Tag Archives: Linux

Dropbox pribadi

i. 🙂 Dengan Syncthing, kita bisa jalankan sendiri layanan seperti Dropbox untuk kita sendiri.

Menilik kasus akun Cloud dari berbagai artis yang baru-baru ini kena hack, Syncthing bisa membantu mengurangi resiko tersebut.

Syncthing bisa diakses dari Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, dll.

Thanks Mas +Dudi Gurnadi Kartasasmita untuk sharing info ini.

Reshared post from +nixCraft

Want Open Source Continuous File Synchronization (like DropBox)? Try Syncthing http://syncthing.net/

#linux #unix #osx #andriod

Private. None of your data is ever stored anywhere else than on your computers. There is no central server that might be compromised, legally or illegally. Encrypted. All communication is secured using TLS. The encryption used includes perfect forward secrecy to prevent any eavesdropper from …

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Parallella – Super Green Supercomputer

r. ::  This. Is. Green-IT ! 🙂 sejak tahun lalu saya sudah yakin bahwa hanya arsitektur ARM / RISC + Linux / FOSS yang bisa mewujudkan Green-IT. Dan, keyakinan tersebut kini sudah menjadi kenyataan 🙂

Adapteva barusan sudah meluncurkan Supercomputernya, Parallella, yang sangat hemat energi + lebih powerful.

Beberapa fiturnya :

(#) Hemat energi : 66 core = 90 GFLOPS = hanya 5 watt :: http://www.parallella.org/board/

Di artikel berikut ini, diperlihatkan 42 buah Parallella = 756 core = hanya 500 watt 🙂 : http://www.parallella.org/2013/07/23/shipping-parallella-to-early-kickstarter-backers/

(#) Murah : setiap Parallella harganya hanya $ 99 saja 🙂 🙂

Untuk yang ingin segera mencoba clustering Parallella, disediakan juga produk "Parallella Cluster Kit". 
Dengan harga $ 575 saja, kita sudah mendapatkan 4 buah Parallella, siap pakai (OS : Ubuntu), berikut berbagai perangkat pendukungnya : http://shop.adapteva.com/collections/parallella/products/parallella-cluster-kit

(#) Powerful : Parallella menggunakan 2 prosesor, yaitu prosesor utama tipe ARM-9 (Zynq dual-core), dan 16 atau 64 core Epiphany Multicore Accelerator.

Prosesor Epiphany nya ini ternyata sangat kencang. Bahkan sampai mengalahkan nyaris semua prosesor Intel Xeon 😀 namun hanya menggunakan listrik sebesar 2 watt !

Screenshot benchmark (lihat di kolom Coremark / MHz) : http://www.adapteva.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/coremark_table.png

Detail selengkapnya : http://www.adapteva.com/white-papers/more-evidence-that-the-epiphany-multicore-processor-is-a-proper-cpu/

Luar biasa. Padahal Intel Xeon (dan berbagai prosesor lainnya) itu bisa menggunakan listrik sampai lebih dari 100 watt.

Jadi, jangan bicara Green IT, terutama untuk Supercomputer, kalau belum menggunakan platform ARM / RISC :) 
Perbedaannya terlalu jauh ! Bagai langit & bumi 🙂

(#) Open Source : semua software & hardware yang terkait dengan Parallella disediakan dengan lisensi Open Source 🙂 sehingga bebas kita gunakan. Ya, bahkan sampai desain hardware nya pun mereka rilis juga. Luar biasa.

(#) Open Access : berbagai vendor supercomputer menuntut Anda untuk menandatangani berbagai kontrak & NDA. Tidak ada yang demikian dengan Parallella – Anda bebas melakukan apa saja 🙂

Akhirnya, kini supercomputer harganya sudah terjangkau, dan ramah lingkungan. Terimakasih kepada Adapteva yang telah memberikan Parallella kepada kita. 🙂

Tentang Parallella : Supercomputing for Everyone : http://www.parallella.org/

Tentang Adapteva & Epiphany architecture : http://www.adapteva.com/introduction/

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#Adapteva Has Started Shipping Its First #Parallella Super Computer Boards #Linux  #Ubuntu #Kickstarter

Last week we put together the first large scale Parallella cluster. The system consisted of 42 Parallella boards (for a total of 756 CPUs), with the total power consumption coming in under 500 Watts.  This makes it possibly one of the  densest clusters in the world thanks to the Parallella board!  We have been drinking the Parallella cool-aid for a long time, but we were still surprised by how easy it was to put together.


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Swiss City Mandates Use Of #OpenSource, Banishes Microsoft Officially

Reshared post from +Linux News Here

Swiss City Mandates Use Of #OpenSource, Banishes Microsoft Officially


Europe Moving Forward

In an overwhelming majority vote, the city council in Bern, Switzerland has moved to implement all future infrastructure with open source technologies.  The “Party Motion”, as it is called in Switzerland, was submitted over a year ago, and has finally been realized.  Plans to move forward with open source design, strategy and implementation should begin immediately.

The party motion called for the following bullet-points.  These have been translated via Google Translate from German, so please consider that as you read them.

Development of an open source development strategy provides for that as a rule in all future procurements operating system and browser-independent solutions are chosen, will be announced in public tenders as product and vendor neutral and explicitly open source solutions are accepted with equivalent functional properties and similar cost structures, the open source version is preferred and specially developed software or on a contract code under an open source license is released.

Active implementation of the open source development strategy by in computer science services, a competence center open source is created using knowledge building will experience using open source technologies gained through pilot projects and studies new areas of open source solutions are identified and adequate finances for the implementation measures are provided.

National and international network of computer science services in bodies that work together for the promotion and government cooperation in the field of open source.

In education, promote the use of and the transition to open source software with targeted support and train teachers with information and training measures on open source software.

The final council vote ended at 36 for and 20 opposed, effectively changing the technological landscape, and skilled workforce needs, in Bern forever.  Now the only question left is what soft of software will they be using?  What desktop environment will be used on workstations?  We would venture a guess at #KDE, which is not exactly an educated guess but more of an acknowledgement of their German heritage and native tongue.


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