Free Screencast

I was looking for free screencast software, and rather surprised to find quite some of them. Thought I’d list them here for someone else’s benefit :

Windows :

Linux :

Which one to choose ??

Hint : For most cases, Wink should be enough for your needs.

However,you may have different needs. For example, I ended up using RecordMyDesktop because I need FLV output, and Wink’s SWF output can’t be converted into FLV by ffmpeg tool.

Did I missed anything worth mentioning ? Let me know by leaving your comments. Thanks!

40 thoughts on “Free Screencast

  1. Perasaan kemaren baru liat cara konvert dari swf ke flv, blog indonesia lagi. Duh alamatnya dimana yah ??

  2. Depends entirely on your needs. Wink is ok if you need the cross platform compatibility and don’t have a need to record continual screen changes, but frankly it isn’t even in the same league as SentryWorks Abra. Abra uses a device driver for capturing the on-screen video. Where you really notice the difference is in capturing webpages running large Quicktime or Flash movies. The playback of an Abra recording is identical to how it was originally displayed. Also what makes it truly unique to other products in this category is that it is designed to capture multiple computers in a networked environment, not just the machine you are using (which is how most of the other products work). Thus you can use it to monitor or record other employees in an office. The editor that comes with it is also very intuitive, although it lacks some of the advanced features found in Adobe Captivate. That being said it does appear to have better performance than any other product (Captivate and Camtasia included) and the only limitation of the free version is the 2 min time limit to recordings. The paid version is $99 and is much cheaper than either Captivate or Camtasia.

  3. @Wisu – that’s news to me πŸ˜€ (opened Application – Sound & Video), it definitely said “VLC media player” there. I’d never knew it can capture screen too, wow. Care to enlighten us ? πŸ˜€

  4. wah, berguna sekali pak. di sini bener2 berkumpul para pakar IT rupanya, trims, saya ini sedang coba record my desktop. tapi kok defaultnya ogg ya, apa gak bisa disetting.

  5. Thus you can use it to monitor or record other employees in an office. The editor that comes with it is also very intuitive, although it lacks some of the advanced features found in Adobe Captivate. That being said it does appear to have better performance than any other product (Captivate and Camtasia included) and the only limitation of the free version is the 2 min time limit to recordings. The paid version is $99 and is much cheaper than either Captivate or Camtasia.

    Free Anime Source

  6. Informasinya bagus, terima kasih banyak. Oh ya, kalau ada yang mau belajar seputar komputer jaringan silahkan mengunjungi website saya : terdapat cukup banyak materi seputar jaringan komputer. ThankÒ€ℒs


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  12. wow, really useful here assembled IT experts apparently, thanks, I’m trying to record this my desktop. but why default ogg yes, what can not be set.

    salam Admin : mohon untuk kunjungannya.

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