat install nya coz ane nyoba install gak bisa2. thanks gan

  12. i feel very lucky can find this page..
    finally i find something that i want to know..
    thank you for this usefull informations..

  13. Thanks for the tips. I haven’t tried to upgrade my Galaxy mini to gingerbread. Will refer your great tutorial if I got any problem. 🙂

  14. ntar kalo gw dah punya bakal gw cobain dah, hehehe

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  17. sy bener2 gak percaya klo trnyata android bisa diupdate gitu. apakah ini berlaku u android merk lain diluar samsung.. thanx for this great info

  18. Wah galaxy mini memang HP android sejuta Umat nih….
    Cuman baterenya aja yg ga nahannnnn…

  19. good article and interesting greeting success please visit my blog article might be useful for you.

  20. Nice tutorial, it is so clearly written, that even novice like me could understand it. Message written from upgraded Samsung 😉

  21. Nah… ini dia yang di cari-cari. Hampir sama permasalahannya waktu upgrade android.


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  23. Mesaj yazılmış çok güzel ve pek çok yararlı bilgiler gösterir. Ben yazı yazma seçkin bir yol bulmak için mutluyum. Bize kavramı anlamak için kolaylaştırır. Mesaj için teşekkür ederiz Thanks you Admin

  24. Mesaj yazılmış çok güzel ve pek çok yararlı bilgiler gösterir. Ben yazı yazma seçkin bir yol bulmak için mutluyum. Admins

  25. Thanks a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually know what you’re talking about!

  26. infox sangat bagus dan lengkap tapi sayang saya lom bisa beli android hhehe..salam kenal yaaa..
    salam kenal juga buat yang lain ….main main ke blog saya yaaa

  27. Your story rocks.. I feel like deep deep down down while reading the text displayed in the android..:D

  28. Looks like somehow that Kies is interfering with Odin / flashing operation on our Galaxy Mini. NOT good. Bad, bad Kies !

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  30. Nice Info Boss…… bermanfaat buat nambah ilmu android… sekalian jalan” neh Boss.

  31. Salam kenal kira2 samsung Galaxy tab bisa nggak ya di update pakai cara ini? Terus seandainya dalam prosesnya terjadi kegagalan apa dampaknya?

  32. owh.. ternyata ada juga yang mengalami waktu Upgrade ya di samsung galaxy… nice info Om,,,

  33. Excuse me。 nice info, bagaimana dengan cara upgrade huawei aviator?
    any clue?

  34. cma biasana kalau di upgred cpt drop atau blank krn bkan kpasitasx spngalamn Nokia or Se jg cpet blank kalau upgred

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  36. boleh nih, jadi sumber referensi, soalnya ane juga punya galaxy mini, dan blog ane jga ngebahas soal seluk-beluk mini

  37. Hello admin,

    I just found your blog and suddenly really did not feel alone sebab beberapa orang kawan saya pun mengalami masalah ini huhu

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  39. Your blog is very interesting. .
    Nice information of upgrading Samsung Galaxy phone thanks for share this information
    thanks n good luck

  40. Saya sangat beruntung dapat menemukan situs ini. Terima kasih telah berbagi informasi-nya. Saya akan menikmati setiap hal-hal baru yang Anda posting.

  41. he he he he .. merasakan seremnya flashing juga nih akhirnya 🙂 … tenang saja, kalau bricked di android ada jumper juga menggunakan sistem GOLD CARD .. even ane sendiri belum pernah belajar pakai GOLD CARD SYSTEM …congratulate

  42. Pengennya se pake GB mas . .tp harganya mahal mas . .hehehehe . .
    thanks buat infonya ya mas . .makin sukses sellu..
    good luck:))

  43. In my case the process stuck at this text too :
    set download environment.
    big partition size!!
    big partition size!!
    big partition size!!

    After many hours of searches on the internet I managed to solve the problem.

  44. terkadang suka ragu dan takut akan hasil upgrade ..
    kecuali bisa upgrade sndiri, dan tahu setting yg dipakainya …

    maaf ya .. suka kurang yakin sm upgrade oleh orang lain ..

  45. Thanks to you, I now have a Gingerbread Anroid 2.3.x in my pocket. I’d say that’s quit appropriate, now that the holiday season is vastly approaching.

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  46. Gingerbread 2.3.4 mantapp.. info yg sangat bermanfaat. ctrl+d dulu gan. nice share.. keep posting.

  47. mantap gan. Sangat bermanfaat sekali. Salam kenal ya.

    O iya, kalo berkenan berkunjung juga ya.

  48. Saya senang dengan kemajuan OS Android, namun sepertinya Android tidak bisa bersantai-santai karena sebentar lagi Ubuntu juga akan membuat OS untuk mobile computing.

  49. nice share..
    mau nyoba upgrade sendiri agak merinding juga, takut kalo gagal..
    Salam kenal. 😀

  50. I feel actual blessed that I begin this folio ..

    I assuredly begin article I appetite to apperceive ..

    Thanks for the advice ..

  51. I feel actual blessed that I begin this folio ..

    I assuredly begin article I appetite to apperceive ..

    Thanks for the advice ..

  52. I have an android capable device but I am lazy to upgrade. And besides I happy with my OS. Thanks for the share.

  53. Thank you a lot for your interesting post. I have been looking for such information for a really long time. Not all your content is fully easy to understand to me, even though it is definitely interesting and worth reading.

  54. Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide

  55. itu stabil gak bro? kalo gak stabil, ya repot, tar bolak balik ganti android os, hehehe 🙂

  56. Nice one for revealing. I really hope it’s going to be helpful to some people that are seeking out it subject. Continue to keep submitting gentlemen and keep this specific message board a good area to find out details.

  57. all..knapa stelah upgrade andorid 2.2 ke 2.3.4 usb jadi bermasalah, gk bisa debug usb lagi ‘n gk bisa nyambung ama Kies

  58. This is so useful, i hope i tried it first before i sell it. I already have the latest Galaxy with the latest version, just release by samsung 3 months ago. Thanks for sharing admin. great tutorial.

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  60. Never been better for an upgrade, really brilliant sharing. So helpful. amazing idea. thanks admin.

  61. Very interesting topic admin. I really appreciate your idea of sharing. Thanks and looking forward for more quality blog.

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  63. Glad to hear that you’ve bricked your phone ALMOST – nothing worse than losing one’s data, regardless of what’s the data on. Next time it might be wise to go through some XDA posts – just a hint

  64. hye, upgraded to 2.3.4 on asian model and my gps is not working, could anyone kindly tell me how the set the apn? will this fix the gps issue?

  65. saya coba gingerbird 2.3.1 tapi kyknya kurang stabil,, mungkin yg sekarang lebih stabil daripada versi lamanya. ya.. maju terus samsung !

    katanya lebih bagus yg honeycomb yah bro ?

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  67. hmm, nice gan, keren :thumb6: :thumb5: :thumb4: :thumb3: :thumb2: jangan lupa mampir ke blogku ya 😀

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  69. Aduh mesti di translate dolo nih kyknya..Soalnya aku masih bingung baca bahasanya mas..harap maklum orang kampung..Tapi kyknya ini bermanfaat banget nih..terimakasih ya.Salam kenal

  70. samsung type ini banyak disukai oleh orangorangterutama karena featurenya yang keren. infonya lengkap dan bagus

  71. because I’ll always be waiting for you to new articles I’ve read.
    I really liked your article. For me is very interesting to read.
    I always let you know via e-mail each time you update a new article

  72. Pengennya se pake Gingerbread mas . .tp harganya mahal mas . .hehehehe . .
    thanks buat infonya ya mas . .makin sukses sellu..
    good luck:))

  73. this is a nice tutorial ! i’ll try it on my Samsung Galaxy Mini. thanks 🙂

  74. Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your great article on this. Hope it’ll help many Android users.

    Hi All I’ve got a PR2 website. Visit and Give your comment and If you want we can exchange links. Hope for the best.

  75. thanks for sharing gan…salam kenal bro…klo ane masih pakai BB nih soalnya ikutan temen2 aja yg bbm an

  76. I really enjoyed reading your article about samsung. I do not know much about samsung. Thanks for the information and friendship greetings from Indonesia.

  77. gan kalo hape 6600 symbian v2 bisa di upgrade jadi symbian v3 kaya e63 gak ya…?? kayaknya yg bisa diupgrade cuma hape android mlulu…

  78. I had the same problem updating to gingerbread with my galaxy. Looking through message boards it appears to be a firmware problem with hardware from Samsung

  79. Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your gre

  80. mantab nich bang…!
    kang kalo pas lagi upgrade tiba-tiba hp mati itu kenapa ya bisa tolongin ‘ngak….!

  81. sepertinya ini artikel yg terbaru..mana kelanjutannya mas? kok lama blognya nggak di update lagi…? salam dari Bali

  82. Informasinya bagus dan bermanfaat 🙂

    Ditunggu kunjungan dan komentar baliknya 🙂

    Sekalian tukaran link.

    Salam Persahabatan.

  83. thanks for your information…. this article has advantage thing for people who have Samsung Galaxy Mini… bagi yg pakai samsung galaxy mini, cocok bngt artike ini

  84. Semakin banyak aja dimana” samsung…
    Apakah ini akan bisa menggeser posisi BB…?
    Kita tunggu saja…

  85. Not really a good idea, this happens not only to mobile technologies but laptops as well. It will just result to corrupt files or its totally compatible but it won’t work at all. There is something missing of what you do or its the gadget that has a problem.

  86. Thank you for this information, I really wanted to upgrade my samsung galaxy. I think Ill just sell my old one and buy a new one. Brilliant post.

  87. hihihi untung ga sampe brick beneran hpnya kang. kalo gw sih mending bawa ke outlet samsungnya aja dahhh

  88. saya sudah sukses uprage ke cynogen 2.3.4 tapi koq saat membuka sebuah program sering force close ya mas…ada solusinya ga?

  89. Mas, bagus banget solusinya …. selain samsung…. aku mau nanya hanphone yg lain, kalo apple ada solution gak bwt nyari aplikasi gratisnya.

  90. Hi Harry! 🙂
    It’s been a few years…am one of your blogger friends, saya–myphilosophy, but first I’d like to wish you Happy New Year 2012.
    Wish you all the best for another year of goodness and sharing that you’ve been doing greatly w/ this site. Congrats.

    I’m back in the U.S. now, but I will be hopefully traveling around this year…maybe visiting Indonesia too. But before that happens and maybe we could meet in person finally, I’d like to share w/ you a video that sparked ideas in me and I know you’re the right person that can help make this happen in Indo w/ technology and skills that you have :-), pls watch this video:

    Just switch the world “Africa” to “Indonesia, we practically share similar issues…but there are solutions, and people need to engage and all be activists for what we believe in, esp. for Indonesia, right?

    Anyways, let me know what you think. I don’t know if you still remember me; we emailed each other a few times in the past (I was living in France then). Pls email back to me, instead of using this comment box. Sorry, I couldn’t find your email address.

    I’m glad that you’re doing well, it seems like 🙂
    More successes and well-being for you and your family.
    I’d like to re-start a ‘conversation’ again; maybe something good will come out of this…who knows?

    Hope to hear from you, cheers from abroad…

  91. samsung galaxy memang sangat booming pada tahun ini. agan punya software / untuk samsung champ gt 3300 k gak? n kasih tutorial buat install nya coz ane nyoba install gak bisa2. thanks gan

  92. This is a great article! It’s a shame that upgrading the OS on your phone these days isn’t as “smart” as the phone!

  93. Thank You for providing such great information but something .All information has been helpful.

  94. Your blog is very interesting. .

    thanks for the article you provided is very useful at all

  95. woo it’s easier than the other ways that my friend suggests me to do… a lot cheaper too…
    ….. thx 4 sharing…

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    Its opportunity are so fantastic and working style so speedy. I think it may be help all of you. Thanks a lot for enjoying this beauty blog with me. I am appreciating it very much! Looking forward to another great blog. Good luck to the author! all the best!

  97. infonya udh di jlni dr dulu
    ada info untuk upgrade gingerbread v2.3.6 ga yg ga lelet internet.
    sy udh coba versi 2.3.6 tp internetnya lelet banget

  98. ngikutin perkembangan gadget pening kang…he ehheheh…hampir tipa minggu ada yang baru terus….salam kenal kang,tapi bagus juga info nya buat referansi bagi yang doyan gonta ganti gadget…

  99. Hi,
    This information this blog very help full for me. I enjoy for this blog. Thanks for posting blog.

  100. waktu saya upgrade gio, sempat ada ada masalah, mau ulangi upgrade, dowload mode gak bisa dari hp, lalu saya coba download mode dari pc. dengan android SDK manager, sekarang sudah lancar.

  101. it’s very usefull. i have a galaxy mini too. can i upgrade into ice cream sandwich???

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  103. akhirnya saya temukan juga tips seperti ini..
    saya juga termasuk orang awam dengan HP Samsung galaxi mini ini…terima kasih info nya sangat membantu..

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  105. just the way i needed. thank you so much for opening up about this topic. I appreciate it admin.

  106. Awesome. I have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.


  107. have two android-capable devices, one of them unactivated. I’ve wanted to overclock one of them for awhile but I just haven’t given it a shot yet.

  108. Oh thanks for your posting i have the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy Mini when it will them upgrade to Gingerbread

  109. sudah sering gonta ganti firmware tapi untung belim pernah ngerasain ngebrick, tapi kalo suatu saat perlu tinggal ke sini aja..ijin bookmark gan.. 🙂

  110. jika mengalami AMS downloadd atau MBIB download tapi lamaaaaa baanggeettt.. dan dengan cara diatas kok masih tidak bisa.. coba ganti file OPS nya.. Alhamdulillh saya berhaslil..

  111. can anyone help me? i just bought the samsung galaxy wonder. When i tried to connect it to computers, it doesnt works. error saying that my computers didnt recognise the USB. Ive tried in a few computers already and the error still same.

  112. Thanks a ton for the help with this post, i found what i was looking for. now i can upgrade my samsung galaxy.

  113. terimakasih dengan adanya artikel ini saya mendapat pengetahuan abru yang sangat bermanfaat. ditunggu artikel berikutnya gan.

  114. Gingerbread 2.3.4 is a good OS. And I really like it. Your articles proves it accordingly. Thanks for your great article on this. Hope it’ll help many Android users.

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  115. That’s something amazing, the more advanced your cellphone is, the more problems you have with it. isn’t there a way to get a good and advanced cellphone?

  116. Ternyata GalMin bisa jadi gingerbread ya?
    kayaknya kalo sampe gagal siap2 kurban

  117. hmmm.. my samsung is samsung galaxy ace
    i want to ask you ? it is risk for our phone ?

  118. Upgrading samsung galaxi mini can be done successfully as long as we follow that steps above, thank to you, even though looks like so complicated but you guide people step by step with detail explanation. Great instruction guide

  119. Info yang menarik buat para pecinta android, kebetulan saya juga menggunakan android, masalah yang paling krusial adalah Batery nya.. Huuuuu.

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  125. Wah, ane gak punya samsung.. tapi ikut menyimak deh, nice share.. sekalian tambah ilmu…

  126. Wow, makasih artikelnya.. Cari infonya dulu, belum berani ngoprek samsung galaxy saya, masih takut2.hehe

  127. pengin banget upgrade ke roti jahe/gingerbread, tapi galaxy ku masih baru nih, masih takut mo diutak utik, tar kalo dah agak lama tak coba tutornya,

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  135. Kok bahasa inggris yo mas… aku nggak ngerti…
    Tapi, ngomong-ngomong jadi ngeri kalo update OS kayak gini, trus berhenti, ntar takut gak bisa booting lagi hpnya. Trims ya tipsnya…

  136. mas pembahasannya pakai bahasa indonesia doank jadi saya harus lihat kamus nih.terima kasih infonya….

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