Get this :
# Compatibility with Android apps : I didn't expect it to run heavy apps, like games such as Modern Combat. Guess what – it runs it very very smoothly. Damn….
This means that from the moment it launched, it instantly have thousands of (android) apps ready to be used.
# Silky smooth UI : the best. Constantly smooth UI all the time. Even JellyBean still couldn't compete with it. This is what you get with the correct implementation of QNX.
# Easy Access : this one needs to be experienced by yourself – basically, its UI's main interface is always available, by way of edge-swipe. True shortcuts.
And the overall UI just makes sense. Very intuitive.
# Just right form-factor : I love Playbook's design. I spent almost a month with it in Saudi Arabia, travelling to various places & cities. And it's an absolute joy to bring around.
BBZ have similarly very sensible design. No non-sense. It fits very nicely into your palm and your pockets.
# Features : from the first you turn it on, it's ready to be used. It already have enough apps & features to get you going straight away.
# Power : based on QNX, it should be able to handle even the most riotous bbm groups, etc. Unlike Blackberry's own OS.
Blackberry Playbook is the best tablet I've ever tried. Android JellyBean and the latest iOS devices still couldn't match its powerful & intuitive OS.
However, it's lacking very very badly where it matters – applications.
BBZ rectified this situation by enabling Android apps to run on it.
I'll say that this is the BEST product ever released by RIM.
Let's see if RIM will manage to mess up even this masterpiece….
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