Category Archives: pkc

Software development Java gratis senilai hampir US$ 2000

Sejak beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mulai tertarik untuk mencoba development di Java. Yang pertama-tama saya lakukan adalah mencari IDE (Integrated Development Environment) yang bagus untuk Java, karena ini akan dapat sangat membantu proses belajar saya.
Setelah mencari beberapa waktu, saya menemukan sebuah yang baik, namun harganya sekitar US$ 500. Maka rencana belajar Java saya tunda dulu ketika itu.

Kemudian saya menemukan bahwa ternyata Sun kini sedang menawarkan IDE Java mereka untuk di download tanpa biaya – padahal harga retailnya nyaris mencapai US$ 2000.
Anda dapat mendapatkannya dari link ini:

Jika Anda belum menjadi anggota SDN (Sun Developer Network), maka Anda akan perlu mendaftar terlebih dahulu sebelum bisa mendapatkan penawaran ini. Pendaftara SDN cepat (hanya mengisi 1 halaman form) dan gratis.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Berita 10/Nov/05

Symfony Project:

Bagi mereka yang menginginkan framework ala Rails, namun di PHP, kini dapat mencoba Symfony Project

Rails dan Symfony Project memungkinkan web developer untuk menghasilkan aplikasi web yang lebih bagus, mudah di update — dan dalam waktu yang singkat.

Symfony project punya satu kelebihan lagi, yaitu fasilitas AJAX sudah built-in.
Demonya cukup mengesankan, bisa dilihat disini. Dan Anda akan semakin terkesima ketika melihat bagaimana mudahnya membuat demo tersebut.

Symfony project membutuhkan PHP5.
Selamat mencoba.

Baterai laptop tahan 15 jam:

Samsung berencana untuk mulai memproduksi baterai laptop yang tahan digunakan selama 15 jam pada tahun 2007.
Baterai tersebut bisa bertahan sedemikian lama karena menggunakan butane.

Jika smartphone & PDA bisa memanfaatkan ini juga, maka tidak lama lagi kita akan bisa menikmati smartphone yang berperforma tinggi, dengan fitur-fitur yang tidak kalah dari laptop, dan bisa digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

Linux diagnostic software

One of the server under my supervision has started to experience problems since a few weeks ago. It has experienced several kernel Oops-es (equivalent to Windows’ BSOD I think), but sometimes it just crashed hard – no message whatsoever in the logfiles. This has me baffled for a while – I thought Fedora needed to be upgraded to the latest version at first. But then it was clear that even after updated with the latest updates, it’s still experiencing problems.

Somebody pointed out that memory should be the prime suspect at this case. So I ran memtest86, and true enough; it found hundreds of bad bits in the first 512MB.
Unfortunately, it is NOT possible to print out the error messages from memtest86, which will cause problem for me when I tried to return the memory module to the supplier. So I started to look around.
(note to self: recheck that these errors are not caused by wrong memory timing in BIOS)

Thankfully there’s memtester. I’ll give it a try probably tomorrow.

Along the way, I found several other relevant links:

[ An excellent guide on troubleshooting hardware problems on Linux ]
[ List of many diagnostic tools on Linux ]
[ Comprehensive list of tools and procedures for testing hardware on Linux ]

Hope you’ll find it useful.


Last year I spent about 2 weeks working on [ phpMailman ].
Unfortunately, I had to abandon it because I was assigned to other projects.

It was the most interesting projects, and potentially quite useful, that I’ve been working on. And it seems that quite a lot of others agree – I still got emails asking about it.

In short – phpMailman is a milis (mailing list) software, composed of php scripts and uses MySQL database to store its data.
It require very little to run (most webhosting package will suffice) and easy to set up. These two are things that I found lacking in other milis software.

I apologize that I’m still not able to continue my work on it. Meanwhile, I’ve updated the page with more useful information, and a link to the latest version. Hope someone will find it useful.

[ homepage of phpMailman ]


suPHP is an Apache module which will force PHP scripts to be executed with the permission of its owner.

What does that mean ?

It means that if a script contains a vulnerability, and got exploited, then only that particular user will be affected.

This module is not supposed to be used together with mod_php, and anyway, if you’re using mod_php, any exploited PHP script will give the intruder access to everything accessible by Apache (since mod_php execute scripts as Apache’s user)

Needless to say, suPHP would be of high interest to webhosters, along with mod_security.


mod_security is an Apache module which is designed to do things that a conventional firewall couldn’t – block application-level attacks.

While a firewall block attacks at packet level, most of them have port 80 opened to allow access to the webserver behind it. And with conventional firewall getting very good nowadays at doing its job, criminals have started to find that it can be very easy to breach your network using this route instead.

This is where mod_security come to your assistance.

It’s able to do quite a lot. For example, it’s able to filter user requests (based on your own rules), both POST and GET – protecting you from potential SQL injection, XSS, root traversal, and other attacks.
Those are already quite powerful, but there are more. It’s also makes it easy to make Apache runs chroot-ed, invoke virus scanner on uploaded files, limiting admin access based on IP address, detecting instrusions, stopping information leak – even disabling the famous FormMail from sending spam. Your creativity is pretty much the limit with it.

I can’t praise this thing enough. If you haven’t install it, I recommend you do, asap.

Further readings:
# Excellent introduction to mod_security
# chroot-ing Apache with mod_security
# – the website for Ivan’s (yet to be released) book, but already contains a few security tools which may be of interest to you
# HOWTO: installing mod_security on Debian stable

Belajar PHP – cara mudah & cepat

Update: versi terbaru dari artikel ini bisa dibaca disini.

Sudah beberapa kali saya mendapat pertanyaan tentang bagaimana cara yang mudah dan cepat untuk belajar PHP. Kali ini akan saya posting disini, mudah-mudahan jadi bisa bermanfaat untuk lebih banyak orang.

  1. Install PHP & MySQL.
    Jika Anda menggunakan Windows, Anda bisa download FoxServ. Jika Anda menggunakan Linux, silahkan install Apache, PHP, MySQL; misalnya dengan merujuk kesini.
  2. Pelajari tutorial-tutorial berikut ini (sesuai urutan):
    1. Memulai belajar PHP
    2. Membuat form sederhana
    3. Membuat form yang terdiri dari beberapa halaman
  3. Agar bisa mengakses MySQL dari PHP, silahkan membaca tutorial yang bagus ini: cara memanfaatkan MySQL dari PHP
  4. Kalau sudah memahami semuanya, bisa dilanjutkan ke 2 topik berikut ini – tidak wajib, tapi berguna/menarik untuk diketahui :
  5. Selamat ! Anda kini sudah cukup menguasai PHP – ini saat yang tepat untuk mulai mengakrabkan diri dengan cara-cara untuk mengamankan PHP

Beberapa informasi tambahan:

Semoga bermanfaat.