How to upgrade your Yahoo email account to 1000 MB

Are you burning with envy, seeing your friends and their 1GB Gmail account? Well you can stop doing it now, since you can have it yourself with Yahoo. Here’s how:

  1. You must already have an email account with Yahoo. This may still work if you don’t have one already but I haven’t tried it myself. To sign up, just head over to
  2. Go to
  3. You’ll see a page in Chinese. On the top-right, enter your username on the top textbox, and your password on the textbox below it.
  4. Right under the textboxes are 2 buttons. The top button is to login to your account, the second is to upgrade your account to 1GB. Naturally, you’ll want to click the second button.
  5. The next page will be shown with a button in the center. Click that button.
  6. It’ll try to install an update assistant, allow the install to finish.
  7. Another page will show up, in the middle there’ll be 2 textboxes next to each other.
  8. Enter your username in the left textbox, and your password on the left textbox. Then click on the left button.
  9. A page will show up, click the button in the middle.
  10. Presto – your Yahoo email account was just upgraded to 1 GB

Now if you logon to your account as usual (via, you’ll see that indeed the limit is now 1GB.
Enjoy 🙂

Since I can’t read Chinese, I don’t know if there’s any catch to this offer, other than the installation of the update assistant. So far so good, but as usual, YMMV.

credit: This post is a translation of a forwarded post from Anny in MIFTA forum.

41 thoughts on “How to upgrade your Yahoo email account to 1000 MB

  1. It’s not working with yahoo id made at…
    I think it only work with new id made at

  2. Saya coba pakai account email Yahoo UK, dan bisa. Apa mungkin kalau yang justru tidak bisa ya ..?

  3. mentok pada step 5…tidak ada “button in the center” dan langkah berikutnya juga tidak ada yg install update assistant

  4. Rekan saya yang daftar di juga bisa pop3. Disarankan coba daftar di, dst. Kayaknya aja gak bisa.

  5. Sama tuh, saya juga tidak bisa. Saya memang membuat account di, mungkin itu sebabnya ya?

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  7. Very great tips, thanks for sharing. By the way, since you have mentioned the Google’s Gmail service, it’s not only 1GB now but about 7GB and still increasing.

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