Dan, perbudakan manusia oleh manusia lainnya, juga masih ada.
Dikutip :Â
"A Korean fishing vessel was recently found to be employing trafficked Indonesians off the coast of New Zealand"
"schoolchildren are told that the slave trade was vanquished in the 19th century
But the truth is that, in its modern manifestation, the trade is bigger than ever.
The United Nations estimates that about 21 million people are being kept in various forms of slavery"
"food-chain slaves in Britain, such as the Chinese cockle pickers drowned in Morecambe Bay"
"Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things powerfully depicted the illegal organ trade in London in 2003"
"Slavery …. Barack Obama has spoken powerfully about the need to start using (that word) again"
Mudah-mudahan tidak ada anggota keluarga ataupun kawan kita yang menjadi korban. Dunia ini tidak seramah yang kita sangka. Banyak orang yang kejam, bahkan mampu untuk menyakiti kita sambil tersenyum.
Slavery, not horse meat, is the real scandal on our doorstep – Telegraph
Long business supply chains are corruptible and can hide a multitude of crimes if no one checks for fraud or criminal activity
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Perbudakan negara adi kuasa ke para pemimpin Indonesia juga ada 😀
Perbudakan negara adi kuasa ke para pemimpin Indonesia juga ada 😀