I’ve been backing up my data using rsync, but when your data directory size has reached 90 GB, it can be pretty slow at times.
So I looked around, and found lftp. Backing up with it is very simple :
lftp -u myusername,mypassword -d -e “mirror -vnR /the/source/directory /the/target/directory” the.ftpserver.com
Explanation of the switches
-u : I think it’s quite clear, put your username & password on the command line, so this can be automated
-d : turn on debugging. Once you’re happy that lftp is running smoothly every single time, you can omit this.
-e : define the command to be done by lftp.
mirror : mirror the source into the target. Very nifty.
-v : be verbose.
-R : reverse mirroring – lftp will issue PUT command (upload) into the FTP server. Otherwise, the mirror switch will cause lftp to issue GET command (download) from the FTP server.
-n : just upload newer files (saves time)
A few tips
1. lftp seems to hang ? Try putting set ftp:passive-mode off on /etc/lftp.conf
Some FTP servers expect active ftp connection, and hung on passive ones. At least the one in my Mac OS X shows this behaviour (tnftpd).
2. For even faster backup speed, try putting set ftp:sync-mode off in the /etc/lftp.conf file.
This will cause lftp to enable pipelining; however, be advised that not all FTP servers nor all routers can handle this.
Since setting up FTP server is pretty easy (hint: on ubuntu; aptitude install gproftpd, on windows; download & install filezilla), I can backup my data to more machines now. And the backup speed is also faster. I just need to have lftp on my laptop.
And, do you know that lftp can handle seven file transfer protocols : ftp, ftps, http, https, hftp, fish, sftp and file? This is the swiss army knife of file transfer. Very useful. Kudos to Alexander V. Lukyanov for this.
how about wput?
bos, klo lftp ini bisa dipake buat saling replikasi data antara 2 server sql ndak ya? (maklum newbie di IT) atau bisa disarankan aplikasi lain? matur nuwun
@silent – wput looks good as well. It’s always nice to have more alternatives.
@walikan – bisa sekali, dan cenderung lebih bisa diandalkan.
@All – the following is an email from Terry, and my reply :
Thanx Your articles
lftp -u myusername,mypassword -d -e “mirror -vnR /the/source/directory /the/target/directory†the.ftpserver.com ;exit
😀 close and exit from lftp session at end of work
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actually i love filezilla, cause it can be installed on my linux.