Tag Archives: LOL

Waspada : Lampu LED Philips

s. :: tidak sangka menemukan posting soal lampu LED Philips dari Linus Torvalds 🙂 seperti biasa, informatif + sangat menghibur #LOL  

Linus mengganti semua lampu di rumahnya karena dia tidak suka dengan lampu Halogen / CFL. Pilihannya ketika itu adalah lampu LED buatan Philips.

Ternyata dia perlu menggantinya lagi, kali ini dengan lampu LED merk Cree, karena, walaupun masih berfungsi, namun lampu LED merk Philips tersebut sudah drop outputnya menjadi hanya sekitar 25%.

Linus, um, "tidak terlalu gembira" dengan hal ini  🙂

"But today I've been walking around changing out the Philips bulbs that are just a couple of years old.

"40,000 hours" my ass.

Sure, they still "work" – but actual light output is maybe a quarter of what it was when new"

Ternyata di berbagai forum Internet juga sudah mulai bermunculan komplain soal LED Philips ini. Misalnya : http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/521adacd19cb178421000001/iklan-led-philips-menyesatkan/

Dikutip : "benar ada tulisanya "Last up to 15Years" …. dengan pemakaian sehari 2.7 Jam.. WTF!!!"


Anyway, kembali ke posting Linus — yang lebih menarik adalah diskusi di komentarnya, saya kutipkan beberapa :

"Sounds like insufficient heat sinking in the design itself. Heat ages LEDs fast"

Linus : "Irony alert: the crappy bulbs are called "EnduraLED". Model number 8E26A60 in case anybody cares"

"I did the same, changed all the spot lights in the house with LED, but almost all of  them died less than a year later.

The problem is NOT the LEDs, they are very reliable and working perfectly,

the problem is the electronic circuits driving them are so badly made, they blow up very quickly making the whole thing a VERY expensive failure."

"We've gradually been switching from fluorescents to Panasonic LEDs. We have a dozen by now, with the oldest ones three years old and have yet to have any burn out pr go visibly bad. And the light quality is pleasant, much better than the fluorescents and incandescents they're replacing"

"All big manufactures suck in LED technology. I also replaced every light here with LED, bought at Amazon. Good stuff is from LumenTec for example. Almost 100Lumen per Watt"

"Personally, I find it disturbing that most lighting products available in retail stores are 3000-4000 k, which provide horrible color rendering in a home environment. (should be 2700k)"

"At work we use LED fixtures by Dialight, 72 watt, replacing 400 watt HID. They run cool. They run cool due to the massive heat sink"

"If you want cheap LED lights buy them off AliExpress.  You can get down light for about $2.50 for approx 600 lumen at 3-4 watts. You can get B22(bayonet)/E37(screw) type LED globes for about $3. Free postage too to major World locales."

"I  ordered mine directly from manufacturer somewhere on aliexpress.com. My choise is corn bulbs with 5630 LED which has 50lm ouput each according to the datasheet. 60x on one lamp gives like 120w incandescent light output and they are actually doesn't require additional heat dissipation as they are distributed over the lamp."

"I  use CREE bulbs bought from china…they seem good-working even after a couple of yrs, the brightness didn't decrease"

"hope you didn't throw those bulbs away +Linus Torvalds .  probably just the voltage regulators went soft.  LEDs are fine." — menarik, berarti bisa di reparasi.

"I attended a Facilities Conference with the Cree reps and have seen their tech. THEY are the global pioneers of LED technology and have the best warranty and Guaranty. Not only will their products last for a long time, they promise that you will not lose lumens."

Reshared post from +Linus Torvalds

Philips: your LED lights suck.

I've replaced most of the lights in our house with LED's, because I detest those nasty CFL's. 

And in general, things are working out pretty well. I'm particularly pleased with the 6" EcoSmart recessed lights you can get at Home Depot (not a bulb replacement – it replaces the whole trim kit).

But today I've been walking around changing out the Philips bulbs that are just a couple of years old. "40,000 hours" my ass. Sure, they still "work" – but actual light output is maybe a quarter of what it was when new.

I'm hoping the new Cree bulbs are better. Cree is the manufacturer for the LED module for the EcoSmart recessed lights, so I have some reason to be hopeful that a couple of years down the line I won't curse at them.

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Happy 20th Birthday Debian

Happy 20th Birthday Debian. :: luar biasa, tidak terasa Debian, salah satu distro Linux, ternyata sudah berumur 20 tahun 🙂

Sudah banyak sekali kiprah & manfaat yang diberikannya ke seluruh dunia. Misalnya; salah satu komputer paling terkenal saat ini, RaspberryPi, banyak menggunakan versi Debian yang dikenal dengan nama Raspbian. Berbagai super komputer juga menggunakan Debian. Salah satu distro Linux paling terkenal, Ubuntu, basis / asalnya adalah dari Debian. Dan banyak lagi kontribusi Debian untuk dunia.

Happy Birthday Debian ! 🙂

Berikut adalah berbagai komentar dari para penggunanya :

Since I run Debian on my computers, I do not play anymore to 3D shooting games, not because of the lack of Free 3D drivers, but because developing Debian is more fun and addictive. #LOL  

When I considered switching to Linux I asked friends which distribution to choose. I was told skip other distributions that were considered more newbie-friendly at the time and go straight to Debian instead. It might be more work initially, they said, but it would save me the hassle of switching to Debian later on, which I would inevitably do. Turns out they were right. 

"Rock Solid Stability and Absolute Freedom" Thats what Debian means to me.

Debian is a family gathered around great idea. Its pure love.


Bits from Debian – Happy 20th birthday Debian!
Since I run Debian on my computers, I do not play anymore to 3D shooting games, not because of the lack of Free 3D drivers, but because developing Debian is more fun and addictive. Debian is a truly community based distro which is devoted to FOSS ideas and standards. It perfectly works on high …

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Fun Anagrams

Fun Anagrams. :: Wow 🙂 Anagram dari Astronomer = Moon Starer 🙂 Election Results = Lies Let's Recount 😀 😀

Desperation = A Rope Ends It
The Eyes = They See #duh  
George Bush = He Bugs Gore
The Morse Code = Here Come Dots #LOL  
Slot Machines = Cash Lost In Me
Mother In Law = Woman Hitler #MEGALOL  😀
Animosity = Is No Amity
Snooze Alarms = Alas No More Z's
A Decimal Point = I'm A Dot In Place
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Eleven Plus Two = Twelve Plus One #mindblown  


Crazy Anagrams – Imgur

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Kisah Star Wars diceritakan oleh perangkat network di Internet : silakan ketik "traceroute…

Kisah Star Wars diceritakan oleh perangkat network di Internet : silakan ketik "traceroute -m 100" dan lihat hasilnya :) 

"When.CCIEs.Get.Bored (" #LOL   #LOL  

Screenshotnya juga terlampir di posting ini.

Credit : +Rob Malda 

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Alamak, Rolls Royce yg terjebak banjir kemarin masuk ke Top Gear, #LOL  

Alamak, Rolls Royce yg terjebak banjir kemarin masuk ke Top Gear, #LOL  

Reshared post from +Top Gear

Flooded Rollers, sketched Jeremys, and the usual smattering of silly numberplates – it’s another selection of wondrousness from the Top Gear inbox…


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Infographic: The Rise of Android :  

3 of 4 smartphones purchased use Android

1.300.000 Android devices are activated every day
(iOS devices : 515.000 / day)

15 Android devices activated per second
17 Big Mac sold per second 

500 Millions Android devices Worldwide
410 Millions iOS devices Worldwide

Google's Android revenue increased 800% in one year
(Q4 2012 Google reported record revenue of $1.032 Billion)

Microsoft gets US$ 5 for every HTC Android device sold.
Microsoft gets more money from Android than from its own Windows phone on 2011 #LOL   #LOL  

etc, etc… enjoy !


Infographic: The Rise of Android
In less than eight years, Google turned a no-name operating system producer into the world’s most popular smartphone OS.

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Harpa Gelas / Glass Harp :) Canon in D on glass harp

Harpa Gelas / Glass Harp :) Canon in D on glass harp

Yuki & Taksuki @ Singapore : Yuki and Tatsuki in Singapore

Talented Mr Musician Insane Street Musician in Washington D.C.

Mozart @ Glass Harp Street Performer Playing Mozart on Water Glasses

Seperti kata Misael Ramos :

I wish people like this were appreciated for their true talent and this BEAUTIFUL piece of music and not blonde canadian faggots for saying word baby the most times in a song #LOL 

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Just had a strange incident with MySQL's replication

Background story : the master server have a lot of databases. But all of them have a table named 'online' with the same structure.

When I tried to replicate that server to another, the process always fails will error message " Duplicate entrytable online at somedatabase" 

I reset the master several times, and rebuilt the slave multiple times as well – still same problem.

The solution ? 
Excluding the table from being replicated, by putting this line in the slave's /etc/mysql/my.cnf :

replicate-wild-ignore-table = %.online

Restart the slave – voila, master-slave replication works smoothly 🙂

Why ? My guess is something with the table's structure. Because ALL these tables only have 1 record in it :-/ so, what duplicate entry ?? 🙂 #LOL  

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Apple (trademark tahun 2007) menyerang iFone (trademark tahun 2003) di pengadilan…

Apple (trademark tahun 2007) menyerang iFone (trademark tahun 2003) di pengadilan Meksiko — kalah berkali-kali 🙂 dan akhirnya terancam musti membayar denda / kompensasi 😀

Karma is a bitch #LOL

Reshared post from +Susanne Ramharter

Karma can be such a bitch

thanks to +Alison Marlowe and +Matt Uebel 

#apple   #treadlightly    #karma  

Apple’s Lost the Ability to Sell Under the iPhone Name in Mexico Thanks to Fight They Picked
Part of the whole trademark nonsense is the idea that they have to be aggressively enforced lest they be lost to the company that filed them. It’s why a number of lawsuits are filed about brand names …

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