posts from Friends+Me is now no longer editable on Facebook.
I usually edit F+M posts in my Facebook's timeline, because FB limit F+M posts to just 1000 characters (booo Mark Zuck).Â
Now this is no longer possible.Â
If somehow there's a solution to his problem / work around, I'd really love to hear it.
Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.
Mudah mudahan segera nambah tidak hanya 1000 kata
Keep sharing gan, kunjungi balik yaa..
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kalau kebanyakan ya kurang enak juga soalnya orang-orang meikirkan hal itu
Hmmm..hopefully it gets better..
That's interesting, I can edit all my FB reposts except the ones that do not contain any link or photo. Can you send me a link to the one you have problem with? Thanks.
Hi, here's a sample :Â
Owh I see…. "(no) any link or photo" Â
Wonder why…. hello Facebook.
Anyway, thank you for the hint.
I'll try to insert a link or photo in all of my future posts.
Owh I see…. It’s a beautiful
wah bagus bgt nih artikelnya :p makasih banyak yah tong :p wkwkk
Makasih nih sudah berbagi info, semoga sukses selalu ya. kapan-kapan mampir dong ke blog saya
thanks infonya gans
mantap artikel gan is good
info-infonya sangat menarik dan bermanfaat sekali gan, sukses terus deh buat blog-blognya
That was very nice. Hope it will be better for you.
Hope it will be better for you.
artikelnya sangat menarik sekali gan, ditunggu ya updatean terbarunya
that’s it
Sukses selalu dan terus melangkah maju gan
Mantap ilmunya sangat bermanfaat