My post today will be rather technical, but I’m sure some will find it interesting because it’s about a topic that’s not as widely discussed as others. Some may even find it useful. It’s about my brief stunt with mobile development.
Some time ago I was asked to look at a web-based apps which is to be used with a mobile phone. A Nokia E70 to be exact. It’s based on Symbian S60 3rd edition platform. Basically, a Javascript which is supposed to run won’t. So I looked into it.
This piece of Javascript is vital for usability reasons. Without it, the input process will take up to 50% longer. So I thought, yeah I’ll set aside a bit of my time and hack this.
Then I realized that when I thought the browser situation on the PC / desktop platform is a mess; it actually look very tidy and well-ordered compared to the situation on the mobile platform ๐
First, mobile platform is much more limited — in terms of CPU / processor power, memory capacity, secondary storage (hard disk / flash ram) capacity, power, etc. These limitations in turn must be taken into account by all mobile browsers. Which causes various quirks / incompatibilities to surface when you dig deeper into it.
Second, free(dom) software has not yet made as much impact here as it is on the desktop. Therefore we have plethora of proprietary technologies, which sometimes doesn’t work together / conform to the open standards.
Third, there’s not as many documentations available on the topic. As I googled around, I realized in horror that I may have to hack around much more than I thought necessary.
Back to the hack – first thing I tried was to install Opera mobile (not Opera mini). Yes, we’re willing very willing to pay Opera if it works. In short – the Javascript works on it.
Unfortunately, Opera mobile crashes around so much, it’s impossible to enjoy any kind of productivity with it.
Also there are a LOT of quirks with Opera mobile when used with keypad.
They are small things, but gets annoying very quickly. Which doesn’t help when you’re trying to accomplish good amount of work.
Maybe it’d be better if I try an older version of it, but seeing it consume too much RAM anyway; I thought I’ll give the built-in browser a try first.
Called “Nokia Mini Map Browser” because of its “mini map” feature, it’s speedier than Opera mobile and doesn’t use as much memory. However, the Javascript on our web-apps doesn’t work there.
So I thought, perhaps this browser doesn’t support the latest version of Javascript. Or worse, perhaps it has its own version of Javascript. That would suck greatly.
Anyway, I started to try looking for documentation on the topic, also for a tool to help me debug the problems there.
I found Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator 4.0. It’s Java-based. However, it seems to be hard-coded for Windows, with Windows installer too. Ok so I found a Windows machine, and set it up.
To my dismay, it doesn’t work very reliably. To be precise, it won’t even load the web-apps. While the actual browser in Nokia E70 will display it correctly.
With documentation on the subject (Javascript capabilities of Nokia Mini Map Browser) also very lacking, this is starting to look like a dead end.
Until I found out that the Nokia Mini Map Browser is actually an open source project !
Code named “S60browser”, or “S60Webkit”, it’s available from
There’s hope – if there’s code available, then anything can always be traced / found out.
My sharp-minded readers will quickly realize another thing – yes, it’s basically the same as the Safari browser, the one on Mac OS X ๐
Nokia Mini Map Browser aka S60browser aka S60Webkit is based on another open source project called WebKit. Which happens to be the foundation used as well by Apple to build their browser, Safari.
Now this is getting interesting ๐
I dug deeper into these new clues, and began to feel sure that both browser’s cores are indeed identical. Which means that I’d be able to debug the problem with Safari browser.
I fired up Safari, invoked the Preferences screen, and clicked on Advanced icon. I enabled “Show Develop menu in menu bar”, then I restarted Safari. A new menu then showed up. I chose Develop – Show Web Inspector (also accessible via Cmd-Alt-i)
I got the detailed error message in no time. It’s “Object [object HTMLInputElement] (result of expression document.getElementById(“testForm”).submit) does not allow calls“.
As I already mentioned, the script works on Firefox and Opera, but somehow it doesn’t work on Safari. So it’s Googling time again.
Turn out it’s a generic error message whenever Safari have problems executing a function.
So it could be that the function doesn’t exist. Or the function name is mispelled. Or any other function-calling related problems.
Great, looks like this will cause more questions than it answers…
Thankfully I wasn’t on the wild goose chase for too long. A comment on a blog post gave me the hint I needed :
I gave a form button the *same name* as the function it was calling in its onclick. This error was the result.
Joshua, thank you. That’s exactly what happened in my case ๐
A line in the script is as follows :
While there’s also a button on the same script named, you guessed it, submit :
<input type=”submit” name=submit />
So Safari got confused, and threw this generic error message.
And it’s very easy to fix, I just need to change the button’s name value to something else – and it works now on Safari & Nokia Mini Map Browser, as well as on Firefox and Opera.
I love happy endings ๐
Moral of the story ? Open source software empowers developers.
And this is not the first time – my MSc thesis was about to fail; when I found ping’s source code on the Internet. It gave me the hint needed to continue the project. The thesis got among the best mark at that year.
With availability of the source, we can learn from the brightest minds on Earth with ease. The knowledge and wisdom become available for all.
Even to the ones with feeble minds, like me.
Here’s another cheer for free(dom) software movement : May the source be with you ๐
(oh, and also, all hail Google !)
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
asal ada kemauan dan mau membaca, pasti ada jalan.
nice article pak harry^^
Input tags submit dengan name=”submit” memang dosa masa lalu yang terus menghantui. Banyak kode2 lama saya yang masih seperti itu, dan akan menimbulkan masalah di browser baru maupun di kode javascript menggunakan framework, seperti jQuery.
Banyak sekali ilmu sesat dari dahulu kala, yang sadar atau tidak sudah kita gunakan di kode yang kita tulis. Saatnya sekarang mengikuti standar W3C ๐
Wah posting yang sangat menarik mas.
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Silakan bagi yang mau berkunjung ke http://WWW.FLANET.NING.COM
jangan lupa DAFTAR ya.. ditunggu… ๐
For now, i will stick to my blackberry instead ๐
great post… i like it..I enjoy reading..
I wish someday I get one
pingin nyoba…sayang gadget-nya gak mendukung ๐
I like the analogy clint but you’r e frogetting one other player:Microsoft they’ve had eindows moblile phone for quite some time now and there doesn’t seem to be the same mass market shift that you’r e talking about.Perhaps it is because the cailber of the apps on windows moblie are not as compelling or is it because windows suffers form having too many installed and slow dowen or corrupt the phone
What about BlackBerry?
I found no words explaining on it, or maybe I overlooked at it ๐
Thanks for the info…
I love happy endings too… hehe
and I agree with U… Open source software really empowers developers…
oh really nice artikel
i love it
And for me on this blog does not call! Prompt, that to do?
the posting is nice and many bloggers gave comments to your articles.
congrat bro
and now like for PC,,,microsoft want to control windows mobile
nice articles ๐
nice article… i like it
wah jadi pengen beli juga nih
thanks buat artikelnya
Interesting post, but I don’t agree new devices with mobile platforms are limited of resources. I have no problems browsing, but had a lot with programming for mobile platforms. Thanks for the post!
You’re right, it was a bit technical, but I was able to follow along. This was a great post. Very informative and helpful. I personally run Microsoft Mobile from my phone.
yes no.. no yes.. ๐
my blog
wah artikelnya sangat membantu nich.maksih ya mas infonya
nice post i like your site very well and continue to do so.
I have brokmark your site.
Wow bagus banget logonya boss…bikin sendiri apa dibikinin designer ?
giman kalo master bikin ebooknya aja sekalian
ato bikin bimbingan gitu
Oh wow, Nokia’s browser is based off of webkit?! I had no idea, that’s totally awesome. I love my blackberry, but I’m now I’m envious of Nokia owners.
I didn’t know that Nokia’s browser was based off of webkit either! I have a Motorola, i’m pretty happy with its microsoft applications. I think you should write more posts in english! i really liked this one!
Thanks for the article – looking to learn more about this and start browsing. I think I will buy a Nokia
Interesting post, but I donรขโฌโขt agree new devices with mobile platforms are limited of resources. I have no problems browsing, but had a lot with programming for mobile platforms. Thanks for the post!
The more Webkit browsers the better, IMO ๐
@yonna – blackberry is a mystery to me ๐ I don’t know much about it. I own Nokia E71, considered as BB’s rival. Technically more powerful, but usability-wise, not as excellent. But I’m a techie ๐ hence the choice.
Sorry for not answering your question, hopefully someone else will be able to answer it.
Nice topic and very helpful. Good job and thank’s a lot
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Very nice post! But as for me I have no problems browsing, but have a lot with programming for mobile platforms. I have the same mobile phone as you are and in concept I dont regret that I bought it.
hey Sufehmi! Really very informative and interesting post.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I donรขโฌโขt know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Great informastion..
Very interesting post. It would be nice if there was a standardization across the board in the mobile browsers, but I guess that is why it is called competition.
ilmu berat, butuh waktu lama untuk memahami. ayo belajar3x
pingin nyobaรขโฌยฆsayang gadget-nya gak mendukung.
Thank you so much for giving me a lot of information. I could say that I personally run a Microsoft Mobile from my phone. I now know that Nokiaรขโฌโขs browser is based on webkit.
Thank for such a great information I like it very much!
Opensource has really changed the landscape of software and indeed, may the source be with you too !!
Great…. I think everybody should know this….
Ya… I agree with you denny
nice post.. nice info..
salam kenal..
wah jadi lebih lama nih pelajarinya…..
inggrisku jelek ๐
Intresting point.
this is interesting topic i think……………………
this is nice post…………….
Thanks for the info. I am thinking about expanding my activities into mobile based services. So your ideas were very usefull.
Thank for the article my friend. it’s really useful for the readers,
Rusli Zainal
thank for the great article harry.
admin of articleposts
really interesting post and i am really heart fully thanking you harry, good job
very informative and interesting post
thank for sharing the article. I do like it.
Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner
Great article!
This article was incredibly informative! Thanks! I’m going to buy the new N97 in a couple of weeks, and can’t wait to start testing it…
Youรขโฌโขre right, it was a bit technical, but I was able to follow along. This was a great post. Very informative and helpful.
Thanks for posting, I am interested in your post’s content. Iรขโฌโขll definitely will subscribe to your blog.
This is really a great and detail post. However, I do prefer mobile applications.
I am thinking about expanding mi software into Mobile one.
I can just thank you for the information.This is very helpful.
While the Simbian browser is pretty good when compared to other mobile browsers, I think that the Opera Mini browser is the best mobile browser available. I’m using it on my N95…
I’m also using the Opera Mini! Awesome little browser… ๐
I’m waiting for my new N97, I should get it in a few days, and I’ll see what improvements they have there.
is there any mobile browser other than opera mini for nokia E51
And where from i can get it????
This was a great post. Very informative and helpful.
While the Simbian browser is pretty good when compared to other mobile browsers, I think that the Opera Mini browser is the best mobile browser available. Iรขโฌโขm using it on my N95รขโฌยฆ
I thought I would leave my first comment. I donรขโฌโขt know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog.i am very happy to read this blog.
Very nice post! But as for me I have no problems browsing, but have a lot with programming for mobile platforms.
Interesting post, but I donรขโฌโขt agree new devices with mobile platforms are limited of resources. I have no problems browsing, but had a lot with programming for mobile platforms.
Anyway Thanks for the post!
Nice article
Thank you so much for giving me a lot of information. I could say that I personally run a Microsoft Mobile from my phone. I now know that Nokiaรขโฌโขs browser is based on webkit
Mobile Web Server lets you name your device and make it accessible in the Internet with a browser. The software includes several applications from content …
Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner
Mobile browsers are gonna rock the world.
very informative and interesting post..
thx for your sharing..
amazing Site !
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hmm, interesting
Mobile Browser include the one i use is not support javascript. so a lot of function i can’t use.
How do we enable javascript to work in the e51? In laymens terms pls.
The settings say javascript enabled but i still cant access certain links or functions. Im using nokia’s builtin browser too.
Ver Informative BLog! Thanks
That’s good you’ve decided to write on mobile dev and mobile browsing in particular – it’s not often onecan find an article that makes sense related to the topic.
My colleague actually has Nokia E70, so I forwarded the post to him – hope he’ll have the same interesting time reading it that i had
siap dijajal di ponsel saya mas
sekalian mau ngucapin terimakasih atas postingan ini
wew..thanks info nay mas..
bagus nih, nanti tak coba di ponselku mas
Nice Info, thanks for sharing.
Ya i too agree you have discussed a topic that is quite different. Your information about mobile browser seemed to be effective. You elaborately explained certain aspects which proved to be fruitful.
Still cant grasp the whole thing, guess I’ll keep on looking around. Rgds
Still dont grasp the wole thing, guess I’ll keep looking around for an answer. rgds
it is so useful
I enjou your point
Nice Info, thanks for sharing.
asal ada kemauan dan mau membaca, pasti ada jalan.
nice article pak harry^^
Great info. Thanks
walah ilang euy…. ๐
While searching for a java platform problem I stumbled across this post. It really was helpful. thanks.
Interesting post,
Nice Article ๐
Thanks for the post!
Keren nih artikelnya.. musti buka kamus ๐
I agree.. mobile browsers are very cool… the next thing.
Agree with its potential. But still a long way to go since there is still a big functionality gap..
Email and autoresponder should be integrated into the browser in future. A potential development!
Mobile browser can include e-commerce and payment service. Another way of instant shopping online.
postingan yg bagus. trims infonya
wew… i got it…
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I must confess that my browser on my Apple Iphone mobile phone is much better compared to my old Nokia N70.
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This is really a good piece of information.
a visit later ok
very good article….
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Thank for such a great information I like it very much!
Thanks for sharing nice info. Usage of mobile is increasing very fast ๐
Nice post. I also use the Opera Mini!
mau dong…
mau dongรขโฌยฆ
informative, tapi sayang ga punya gadget nya
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meskipun english sy acak2an.. pi sedikit2 saya bisa nangkep isinya…. nice info pak harry…. keep posting..
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nice gan, informative gan
thanks gan ๐
Great article! Great read!
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share your speak english admin ?
gag mudeng.. translate dulu ahh ๐
ngomong2 buat temen2 yg doyan makan puding dan ingin membuat berbagai macam aneka puding kunjungi kami tuk mengetahui resep puding nya ๐
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Awesome article. Mobile browsers will be much better in the future.
great information, thanks…
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I must confess that my browser on my Apple Iphone mobile phone is much better compared to my old Nokia N70.
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