Yes, it gets really hot 🙂 I almost burned my finger recently. And there's this guy posting photos of its mk802 with its melted casing. Crazy.
I'll buy a heatsink for it tomorrow.
In case it's not a hardware / overheating problem, then I'll need to start considering other solutions, for example: upgrading the firmware, replacing the android with Linux, etc :
XBMC for Android :
Uberoid (latest firmware + extra fixes) :
Howto replace mk802's firmware (incl. link to the LIveSuit) :
Linuxes @ mk802 :
CyanogenMod 10 @ mk802 :ÂÂ
Other stuff : must-have apps fo mk802 :
I'll post the solution which works for it.
FAQ – RIKOMAGIC MALAYSIA – Official Distributor for MK802/MK802+
What is an MK802? MK802 is a Flash Drive size ARM base Computer. It comes with Android 4.0 (ICS) preinstall. What is the content of the package? The complete package contains almost everything you nee…
Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.
List of current problems :
# Wifi connect – but can't browse the Internet.ÂÂ
Seems like DNS issue, info from various forums
# Overheating : the A10 chip gets really hot
Solved problems
(#) Video playback choppy / slow :ÂÂ
### install MX player
### install MX player Codec for ARMv7 NEON
Now video player is smooth.ÂÂ
(it's still not HW accelerated, but it's faster anyway)
Kayaknya Raspberry Pi masih lebih trouble free ya?
Kalau baca-baca di forum, ndak juga sih. Dan ini saya lagi apes saja dapat versi pertamanya – versi kedua & ketiga mk802 katanya sudah oke 🙂
Good news – it's now able to play the whole movies without problem 🙂
Using Intel's heatsink, yes it's rather overkill, but it helps to avoid it from overheating. However, because its size is too big, I had to open the casing, and strap the whole board into the heatsink. Quite a funny sight 🙂 but hey, it works.
The Home Entertainment setup :
# LG M2241A LCD : 21 inch, HDMI, USB, VGA, TV-in
# mk802ÂÂ
# Logitech M187 wireless mouseÂÂ
The LCD shows mk802 screen & sound via HDMI.ÂÂ
The mk802 is powered by LCD's USB port :-)ÂÂ
No need for DC adaptor == less cable, less mess.
To control the system, we're using LCD's remote, and the wireless mouse.ÂÂ
mk802 can stream the multimedia contents from the NAS attached to my house's hotspot.
The system can also be used as a normal Android system – only with (much) bigger screen compared to tablets / smartphone 🙂
My kids plays Android games & browses the Internet with it.
And the whole thing is pretty slim on power usage.ÂÂ
All in all, an experiment on Android as a home entertainment system with happy ending. Very nice.
Dapet harga berapa pak sampe sini?
Beli di, dapat Rp 800 ribu kalau ndak salah 🙂