Tag Archives: OpenSource

Bahaya Produk Proprietary

:: Juniper adalah salah satu vendor IT yang paling terkenal – dan barusan muncul info bahwa ada backdoor di produknya : http://boingboing.net/2015/12/21/juniper-networks-backdoor-conf.html

Backdoor ini memungkinkan siapa saja untuk masuk ke berbagai mesin Juniper dengan menggunakan password "<<< %s(un='%s') = %u". Sangat mengerikan.

Sebelumnya Edward Snowden juga mengungkapkan bahwa Cisco, saingan Juniper #1, juga sudah dibobol oleh NSA.

Cisco & Juniper membuat produk yang #proprietary, #tertutup. Customer mereka tidak bisa mengetahui isi dari produk mereka. Bukan open source.

Akibatnya, bisa terjadi hal seperti ini. Untuk kasus Juniper yang satu ini, backdoor NSA sudah ada sejak tahun 2012. Dan baru ketahuan sekarang.

Berbeda dengan Vyatta, dan berbagai produk open source lainnya. Karena #terbuka, maka jauh lebih sulit untuk bisa menyisipkan backdoor seperti ini tanpa ketahuan.

Satu lagi masalah produk proprietrary adalah ketergantungan dengan vendor.

Di kasus ini, solusi dari Juniper ternyata tidak tuntas menyelesaikan masalah : http://www.wired.com/2015/12/researchers-solve-the-juniper-mystery-and-they-say-its-partially-the-nsas-fault/

Dikutip :

"Even more worrisome is that Juniper systems are still essentially insecure"

"Weinmann says…It would take (just) one line of code to fix this"

Dengan produk #opensource, seperti #Vyatta, kita bahkan bisa membereskannya sendiri. Karena terbuka. Tidak tertutup.

Kini makin jelas bahwa produk proprietary adalah ancaman serius. Dan makin sulit untuk bisa di justifikasi penggunaannya.

Bagi yang menganggap penting sistem IT nya, apalagi terkait kepentingan nasional, sudah saatnya untuk berhenti menggunakan produk proprietary.

Juniper Networks backdoor confirmed, password revealed, NSA suspected
Juniper Networks makes a popular line of enterprise firewalls whose operating system is called Screen OS. The company raised alarm bells with a late-day-on-a-Friday advisory announcing that they’d …

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Swiss City Mandates Use Of #OpenSource, Banishes Microsoft Officially

Reshared post from +Linux News Here

Swiss City Mandates Use Of #OpenSource, Banishes Microsoft Officially


Europe Moving Forward

In an overwhelming majority vote, the city council in Bern, Switzerland has moved to implement all future infrastructure with open source technologies.  The “Party Motion”, as it is called in Switzerland, was submitted over a year ago, and has finally been realized.  Plans to move forward with open source design, strategy and implementation should begin immediately.

The party motion called for the following bullet-points.  These have been translated via Google Translate from German, so please consider that as you read them.

Development of an open source development strategy provides for that as a rule in all future procurements operating system and browser-independent solutions are chosen, will be announced in public tenders as product and vendor neutral and explicitly open source solutions are accepted with equivalent functional properties and similar cost structures, the open source version is preferred and specially developed software or on a contract code under an open source license is released.

Active implementation of the open source development strategy by in computer science services, a competence center open source is created using knowledge building will experience using open source technologies gained through pilot projects and studies new areas of open source solutions are identified and adequate finances for the implementation measures are provided.

National and international network of computer science services in bodies that work together for the promotion and government cooperation in the field of open source.

In education, promote the use of and the transition to open source software with targeted support and train teachers with information and training measures on open source software.

The final council vote ended at 36 for and 20 opposed, effectively changing the technological landscape, and skilled workforce needs, in Bern forever.  Now the only question left is what soft of software will they be using?  What desktop environment will be used on workstations?  We would venture a guess at #KDE, which is not exactly an educated guess but more of an acknowledgement of their German heritage and native tongue.


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