All posts by sufehmi

New breakthrough on Warp Drive technology, suddenly become much more feasible : …

New breakthrough on Warp Drive technology, suddenly become much more feasible :

Quoted :

"Everything within space is restricted by the speed of light," explained Richard Obousy, president of Icarus Interstellar, a non-profit group of scientists and engineers devoted to pursuing interstellar spaceflight. "But the really cool thing is space-time, the fabric of space, is not limited by the speed of light."

With this concept, the spacecraft would be able to achieve an effective speed of about 10 times the speed of light, all without breaking the cosmic speed limit.

Meanwhile, the starship itself would stay inside a bubble of flat space-time that wasn't being warped at all.

White and his colleagues have begun experimenting with a mini version of the warp drive in their laboratory.

They set up what they call the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer at the Johnson Space Center, essentially creating a laser interferometer that instigates micro versions of space-time warps.

Engage ! 😀

Warp Drive May Be More Feasible Than Thought, Scientists Say
New calculations suggest we might actually be able to build a warp drive for faster than light travel.

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Kinder children are more popular: so please raise your kids to be kind first, not…

Reshared post from +Perry Ismangil

Kinder children are more popular: so please raise your kids to be kind first, not to be popular!


Kinder children are more popular
Performing “random acts of kindness” makes pre-teen children more popular with their peer group, researchers discover.

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Penghasilan dari Judi itu lebih besar daripada industri film + musik + sport + theme…

Penghasilan dari Judi itu lebih besar daripada industri film + musik + sport + theme parks + kapal pesiar digabungkan. 

Tidak bisa diremehkan. Dampak perjudian itu sangat signifikan.

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+Linus Torvalds does not tolerate stupid kernel maintainers :) 

+Linus Torvalds does not tolerate stupid kernel maintainers :)

Quoted :



If a change results in user programs breaking, it's a bug in the kernel. We never EVER blame the user programs. How hard can this be to understand?

Always a pleasure to see a user-focused programmer. Yet from time to time, we'll still find developers who forgot that we develop software for users, not for developers.

Embedded Link

Re: [Regression w/ patch] Media commit causes user space to misbahave (was: Re: Linux 3.8-rc1)
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 6:08 AM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote: > > Are you saying that pulseaudio is entering on some weird loop if the > returned value is not -EINVAL? That seems a bug at pul…

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Ada yang mengalami masalah komputer / network di 27 Des 2004 ? Mungkin ini biang…

Ada yang mengalami masalah komputer / network di 27 Des 2004 ? Mungkin ini biang keroknya :) 

Dikutip :

" Eight years ago today — on Dec. 27, 2004 — the Earth was rocked by a cosmic blast so epic its scale is nearly impossible to exaggerate "

"… an explosion by an object with the mass of the Sun, squeezed into a ball a few kilometers across, with gravity billions of times stronger than Earth's, a magnetic field quadrillions of times stronger, all of of which is spinning every 7.5 seconds "

Eight Years Ago Today, Earth Was Slammed by a Huge Cosmic Blast
[This post is a modified, updated version of an article I wrote a few years back. Since today is the anniversary of the event, I thought it could use an update.] Eight years ago today—on Dec. 27, 2004…

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Probably the best parenting infographic, very recommended.

Probably the best parenting infographic, very recommended.

Reshared post from +The Wall Street Journal

New research shows there may be better ways to discipline children. Here's how to make those timeouts work better:

Credit: Mike Right for The Wall Street Journal

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MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) are a waste of time, because they will…

MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) are a waste of time, because they will fail :

My daughter was shocked when she found out that went down. She was shocked again when she found out that AmebaPico ( also closed down this 17 Dec 2012. 
Now she plays in LAN, with her brother & sisters instead 🙂

Not everyone is able to take it so easily. Some have built elaborate new worlds in these games; and was hit with quite a powerful emotional shock when these worlds disappeared. It was totally unexpected, they probably thought that it would last forever. Not a chance.

It was good while it lasted though – my daughter got new friends, and also able to practice her English on these MMOGs. Some friends of mine even met their SO (significant other) on these MMOGs & some got married. So that wasn't too bad.

Digital apocalypse: living through the death of virtual worlds
In the middle of the night on November 30, 2012, Erin Palette’s carefully kept world ended. During the last moments, her City of Heroes character Silence Do-Good held a torch aloft in her bright…

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…dan jadi makin jelas kenapa riba itu diharamkan :…

…dan jadi makin jelas kenapa riba itu diharamkan :

Edan…. 🙂

Why Credit Card Companies Will Own Your Grandkids [CHART]
Browse By: Daniel O’ Brien · Soren Bowie · Robert Brockway · Chris Bucholz · Gladstone · Michael Swaim · Seanbaby · Cody · Christina H. David Wong · Jack O’Brien · John Cheese · Luke McKinney · Brenda…

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Ahhh kiamat, KIAMAT ! Sekarang sudah tanggal 21 Desember !! http://www.december…

Ahhh kiamat, KIAMAT ! Sekarang sudah tanggal 21 Desember !!

…………, ndak jadi tho ? 😀

(susahnya menahan ketawa ketika dulu ada kawan yang dengan yakin mengatakan bahwa akan kiamat pada tgl 21 des 2012, duh !)

Preparing for the 2012 apocalypse
An article that will provide incite and enlightenment of the subject at hand. You really need to read this one.

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Barusan dikontak oleh Mbak +Hindraswari Enggar , istri Mas +Kuncoro Wastuwibowo ….

Barusan dikontak oleh Mbak +Hindraswari Enggar , istri Mas +Kuncoro Wastuwibowo . Menanyakan soal travel untuk Haji.

Saya jelaskan bahwa saya sangat merekomendasikan Arnussa bagi mereka yang ingin bisa melakukan ibadah haji / umroh dengan benar.

Saya katakan demikian, karena saya saksikan sendiri di Tanah Suci, berbagai travel, bahkan yang sangat mahal, ternyata malah banyak melanggar syariat dengan cukup telak.

Beberapa contoh :

(#) Melakukan Thawaf dengan sadis : berbagai Ustadz travel lainnya memimpin jamaahnya, dibuat menjadi barisan panjang, DAN lalu melabrak orang-orang di depannya.

Hasilnya ? Thawaf mereka jadi cepat dan lancar – tapi, dengan membahayakan semua orang yang mereka labrak itu.

Ini bukan main-main; yang pernah naik haji tentu tahu bagaimana padatnya arena thawaf di saat tersebut. Jika kita sampai jatuh, wassalam….ikhlaskan saja badan babak belur dan tulang patah-patah; atau, malah nyawa jadi melayang.

() *Memfatwakan bahwa sholat itu cukup di hotel, tidak perlu ke Masjidil Haram

Hasilnya ? Jamaah jadi sholat dengan nyaman, tidak bersesakan di Masjidil Haram — tapi, jadi kelewatan dari fadhilah sholat di Masjidil Haram, dan tentu saja, pengalaman membaur dengan jamaah muslim dari seluruh dunia.

Beberapa pengalaman haji paling berkesan adalah ketika di Masjidil Haram. Seperti bertemu dengan jamaah haji dari Maroko yang sangat ramah. Tidak bisa b.Arab ataupun Inggris bukan masalah, silaturahmi ternyata bisa tetap tersambung dengan bahasa Tarzan 😀

(#) Melewatkan Mabit di Muzdalifah : Hasilnya ? Jamaah jadi tidak terkena macet luar biasa di lokasi tsb, dan bisa beristirahat di kendaraan lebih lama (tidak terganggu ritual mabit di Muzdalifah)

Tapi tentu saja sunnah Nabi ini jadi terlewatkan oleh kita….

(#) Keluar dari Padang Arafah lebih cepat : karena tidak mau terjebak macet – tapi, jadi melanggar syariat.

Dst, dst…. masih ada banyak lagi berbagai tingkah polah para "pembimbing" haji ini.

Dengan travel Arnussa, kita akan terhindar dari berbagai hal-hal yang aneh ini. Keluarga kami telah memanfaatkan jasa mereka sejak tahun 90-an untuk ibadah haji & umroh kami. Very recommended.

Dan tenang saja, ini bukan posting berbayar 🙂 hanya testimoni dari customer yang puas, itu saja 😉

Semoga bermanfaat.

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"Linux and the Future of Computing" — Linus Torvalds :…

"Linux and the Future of Computing" — Linus Torvalds :

Some quotes : 

..the real impact Linux has had is that it has enabled people to experiment and use the code-base that we've developed to build upon, and do more interesting things. I quoted Edison earlier, but my real favourite quote is from Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants".

..big part of the success of Linux has been the choice of licence… And the choice of the GNU Public Licence v2 (GPLv2) really is very important. It's what protects everybody from a wild free-for-all. Anybody can use it, and anybody can make improvements to it, but you have to make those improvements available to others.

The biggest impact of Linux has often been in areas that most users aren't necessarily even aware of. For example, in pure numbers, Android is likely the use of Linux that has the most people actually interacting with it directly every day (at some point Google was saying that they had half a million Android activations every day), yet almost nobody really thinks of it as being based on a Linux kernel. Sure, you can go into the settings menu and see the kernel version, but how many users really care?

And the thing is, users generally shouldn't care. They really shouldn't care what operating system they are running, they should care about the work they get done. 

People used to make jokes about even toasters having computers in them in the future and while that still is something of a joke, if it ever happens, I hope that toaster will be running Linux.

What's so interesting – and so good – is how open source really means that all these different interests can "meld", and the end result is really much better for it. Exactly because there is not just one company with one single vision, but lots of people with different ideas, and that balances the end result out.

..a lot of it will really be about humans, not the technology itself. The technology just makes things possible.

Linus Torvalds on Linux and the future of computing
In the second part of a three-part interview, Linux creator and Millennium Technology Prize winner Linus Torvalds talks about real-world Linux and looks…

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