(posting ini adalah bagian dari tantangan #blog31hari)
Dari BBC :
Hebat ! Uruguay telah sukses mengimplementasi OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) programme. Laptopnya menggunakan Linux, tentu saja 🙂
Dikutip :
“The Uruguay programme has cost the state $260 (£159) per child, including maintenance costs, equipment repairs, training for the teachers and internet connection.
The total figure represents less than 5% of the country’s education budget.
Around 70% of the XO model laptops handed out by the government were given to children who did not have computers at home.”This is not simply the handing out of laptops or an education programme. It is a programme which seeks to reduce the gap between the digital world and the world of knowledge,” explained Miguel Brechner, director of the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay and in charge of Plan Ceibal.”
“Its a culture shock scenario – many countries are simply too scared to put it into practice Miguell Brechner, head of Plan Ceibal”
“Now that all the schoolchildren have their computers, the authorities say that they will endeavour keep the schools connected, particularly those in rural areas, where many still do not have internet access.”
Mudah-mudahan bisa ditiru oleh Indonesia. Misalnya; dimulai dari program PROTON (Program Realisasi One Teacher One Netbook) dulu.
Lalu kemudian baru dilanjutkan dengan implementasi yang lebih luas lagi.
Semoga bisa menjadi kenyataan. Mari bersama-sama kita usahakan 🙂
Congratulations for Uruguay. It can be a good example for another country, including Indonesia. We have to do it as soon as possible.
Keren banget nih uruguay aja bisa, apalagi (seharusnya) Indonesia. Jika dilihat, APBN masih aja selalu ada sisa, walau orang-orang banyak yang bilang pemerintah kita boros. Nah bisa tuh sisa nya dibelikan laptop murah untuk anak2 atau guru.
Malu kita sama Uruguay. Padahal di Indonesia banyak produsen yang sering jor-joran iklan. Kan mendingan belanja iklannya dipake buat beliin guru-guru Netbook yah
selamat to Uruguay Sukses Implementasi Program “One Laptop Per Child†(OLPC),
uruguay luar biasa, Indonesia kapan
Kabarnya ada sisi negatif dari kebijakan OLPC ini karena menurut berita ada siswa yang menaruh content pornografi di latopnya….ya namanya kebijakan pasti ada baik dan buruknya….
uruguay luar biasa, Indonesia kapan
Im all for this “One Laptop Per Child”, it should be a global effort/release.
I didn’t know that paraguay has this kind of educational programme. i think this will be most helpful to children who have a very limited access to the outside world. when used properly, laptops can be very effective learning tools. i just hope that the rural areas receive their fair share of laptops and are also connected to the internet. Other countries can follow this example as well. Good luck to Indonesia!
thanks for this very informative post.
In my point of view, this programme proves to be a constructive one. Education should be unbiased as every child has the right to it. This should open horizons in other countries as they too must realize the necessity as well as urgency of being educated in today’s age. The only question in mind is – ‘Will every person avail of such an amenity irrespective of their location in urban or rural areas?’ But to sum it up, kudos to Uruguay!
Thank you for information…
Nice programm 😉
This is a good move by Uruguay. as somebody else said this could pave way for other countries to do the same which i think it the best thing for every country.
good job for a little country with no high gain capital
In my point of view, this programme proves to be a constructive one. Education should be unbiased as every child has the right to it. This should open horizons in other countries as they too must realize the necessity as well as urgency of being educated in today’s age. The only question in mind is – ‘Will every person avail of such an amenity irrespective of their location in urban or rural areas?’ But to sum it up, kudos to Uruguay!
I agree with you. good perspective
In Indonesia they spent money for buying cigarettes more than a single laptop
What great progress! I’m sure that with time technology will be more of an accepted thing overseas in countries such as this. It’s important for children to be able to have access to modern technology in a world that is rapidly changing with it’s new technology.
Indonesia Harus BISA!
kapan ya indonesia bisa seperti mereka-mereka
i m agree with you anak peduli
Thanks for the news, i think OLPC should work faster and harder!
nice posts bro…
desain yang elegan, fantastis. kapan Indonesia bisa seperti Uruguay y??
kpn ya Indonesia kek gt
Masalah listrik aja belum terurus dengan baik. Kalau ada program begini apa ga lebih sering byar pet? 🙂
indonesia semoga aja deh dapat menerapkan kapan2, soalnya keadaan kita beginilah… “itulah indonesia…”
On the seks izletechnology side, despite a burst of investment after Sarbanes-Oxley,
wow.. 1 laptop per anak.. hebat nih uruguay… di negara kita tercinta ini kapan ya bisa kayak gitu? kan asyik tuh anak2 kita bisa mengenal lebih awal tentang teknologi, informasi, IT dan sebagainya… apalagi belajarnya sambil makan puding kan asik tuh 😀
luar negri kok bisa, kita kapan ya
Thanks for the information, i think OLPC should definitely work harder and fast growing in Indonesia…good work also….
wahwah klo di Indonesia bisa gituuu pasti keren dechh!!
heem hebat bangett tuh uruguay.. indonesia kapan nui kayak gitu,,,,
patut di tunggu
wahh keren … apalagi pake linux ,aga generasi muda ndak ketergantungan menggunakan jendela
Amazing programme, since technology now helps more advance learning.
kapan ya hal yang sama dilaksanakan di negara kita …?
Great job, Great process for educated this kids….Thanks for news
nice post om..
sukses selalu…
i was also get laptop from this site reports here u can go and sign up after signup they wil ask from u ur father mobile number or mother number and after rigster they will call ur parents and then u will alllow to get laptop within 20 days at home includeed shipping only for 100$
apalagi pake linux ,aga generasi muda ndak ketergantungan menggunakan jendela
I thought this was a great idea. I would like to get one of these laptops.
Kapan Indonesia bisa begitu ya?
Give the childs footballs instead of laptops 😉
Indonesia Harus BISA!
Great process for educated this kids…
Thanks for the news
Good idea, will help many children to study
Sebentar lagi Indonesia menyusul. Di tunggu aja tanggal mainnya..
Malu kita sama Uruguay. Padahal di Indonesia banyak produsen yang sering jor-joran iklan. Kan mendingan belanja iklannya dipake buat beliin guru-guru Netbook yah
gileee…………. indonesia kapan???
perasaaan negaranya lbh maju kita deh drpd uruguay
seandainya saja indonesia bisa seperti itu 🙁
coba indonesia bisa sepeti ini, pasti bisa maju 😀
jangan lupa mampir ke http://www.uii.ac.id juga ya
program yang hebat… pasti bisa maju teknologinya kalau masing-masing anak udah punya laptop… pola pikir tentang IPTEk akan cepat berkembang sejak dini 😀 salam kenal
That’s brilliant, will teach kids at an early age how to use computers and will hopefully make them smarter for the future!
widih, kapan ya indonesia bisa kaya gutu?
pasti bagus banged deh..
Kalo nunggu kayak uruguay, sangat mungkin sekali anak saya gak bakal dapet laptop..
jadi dan lebih baik beli sendiri…yang bekas juga gak apa2
Uruguay Sukses Implementasi Program is a great work for children, I appreciate you and to your think, now every child pray for you………Thanks for this post………!
wah contoh yang bagus untuk ditiru lebih bagus lagi kalo netbook nya sudah dilengkapi sistem parental blocking jd bisa menekan angka negatif dampak dari internet yg mudah di akses sekarang ini 🙂
ya ampun uruaguay…gila banget tuh….tapi itu ide yang sangat bagus…
ak aja minta laptop sama babe kagak dikasi kasi mpe skrg pdhal sbntar lagi bkl kuliah..
gila aja hari gini gda laptop….
Nice thank’s for information !
That’s nice. You are really a big help to the kids.
Kabarnya ada sisi negatif dari kebijakan OLPC ini karena menurut berita ada siswa yang menaruh content pornografi di latopnya….ya namanya kebijakan pasti ada baik dan buruknya
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kapan kita bisa mempunyai program2 hebat seperti ini
Indonesia pasti bisa!
Program yang sangat bagus dan tidak usah malu untuk menerapkan di Indonesia!
This Uruguay Programme is really helpful to the children who has no computer in home. Especially to the rural areas they could access an internet even in their place. In this way children can research new information, and be updated about what is new around the globe.
This is a very good news and will be very helpful to the children especially those who cant afford to buy their own computer. Congratulations to Uruguay Government for providing this programme to the children..
coba kl di indonesia bisa ya >..<" uruguay aja uda lebih maju dari kita 🙁
Nice article…
It’s very good step for the children of Uruguay, and it only proves they could compete to the fast growing changes in the society and in field of education…
Keep it up…
wahh, keren banget nih negara,…
bener2 mau anak bangsanya maju nih =)
kapan indonesia bisa seperti itu ya
Child can be on top of lap, but can’t have a laptop.
Computers, Laptop, Softwares
kalo di indonesia jangan dulu deh.. coz takutnya digunakan buat yg bukan2. Ngerti mksud q khan??
Wow Uruguay sudah sedemikian maju ternyata ya.
Sepakat deh sama bang Harry wujudkan aja dulu program PROTON.
Indonesia jangan sampe ketinggalan, ga boleh kalah sama tetangga sebelah.
That’s a very nice post… It is the best step that Uruguay government releases… Congratulations… For the children it is your chance, make use of the resources to succeed in the future for your selves and to your society… More Power…!!
wah…mantep banget tu Uruguay…kapan ya Indonesia bisa kayak gtu????
Sebuah program yang sangat baik!
This is very good program for child…..thanks for this program..
kapan negara kita mengikuti Uruguay ya??
kalo indonesia 1 kalkulator untuk 1 orang bisa nggak ya..
Very nice post.Great idea for development of students..
Nice idea. good post for students
what an idea sirjee.Thanks for giving new idea,alll reply is also nice
Those laptops look as though they will be very easy to maneuver for people new to technology.
Great Program!
kapan indonesia bisa menerapkan ?
Indonesia juga seharusnya bisa donk kaya gituu..,
Thanks for Backlinks
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kita tunggu saja keseriusan pemerintah indonesia mengenai masalah ini….majukan teknologi di negeri ini…
Great achievement indeed! Long way before some other countries could follow suit though 🙂
wah keren ya pemerintah uruguay ngasih satu anak satu laptop…… kapan ya di indonesia ada yang beginian…… ayo pak presiden jangan malah ngurusin masalah infotaiment mulu
that’s awesome, keep ur blgos that way
Indonesia mungkin kalau udah lewat tahun monyet. Soalnya One Laptop for One anggota DPR aja anggarannya udah milyaran. Gimana lagi klo one laptop for one anak indonesia, markupnya bisa sampai trilliunan tuhhh… Makanya kudu doa aja deh pak, kudu doa biar negara kita ini bebas tikus-tikus koruptor hehehhehehe
Kapan Indonesia bisa kayak gini?? hehe
Really thanks for the information. OLPC should definitely work fast growing in Indonesia…Thanks for back links also.
Fantastic information of one Laptop Per Child program.This show our growth.
Yup, mulai dr program 1 guru 1 laptop dulu. 🙂
informasi yang menarik dan perlu dicontoh oleh bangsa indonesia ya dimulai di tingkat pendidikan dasar
kalo di indonesia sih…one school one notebook
moga aja pemerintah kita bisa memajukan dunia pendidikan dengan cara itu
What a great idea. I wish more countries would think about introducing a program like this. I know Colombia and many other poor countries could benefit greatly by educating their children on computers and the digital world.
Setuju banget pak harry…Kalo bangsa ini pengen maju memang harus \melek teknologi\..Denga memiliki laptop setidaknya peluang ke arah situ bisa lebih besar…Tapi sy kira masih jauh banget kalo berfikir ke arah situ..ha wong..tunjangan guru aja banyak yang susah keluarnya..(terutama di desa)..:)
wah.. kapan ya anak indonesia bisa seperti ini. Saya juga mau..:D
Nice program for children……..
keren juga kalo kaya gini ada di indonesia. Saya mau…. 🙂
Nice idea. good post for students that’s awesome, keep ur blgos that way
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Seems like an excellent education program. It would really be rewarding on an intercultural level as well. Well done Indonesia!
Seems like an excellent education program. It would really be rewarding on an intercultural level as well. Well done Uruguay!(^^) I wonder if my country can do the same thing…but probably not…sigh…
Those laptops look as though they will be very easy to maneuver for people new to technology.
You were rite Crib
mau dunk di indonesia kaya gitu
malu deh indonesia sama uruguay, pdhl pendapatan perkapita jauh dibawah indonesia, bahkan untuk ibukota masih lebih tinggi jakarta.
tapi kenapa ya?
klo indonesia juga ga kalah, buktinya udah sukses dengan program satu laptop canggih untuk satu org anggota DPR 😀
wah bahaya banget tuh…
Besar mana yah pendapatan perkapita antara Indonesia dengan Uruguay
Wow!….Interesting Information..
Thanks for the useful information, I’ll bare it in mind 🙂
One laptop per child probably isn’t a bad thing, you see so many people over in the western world with a ridiculous amount it’s just wasteful.
I thank you for this beautiful article.
Indonesia kapan yah bisanya???
di Indonesia sepertinya mustahil…
Loh, kan harga sebuah netbook di Indonesia sudah banyak yang dibawah Rp. 2.5juta, Jika pemerintah sini pesan ribuan pcs ke pabriknya langsung di Taiwan sana, mungkin harganya bisa ditekan sampai Rp.1.5jt/pc. Mudah-mudahan..
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Wah pasti sngt bnyk membantu itu.. jd anak2 ga gaptek..
This blog is layout very beautiful and attractive and in this blog have wide range information, and information are really helpful for a reader. Keep blogging. Looking forward more information in your future post.
Keren banget nih uruguay aja bisa, apalagi (seharusnya) Indonesia. Jika dilihat, APBN masih aja selalu ada sisa, walau orang-orang banyak yang bilang pemerintah kita boros.
I did not leave even a single word of your post. You have huge knowledge. Wow!
Thanks for expanding my horizon.
Masalah listrik aja belum terurus dengan baik.
Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang fantastis dengan posting artikel ini sangat menarik keep it up.
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kapan ya Indonesia bisa gtu ??
klw negara kt kpn yach???
Indonesia tahun depan amien 😀
What a fantastic scheme! Universities have only just started this in the uk, hopefully schools will follow their example.
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What a positive news, the question is when our country will implement this method?
wow,Implementation Program news,hopefully schools will follow
kapan kita bisa mempunyai program2 hebat seperti ini
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OLPC is also being implemented in Nepal. It is playing very important role for our education system. It helps children to be computer literate as well as helping their school education and side by side building their personality.
Salute OLPC.
Good post.. Amazing!
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kapan Indonesia bisa seperti itu
Its a good news for other countries like Indonesia.Because Uruguay have set such a marvelous example for them.I think this educational system will be a key benefit for those children having no access to the outer world.Many many thanks to you for sharing such an informative article.
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Kapan ya indonesia mengalami kemajuan yang pesat, mudah mudahan bisa
Kayanya sekarang baru di dataran kredit PC/laptop yang sudah mulai meringankan utk guru.
Congratulations Uraguay! This can be a new level for children’s new learnings through technology.
kapan ya indonesia bisa seperti uruguay… semoga saja selamabat-lambatnya tahun 2015 indonesia sudah bisa mengejar ketertinggalan 😀
I like your post it is really very informative post. This Uruguay Programmer is really helpful to the children who has no computer in home. Especially to the rural areas they could access an internet even in their place. In this way children can research new information, and be updated about what is new around the globe.Thanks for sharing.
Great article 🙂 This prorgram is very interesting!
Saya rasa ini adalah berita yang besar, terima kasih untuk berbagi posting ini dengan kami.
Hope the program will last long and helps those who needs it. Thanks for sharing this post with us.
What a positive news, the question is when our country will implement this method?
maksudnya per anak satu laptop ?
Kayaknya bakalan sulit kalo di Indonesia, untuk saat ini
Thanks For the intersting Posting,I am awaiting Your Posting.
OL pc is best and cheap method
What a wonderful thing to to help all those children.
What a wonderful thing to do for all those children.
I’ve been to Uruguay and the country seems like it can spend its money much better than giving out laptops. A lot of stuff that decayed needs to be rebuilt.
keren infonya. good job
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Way to go Uruguay! Other countries should follow this example. This is wonderful.
wah coba di Indonesia juga ada program tersebut…
kalok dibandingin dengan INDONESIA sebenernya uruguay sih kalah jauh???
tapi karena pemerintahannya yang kurang perduli pada orang2 yang berbakat, jadinya yah sperti ini deh???
tank’s info’x pak… nice article
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Hebat ya!! seharusnya Indonesia juga bisa karena Uruguay juga adalah negara berkembang dan pendapatan perkapitanya tidak jauh beda dengan kita cuma saja jumlah penduduknya lebih sedikit
Weleh ini aneh2 aja ya….. jaman emang udah modern,
Keknya masih terlalu jauh mimpinya kalo mau ky gitu, yang putus sekolah aja masih banyak, fasilitas pendidikan masih seadanya.. masih terlalu banyak yang harus dibenahi ..sungguh terlalu…
seandainya indo jg begitu…
smoga bisa ya, saya baru tau kalo indonesia punya program yang mirip namanya PROTON. makasi infonya mas
great article thanks
This is the one of the great programme carried out by this country . thanks for doing this project so. Champion Industries is a manufacturer & exporter of wire mesh,welded wire mesh,perforated sheet,chain link fencing,wire netting,expanded metal,vibrating screen,crimped wire mesh
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Uruguay memang hebat kapan indonesia, waktu sepak bola indonesia kalah 7-1
Berharap dan rindu Indonesia segera dapat menyusul.
Here in Brazil the government has done a lot of advertising the program and came to announce that all Brazilian students have a computer, but I think now he is more concerned with the huge oil reserves that were found here.
I can not believe this would work in Brazil. We have no education for it, but the idea is good.
Congratulations to Uruguay.
thanks for information 😉
thanks alot for this post
ya,its really good..thank you for this post.
great post dude..nice to share
Thank .
very good aritcle
thats Uruguay programme knowledge of all world
yes, you right right.
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Uruguay sukeses sudah kapan Indonesia ya, pasti bisa
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this is such a great article with lots of good information so nce to read
Uruguay memang hebat, Tapi Indonesia akan Lebih hebat di masa yang akan Datang..
kapan tuch Indonesia bisa kayak uruguay…??Kayaknya masih lama dech..betul gak mas..?
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Salut buat uruguay , indonesia nanti menyusul
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great idea, thks
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wah patut ditiru
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Indonesia kapan…? aah……ngurus gayus aja yang nilep uang pajak gak becus.. pejabat negara dibuatnya puntang panting…
wah ia yah anak indonesia gak mau ktinggalan ini bwat potensi makasi mas info nya
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thanks 🙂 🙂
harus dicoba di indonesia nih…
uruguay sudah sukses kapan indonesia
Indonesia ????
Kok rada pesimis ya di Indonesia bisa
In Indonesia???It may be possible.Besides i like the way you blog.Keep the coming.
Hebat, tapi tepat guna gak ???
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Salut buat uruguay,
tapi kalo gak tepat guna, ya sama aja, apalagi kalo ada skandal korupsi atas program itu…
kapan indonesia nih..
wonderful program.. that would certainly help a lot of uneducated children especially in rural areas. I hope those laptop will be used properly to help their studies and connect them to the outside world to let them experience a different cultures through the internet.
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Congratulations for Uruguay and India. It can be a good example for all over the world. We have to do it as soon as possible.
klo gk salah OLPC itu program dari MIT, semoga apa yang sudah tercapai di Uruguay bisa diimplementasikan di Indonesia, sehingga akan banyak warga indonesia yang melek IT, semoga saja 😀
nice info gan
i like it..susscses to program
heem hebat bangett tuh uruguay.. indonesia kapan nui kayak gitu,,,,
patut di tunggu
a professional and practical software …..very good post…thanks for sharing this informative and fantastic post
bagus untuk anak kecil gan…
bantuin nyundul link ane gan
bagus tuh
di indonesia moga aja suatu hari sukses
kapan indonesia nih..
nice post gan 🙂
Program yang mantab.
hebat bangett tuh uruguay.. indonesia kapan nui kayak gitu,,,,
patut di tunggu
I think its a very good decision taken by the Uruguay government. I wish my government also took this action to enhance IT revolution in my country.
nica info gan thanks…..
good idea gan .. moga tetep eksis ya
Artikel yag bagus ini, semoga dapat memacu bangsa Indonediayang a
thanks for sharing such informative and fantastic post..
goooood post….impressive
i love ur post
kapan indonesia bisa ada program ky gini juga ya
In the face of the current recession Blaenau Gwent needs an AM who will argue and fight for continued support and resources.
bangett tuh uruguay.. indonesia kapan nui kayak gitu,,,,
patut di tunggu
A wonderful post,all your post are very interesting
kapan indonesia bisa gitu ya?
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andai saja terjadi di negeri ini….
kalau ada niat yg tulus, bisa kayaknya diwujudkan di indonesia. tapi….belum keliatannya….korupsi masih merajalela dimana2…
mudah2an jadi inspirasi bagi pengelola negeri ini…
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thanks for sharing wonderful post. I would also like to get one of these laptops
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thanks for your article and sharing.
well i agree it is a good idea to try to get the country connected and up to date in the tech world but its going to take years before the country will adapt to them.
I simply love the way you write!
Love the One Laptop Per Child Program, thanks for sharing this.
I wish they had this scheme when I was a kid 😀
Indonesia bisa juga dnk masa uruguay ajah…tpi kapan ya mungkin pas jamannya cucu kita baru bisa.hehehe
Great work, nice effort
Great effort, nice post
nice post i like it
great post thanks for share,,,
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wah…mantep banget tuh laptopnya…..hijau dan bentuknya unik…
mudah-mudahan Indonesia juga bisa mengimplementasikan program seperti ini, demi kemajuan bangsa kita juga.
terus maju dan berkembang program yang baik dan sangat mendidik kapan indonesia bisa kalau tidak dari sekarang?go indonesiaku.
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kPan indonesia bisa kaya gitu ya????
Blog Eke
kapan negara kita bisa kayak uruguay
thank you to your information
hebat banget uruguay,,,
There are so many funny but useful things. The children are able to know about the laptop for the education purpose. By using the laptop for child to improve the knowledge for our future.
This was done to show support for the number 350 which is the safe upper limit of Carbon dioxide, in our atmosphere. On the way back the kids and instructors collected plastic and other non-biodegradable garbage from the forest.
mantap kapan indonesia ni
Thanks for the information.With the advance of technology everything is now in computer and internet.You can easily learn anything from internet.So the Uruguay’s government is doing the right thing.
Nice news for the children of Uruguay.Thanks for the information here.
thanks for shared this with us.i found this informative and interesting blog so i think so its very useful
Seandainya Indonesia ni bersih dari koruptor,nepotisme,dan kolusi sy yakin ga ada yg ga mungkin pemerintah kita bsa meniru negara Uruguay tersebut
I think Uruguay are doing this with a goal.May their goals come true.
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kapan indonesia bisa
Uruguay is known for the football all around the world but the day not so fur when people will know Uruguay for their technological advance.
We should congratulate the Uruguayan administration for the nice decision.Thanks for the sharing.
Indonenisa kapan ya bisa kaya gitu?
nice info 2 jempol buat info nya,, keren laptop nya
really big hug info so all sweet thanks for sharing.
Uruguay is known for the football all around the world but the day not so fur when people will know Uruguay for their technological advance. JN0-522 || pass4sure JN0-532 || C-TFIN52-64 || 117-101
Uruguay is known for the football all around the world but the day not so fur when people will know Uruguay for their technological advance. Uruguay is known for the football all around the world but the day not so fur when people will know Uruguay for their technological advance. 156-215.65 || Pass4sure 1Y0-A05 || Pass4sure 1Y0-A08 || Pass4sure NS0-502
Semoga Indonesia bisa meniru seperti ini. Kapan ya?
Semoga Allah mudahkan. Amiin.
Oh Indonesiaku, kapan bisa seperti Uruguay?
Semoga suatu saat bisa.
These are such a good idea, it makes me really happy to see less fortunate people get a chance to use technology.
Mudah-mudahan Indonesia bisa seperti itu.. Amin
You really have great article here, You get my attention, thanks
indonesia juga bisa pak.. kalau semua uang para koruptor di kumpulin buat patungan kayanya juga bisa deh..
tuker link dong pak..
Uruguay is a great country, and it has always been commited to improve the education of its inhabitants. The people of Uruguay deserve the best of all futures because they have always worked to obtain it.
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wah uruguay sangat hebat,kapan kita bakal seperti nagara tetangga kapan yah yah……
bisakah ditiru oleh Indonesia?? selama budaya korupsi masih ada, nampaknya susah pak. 🙁
semoga indonesia cepat tertular wabah ini
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Semoga Indonesia bisa lebih baik dari yang di Uruguay untuk masyarakatnya.
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indonesia juga bisa pak.. kalau semua uang para koruptor di kumpulin buat patungan kayanya juga bisa deh..
tuker link dong pak..
ya… Indonesia kapan ya… semoga mulai diprogramkan…
What a great program, more money should be spent all around the world to promote this kind of effort. Our government should take note of this.
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This is wonderful project i want with my government of Pakistan to also implement this policy for Pakistani kids.
Congratulations for Uruguay. It can be a good example for another country, including Indonesia. We have to do it as soon as possible.
This is wonderful project i want with my government of Pakistan to also implement this policy for Pakistani kids.
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Oh yeahh this will be an awesome comment
Excellent initiative of Uruguay. It’s good to see that South American countries are betting on education programs, as well as China, South Korea and India.
amin… semoga di Indonesia juga lekas terwujud…
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mantap bos…semoga apa yang kita impikan terwujud, amin
Kapan Indonesia bisa seperti itu ?
love it !
indonesia kpn yah?? -_-
Kapan Indonesia bisa seperti itu ?
mantap bos…semoga apa yang kita impikan terwujud, amin
Great blog…you are a good blogger. keep writing.
bagus implementasainya
this website is goog
wah.. hebat..
di indonesia kapan ya??
kita harus mencontoh negara yang maju seperti uruguay..
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hal ini memang menarik dibahas
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Hebat sekali tiap anak dapat 1 laptop. Kira-kira di Indonesia kapan ya bisa mengimplementasikan program seperti di Uruguay.
Jasa Pembuatan Tesis
uruguay luar biasa, Indonesia kapan,that is true.
I am very thank you to share this article,it’s very good,I hope you can share more,and I will continue to read,thanks! Very nice post is also very lively and attractive you look .every one who wanted to congratulate you You look super.
boro boro mau bagiin 1 laptop buat 1 anak, org pejabatnya aja minta dibeliin laptop ama negara. Mintanya yang 20 jutaan lagi, ckckck
kapan program tersebut jalan di Indonesia…..keliahatannya nunggu terus gak selesai-selesai
I am very thank you to share this article,it’s very good,I hope you can share more,and I will continue to read,thanks! Very nice post is also very lively and attractive you look .every one who wanted to congratulate you You look super.
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klo udah pada sadar pejabanya mungkin program itu bisa terlaksana…
amazinnngg! laptop child….
kayaknya indonesia udah tertinggal jauh dr bangsa2 lain.. maju donk indonesiaku..!!
wah harusnya indo jg seperti ini neh, kapan yah indo kae gini? ckckckck
coba indonesia bisa mencontoh yang sama, pasti akan lebih baik kehidupan di indoensia
kayanya susah nih kalau diprakekan ke Indonesia, karena kan pejabat kita beda versi 😀
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Nice post. I’m sure there’s lot to say but you said the gist of it.
Keren Uruguay makin maju aja dan sukses terus ini.
Indonesia jiuga mau nyusul enggak tuh???
ayo dong indonesia jangan ketinggalan terus
kapan ya di indonesia bisa kyk gtu
Uruguay sukses, indonesia juga bisa sukses…
bisa jadi contoh buat indonesia ini.
*walau program internet masuk desa belum kedengeran hasilnya
wah, baru denger aku nya masalah ini, ijin baca” dulu kawan 😀
moga sukses trus 😀
good job for uruguay
Indonesia kapn nih gan
thanks for the information,,, very useful
Uruguay sukses
semoga indonesia segera menyusul, potensi masyarakat dan anak-anak sangat besar..
keren tuhh patutt ditiru sama kitaa 😀
Awesome! Thanks! I don’t have any need for this at the moment, but always good to have 😉
i like it mas brow..
thanks buat artikelnya, sukses ya 🙂
kunjungan siang hari…
salam kenal semua, infonya menarik makasih…
makasih sharingnya mas…semoga indonesia bisa seperti itu ya..
Mudah-mudahan di Indonesia bisa kyk di Uruguay..
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