Most of our digital media (ebooks, itunes items, etc) are rented, not purchased.
A lot of people have started to realize this.
Reshared post from +The Economist
Consumers have started to realise that they may not be buying their digital content, such as e-books, outright. In many cases they are in effect just renting themΓΒ http://econ.st/YB65kVΓΒ
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business strategy,
I think the BUY button is misleading. It should be changed to RENT button…… π
But some digital store like Amazon, Google Play or iTunes had RENT button already, which allows you to access their digital contents for limited time.
So, if the RENT button replaced the BUY button, then what should we change the current RENT button with? π
This is the basic concept of Copyrights Pak. Pada dasarnya yang kita beli memang hanya "hak ekonomis" dari suatu ciptaan
+Danu Prayoga Good question π probably RENT and RENT FOR xxx DAYS ? ;D
+Ahmad Zakaria Betul sekali mas, tapi mayoritas customer memiliki ekspektasi & persepsi yang keliru.
Kini mereka baru mulai menyadarinya π
Anyway, hurrah for Copyleft ! π
So RENT means "RENT till you DIE". And RENT for xxx DAYS means what it means π
RENT means "rent until whenever we feels like it" ……..lirik koleksi Kindle yang dihapus oleh Amazon UK…….. :((
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