Siapa bilang Indonesia sudah merdeka ?

Untuk para orang tua: hati-hati, jaga anak-anak Anda dengan waspada.

Untuk para korban: semoga pemerintah negara ini (sebagai pengayom rakyatnya) mau untuk segera berbuat sesuatu.

Jika Indonesia sudah merdeka, lalu kenapa PERBUDAKAN masih ada? Tim Investigasi Trans TV menemukan praktik jual beli manusia. Diperdagangkan layaknya binatang dan benda mati ! Yang membuat kami kaget, korban adalah perempuan dibawah umur.

Saat penelusuran kami lakukan, budak-budak ini tidak dipaksa kerja kasar seperti jaman dulu. tapi dipaksa menjadi budak seks! Sungguh miris, kami menemukan perempuan dibawah umur–maaf–bahkan belum memiliki payudara, sudah disodorkan tubuhnya kepada si hidung belang. “Tolong…kami dijual layaknya binatang”…begitu kira-kira jeritan hati para perempuan muda ini.

Budak perempuan ini bukannya tidak melawan. Mereka sudah sekuat tenaga mencoba melarikan diri dari rumah milik germo yang jadi majikannya. Apa daya…ada mafia berada dibelakang praktik jual beli perempuan (women traficking! ) ini. Mafia yang melibatkan aparat penegak hukum.

Budak-budak ini dipukuli, dan diancam penjara oleh polisi yang sudah merasakan nikmatnya uang haram dari germo-germo sialan !

Bahkan, ketika tim kami berusaha membantu membebaskan seorang gadis berusia 13 tahun yang akan dijual keperawanannya, TIM kami diseret layaknya binatang, dan dipukuli oleh bodyguard alias preman yang setia kepada para germo. SADIS ! Sayang, waktu itu kami tidak berhasil mengambil gambar kekerasan ini.

Tapi kami sempat merekam adegan kejar-mengejar antara setan-setan germo dan perempuan muda yang melarikan diri. berhasilkah perempuan muda ini meraih kembali kemerdekaannya yang sempat hilang?

*Bagaimana seluk beluk jual beli perempuan berkedok Mini Bar atau pub-pub ini?*

*”Women Traficking episode 1,2,dan 3″*
*Hari: Jumat, Sabtu, dan Minggu (3,4,5 maret 2006)*
*Pukul 17.00 WIB*
*Hanya di Reportase Investigasi Trans TV*

22 thoughts on “Siapa bilang Indonesia sudah merdeka ?

  1. I’m really sorry to hear that this also happens in our country, Indonesia. I just saw a reportage on TV in France that pedophilia is rampant nowadays and the ‘new’ target of business of sex with minors is in Africa, Cameroon to be exact! I was disgusted by the whole thing even though I’ve been hearing about this sex w/ minors business before during the collapse time of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, it’s everywhere 🙁 And every government that’s involved has not been able to do 100% guarantee to protect all minors. Please…all parents and adults, you’re the ones who are the most responsible to protect these minors. In Cameroon for example, the parents who are the ones who “sell” indirectly their kids to this kind of business because they have so many children and they need money so as soon as the girls/boys reach 10 or so yrs old, they’re ‘pressured’ to work…anything to bring money home. Isn’t that crazy??? I hope that Indonesian government will be able to do ‘better’ in irradicating this huge issue…esp. when it’s mixed with the oldest issue of corruption in the system. I feel ‘hopeless’ often… Thanks for a good post.

  2. This is the truth. Ngga usah jauh-jauh, yang deket dari tempat saya disini: Batam! Banyak orang-orang Singapura hidung belang yang datang ke Batam demi menikmati tubuh perempuan yang rata-rata masih di bawah umur. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah Singapura hendak menerapkan peraturan baru yang membolehkan tuntutan dan hukuman penjara terhadap orang Singapura yang berhubungan seksual dengan anak di bawah umur, walaupun itu dilakukan di luar negeri. Hal ini disebabkan, law pemerintah Indonesia sendiri tidak terlalu jelas untuk hal ini. Masak kita harus menunggu pemerintah negara lain yang take action untuk problem di negeri sendiri? Menyedihkan… 🙁

  3. Memprihatinkan sekali …
    Sementara para Ulama dan Pejabat sibuk ngurusin Undang2 Pornografi…
    Mereka tutup mata terhadap wanita2 Indonesia yang harusnya dilindungi…
    Belum lagi di Dunia Arab … yang lebih Sadis lagi …
    Hidup Poligami dan Undang2 Anti Pornografi … he2

  4. ada data yang lengkap gak? saya butuh tentang undang -undang yang mengatur masalah ini. trus harus kemana untuk mendapat sumber yang banyak dan lengkap. terima kasih

  5. Disclosure of a world celebrity in Indonesia!

    The aspect of reality and is reality can’t be denied:
    They have been generating optical illusion since the world begun.
    They have been generating do good for nothing to make it a condition of free sex, homosexual lesbian and committed adultery! As a result of generating is asset, namely, account of pleasure and object class religious that is depressed class, where, need to free dome from wants, the while, for their self motives, its financial free dome!

    Thanks of your attention,

    Yours truly,
    Simon Priyo Prayogo

  6. Author: Simon Priyo Prayogo, Program Id. DORed [Disclosure Of power centeRED], Category: General problem solving, Sub category: Good news [Isaiah 32:7, 57:5 and Revelations 9:21, 12:9]

    Function DORed
    Parameter Subject, Predicate, Object, Adverb

    If Subject or Predicate or Object or Adverb equal Nil Then Return to Object

    While Not End of Period
    Begin of source

    Do good reason for save our nation
    Do good for nothing to make nation’s debt
    Do good for nothing to do exertion of power
    Do good reason for Adverb

    While Not End of Period play
    Begin of uses

    Replace Asset with Predicate
    Replace Liability with Object
    Replace Capital with Subject
    Replace Revenue with Predicate
    Replace Expense with Object
    Replace Other with Adverb

    End of uses
    End of Period play
    End of Source
    End of Period

    Return to Subject


    Between APR/MAY 2006 and MAY 31th. 2007 AND NOV 3th. 2007


    About INDONESIA government
    There’s an abusing of power and authority in Republic of Indonesia by: “NO” that’s the first president and the family of and “TO” that’s the second president and the family of, then their exertion of powers ( political ) ; the fourth estate and is “NA-GO-RO.ID.”

    What happen to them after 1998?

    Falling down of structure; sudden failure of their schemes by their self such as back fire, period play and resulted: Pop up, national phenomena such as terrorism activities provide with phenomenon ( its event and its goods) – The while, escape from the real-life portrait!

    Thus, hold on, keep! Focus on the political crime including: Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism ( 1945 – 1998).

    To make it a condition of justice and compassion and loyalty – Need it internationally forces to establish law and order like IRAQ in 1990/1991 by USA DEPT.!

    Thanks of your attention

  8. Please Contact: UNESCO

    Personal opinion:

    Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, TK sampai dengan Universitas sejauh ini relatif baik. Masalahnya adalah, bagaimana pemerintah Indonesia bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia yang terbukti berkualitas untuk kepentingan pembangunan nasional yang relatif bersih dan berwibawa dari unsur-unsur yang berbau politis dan lepas dari unsur-unsur kolusi dan korupsi.


    Berapa jumlah universitas negeri di Indonesia periode 2007/2008 dan buat daftar lulusan kategori 10 besar dari berbagai macam disiplin ilmu yang terbaik di setiap universitas-universitas negeri tsb periode 2007/2008.

    Selanjutnya, kirim mereka disuatu lab bahasa ingris agar bisa berbahasa ingris dengan benar dan latih mereka untuk hidup bertahan di luar negeri.

    Selanjutnya, pilihlah 200 individu-individu terbaik untuk di sekolahkan di universitas ternama di luar negeri( Ingris dan Amerika) guna lebih mendalami disiplin ilmu mereka masing-masing.

    Selanjutnya, setelah selasai dari proses tersebut diatas, individu-individu tersebut langsung dipakai untuk merecovery sistem pemerintahan yang ada untuk kepentingan orang banyak; untuk kepenting nasional.

    Network planning:

    Waktu yang paling efectif untuk keperluan tersebut selama: 8 sampai 10 tahun.

    Sumber dana:


    Terima kasih atas segala perhatiannya.

  9. W I T H I N

    Brief account giving chief points and is not interested or involved in politics.

    Do reveal ordered arrangement of the evil periods. Do reveal spoiled state; downfall the evil self reputations. Do reveal exertion of continuous force by the devil’s advocate replace with public address and is world television; world newspaper; world magazine where person lives or organization is situated, provide with the evil set a trap!


    Condition of reflection on a scheme, that is an object linking and pertaining logic. Resulted: Deep impact including:condition of controversial, then conflict – next on time of acute danger or difficulty; decisive MOMENT, in TRADE and is political.

    Good night!



    Disclosure about The OMEN by Simon Priyo Prayogo [ Not solver – no me ]

    Encode: OMEN
    Decode: wOMEN in

    Republic Of Indonesia


    >Youth Group
    (Masque and Church, provide with sacred comodities)

    1) Dias Susanti ( Semarang/Jakarta/ … )
    2) Dina Saptarina Diani Agustina ( Kyai mojo12 Semarang/ … )

    >Youth Group
    (Entertainment, Political party, Masque, provide with sacred comodities)

    3) Wanda Hamidah Hakim ( Metrotv Indonesia/ … )

    >Youth Group
    (News, Entertainment, Political party, Masque, provide with sacred comodities)

    4.0) Sandrina Malakiano ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.1) Maria Kalaij ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.2) Najwa shihab ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.3) Muetya Hafid ( Metrotv Indonesia )




    Disclosure about The OMEN by Simon Priyo Prayogo [ Not solver – no me ]

    Encode: OMEN
    Decode: wOMEN in

    Republic Of Indonesia


    >Youth Group
    (Masque and Church, provide with sacred comodities)

    1) Dias Susanti ( Semarang/Jakarta/ … )
    2) Dina Saptarina Diani Agustina ( Kyai mojo12 Semarang/ … )

    >Youth Group
    (Entertainment, Political party, Masque, provide with sacred comodities)

    3) Wanda Hamidah Hakim ( Metrotv Indonesia/ … )

    >Youth Group
    (News, Entertainment, Political party, Masque, provide with sacred comodities)

    4.0) Sandrina Malakiano ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.1) Maria Kalaij ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.2) Najwa Shihab ( Metrotv Indonesia )
    4.3) Muetya Hafid ( Metrotv Indonesia )


  12. VOL


    Remain main point of view for producing reality image that can be seen from everywhere – especially for light reader what ever you are.

    Pattern : (T) .AND. (F) EQUAL (TF)

    Where (T) is a reality & unreality checking.
    Where (F) is a disclosure & undisclosure checking.
    Where (TF) is a reality & unreality checking.


    TO NO EFFECTS RATHER THAN JUDICIAL REVIEW … karena pejabat tinggi yang satu mengawasi yang lain … TOP-DOWN AND BOTTOM-UP.

    :-O Dialogue :-O

    IMPARTIAL RATHER THAN THERE’S NOT JUSTICE IN THIS LIVE … segala penindasan … karena di fihak orang-orang yang menindas ada kekuasaan … dan usaha menjaring angin. CAPITAL FLIGHTS.

    :-O Dialogue :-O

    THAT’S TRUE … ada orang saleh yang binasa karena kesalehannya, ada orang fasik yang hidup lama dalam kejahatannya … daripada sepuluh pengusaha dalam kota. DIEHARD RATHER THAN CAPITOL CITY AND BUSINESSES PLANNED AS A WHOLE.

    :-O Dialogue :-O

    Very well, I’m not Impress!
    So take a look at me Now …
    Everything is oke,
    Everything will be find,
    Don’t be afraid!

    END ON

    Your Trully,
    Simon Prijo Prajogo AS
    Simon Priyo Prayogo

    (*) To be become of incorrect reasoning then begin to be corrected reasoning – back to (*)
    CTRL-BREAK(C), rather than return to be null (Dialogue). Between (1986 – 1995) and 2004. The one’s own end on THE JOKER:
    28 Dec 2007 – 09 Jan 2008.
    14 Jan 2008 – 16 Jan 2008.
    21 Jan 2008 – 23 Jan 2008.
    And So On … 🙂

  13. This MY SITCOM different from The Joker or feaces!


    In your eyes, in your eyes
    you find problem the way
    how can we stay together
    and I know, need you know
    how can we stay together
    when you look at way, hey-hey

    what everybody wants,is tobe loud!
    what everybody needs,is tobe loud!
    what everybody wants,its someone
    There-there, they wants you.
    Who … Yes-How, … In your eyes


    My sweep, lady gem
    When I show you, a gem
    Your served, am I
    and we hubble, remain
    Display, this run, my loud
    and then we need, my loud
    I said, I talk to, lady gem.



    Media: Internet [Rent]
    Beginning: Apr/May 2006.
    Process: General Problem Solving.
    Trigger: Environment, phenomenon, tending corrupt.
    Dealing: Never.
    Ending: Feb 2008
    Elapsed: 110 Hours

    Simon Priyo Prayogo

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