Ubuntu One Music Store 9x lebih murah daripada iTunes :) sedang mencari rekaman suara…

Ubuntu One Music Store 9x lebih murah daripada iTunes 🙂 sedang mencari rekaman suara alam, untuk didengar via headset selama jam kerja. Tidak lama mencari, dan menemukan ini di iTunes, harganya US$ 8.99 : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/water-effect-water-sounds/id399631769

Iseng cari di Ubuntu One Music Store… lah, rekaman yang sama PERSIS, namun harganya hanya US$ 0.99 :D https://one.ubuntu.com/music-store-up/release/1279063/sounds-of-nature-white-noise-sound-effects/the-water-effect-water-sounds-and-sound-effects-for-sound-therapy-massage-essential-meditation-healing-meditation-mother-earth-soothing-music

Mantab….. 🙂 langsung beli & download ! 😀

catatan: halaman rekaman tsb di ubuntu one music store hanya bisa diakses etelah login.

The Water Effect – Water Sounds and Sound Effects for Sound Therapy, Massage, Essential Meditation Healing Méditation – Mother Earth Soothing Music by Sounds of Nature White Noise Sound Effects
Preview and download The Water Effect – Water Sounds and Sound Effects for Sound Therapy, Massage, Essential Meditation Healing Méditation – Mother Earth Soothing Music on iTunes. See ratings and read…

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