All posts by sufehmi

Pasang telpon kantor gratis dari Smartfren : pindah kantor, dan Telkom minta biaya…

Pasang telpon kantor gratis dari Smartfren : pindah kantor, dan Telkom minta biaya jutaan rupiah untuk memindahkan line-line telpon yang sudah ada ke lokasi kantor yang baru. 

Tiba-tiba dapat info bahwa Smartfren menyediakan produk Fixed Wireless . Jadinya telpon kantor tersambung PABX, dan kemudian PABX tersebut ke jaringan Smart.

Dan, semua biaya pemasangannya gratis :-) 

Foto terlampir menunjukkan semua peralatan dari Smartfren. Proses pemasangannya hanya beberapa jam saja. Dan kantor baru ini kini sudah menikmati fasilitas telpon yang ekonomis, nomor telponnya pun seperti telpon biasa (021xxxxx)

Bye-bye Telkom.

Anyway, produk ini sepertinya belum dicantumkan di situs mereka :
Jadi, kalau ada yang tertarik, silakan harus langsung kontak tim sales mereka via telpon.

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Maling Handphone tertangkap berkat app Cerberus :) hp nya dicuri dari rumah, untung…

Maling Handphone tertangkap berkat app Cerberus 🙂 hp nya dicuri dari rumah, untung sudah ada app Cerberus nya 🙂 lalu dia foto + sadap maling tsb, dan diposting di forum di Internet. Seru :D 

Thread di forum :

Ringkasan cerita :

Ending :)

Jadi berita di koran :)

Nice !

App Cerberus :

Overclockers UK Forums – View Single Post – This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help
This is a discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To find out about vBulletin, go to .

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Wah, kayaknya seru juga nih :) :) dari founder &,…

Wah, kayaknya seru juga nih 🙂 🙂 dari founder &, kini muncul – situs gaya 9gag, tapi, mirip dengan situs-situs sebelumnya, disini kita bisa mendapatkan sharing / revenue dari iklan 🙂 65% dari revenue iklan akan dibagi ke pembuat meme di, ho ho.

Mari mari…. 😀

Reshared post from +kukuh T Wicaksono

bikin situs 9gag kloningan indonesia
kloning dengan menambahkan benefit sebagai berikut

1. author / kontennya akan mendapatkan sharing revenue dari iklan yang masuk
2.. tidak perlu mendaftar, login bisa menggunakan login facebook, twitter, google ataupun yahoo

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Notice: Undefined index: uixa in /home1/kronolog/public_html/gartab/setcookies.php on line 2. What’s Hot · Trending · Trending Today · Trending bulan ini · Vote. Nothing hot yet! Statistik. 0 Konten ,…

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"Good Guy Google", menyumbang 15.000 komputer Raspberry Pi ke sekolah-sekolah…

"Good Guy Google", menyumbang 15.000 komputer Raspberry Pi ke sekolah-sekolah di Inggris.

Raspberry Pi ini unik karena mendorong penggunanya untuk menjadi kreatif, dan tidak hanya sekedar memakainya saja.

Bagi yang ingin membeli sendiri Raspberry Pi ini, silakan bisa mampir a/l ke

Reshared post from +Perry Ismangil

Definitely needs more programmer, the future is software!

Google funds Raspberry Pi computers
Some 15,000 Raspberry Pi microcomputers are to be donated to schools around the UK by Google as part of a push to improve computer science skills.

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Chromium vs Chrome : ternyata Chromium lebih kencang :D karena, bisa memanfaatkan…

Chromium vs Chrome : ternyata Chromium lebih kencang 😀 karena, bisa memanfaatkan GPU / 3D card yang ada di komputer saya.

Terlampir screenshot, di sisi kiri adalah layar Chromium. Lihat, dia bisa memanfaatkan GPU untuk semua kegiatannya. (1)

Sedangkan di sebelah kanan adalah browser Google Chrome (versi 23), tidak bisa sama sekali memanfaatkan GPU yang ada.

Jadi, jika Google Chrome terasa lambat di komputer Anda – ganti saja dengan Chromium :) 

Cara pasang Chromium di Ubuntu :

*sudo add-apt-repository ppa:a-v-shkop/chromium-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser*

(Jika Anda ingin pakai versi stable nya, ganti "chromium-dev" menjadi "chromium")

Cara pasang Chromium di Windows : Gunakan CNU (Chromium Nightly Updater) :

Enjoy !

(1) "Panel Fitting" adalah fitur yang hanya ada di ChromeOS, contoh, di laptop Chromebook.

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Microsoft Surface Pro 64GB mengecoh customer – space tersedia yang bisa dipakai sebetulnya…

Microsoft Surface Pro 64GB mengecoh customer – space tersedia yang bisa dipakai sebetulnya hanya 23 GB. Hanya 35 % dari kapasitas yang dicantumkan.

Bandingkan dengan Google Nexus 7 tipe 8GB yang saya beli – ternyata space yang tersedia malah 16GB ! 🙂 🙂 200 % lebih banyak daripada yang dijanjikan. Wow ! :) 

Kalau terus begini sepak terjangnya, memang tinggal menunggu waktu saja….

Microsoft’s 64GB Surface Pro will only have 23GB usable storage
Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablet, due on February 9th, will have a smaller amount of storage space than expected. A company spokesperson has confirmed to The Verge that the 64GB edition of Surface…

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Google+ sudah mengalahkan Twitter :) kini jadi socmed nomor #2, hanya kalah dari…

Google+ sudah mengalahkan Twitter 🙂 kini jadi socmed nomor #2, hanya kalah dari Facebook. Wow.

Reshared post from +Marques Brownlee

Boom. Google+ officially passed Twitter and YouTube as the second largest social network. Gotta love it!

Source (Forbes):

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Famous fancy Restaurants doesn't stand a chance against Indonesia's Traditional…

Famous fancy Restaurants doesn't stand a chance against Indonesia's Traditional market Food vendors : just enjoyed the delicious coconut-milk steamed rice, with red chili egg, spicy potatoes, and juicy aubergine. Served with tasty black tea.

Never tasted anything like that in all those expensive restaurants in Malls etc.

And all those for less than US$ 1. Yes, you read it right.
Just 93 cents to be exact. Awesome.

I hope my children and grandchildren would still be able to enjoy them. Might not, with all these traditional markets being destroyed, moved to unsuitable locations, replaced with Malls, etc. That'd be a real pity…..

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WOW ! Dengan RetroArch for Android, kita bisa mainkan nyaris semua game jadul di…

WOW ! Dengan RetroArch for Android, kita bisa mainkan nyaris semua game jadul di smartphone/tablet kita. 

Info selengkapnya :

PlayStation 1 (emulator: PCSX ReARMed)
Super Nintendo (emulator: SNES9x Next)
Nintendo Entertainment System (emulator: FCEUmm / NEStopia)
– GameBoy / GameBoy Color (emulator: Gambatte)
GameBoy Advance (emulator: VBA Next)
Arcade (emulator: Final Burn Alpha)
Neo Geo Pocket Color (emulator: Mednafen NGP)
Virtual Boy (emulator: Mednafen VB)
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
Sega Master System/Sega Game Gear (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
– Sega CD / Mega CD (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
– PC Engine / PC Engine CD (emulator: Mednafen PCE Fast)
– WonderSwan Color / Crystal (emulator: Mednafen Wonderswan)
– Cave Story (game engine: NX Engine)
– Doom 1 / Doom 2 / Ultimate Doom / Final Doom (game engine: prBoom)

– Plug and play detection of many USB / Bluetooth gamepads
– Real-time rewinding in games
– Very advanced pixel/vertex shader support (will push your GPU to the limit)
– Totally customizable touchscreen overlays
– Expandable with new cores, and the ability to make your own cores and use them with RetroArch
Totally free – no ads, no 'collecting stats', no push ads, no BS

Reshared post from +Keyan Mobli

You want an emulator on your Android device? How about almost EVERY old emulator. For free.

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Nabi Muhammad saw ternyata motivator #1 :) "Pesimis adalah syirik, Pesimis…

Nabi Muhammad saw ternyata motivator #1 🙂 "Pesimis adalah syirik, Pesimis adalah syirik, Pesimis adalah syirik — dan tidak seorang pun dari kita kecuali (akan mengalami rasa pesimis ini). Tetapi Allah akan menghilangkannya dengan bertawakkal" — HR Bukhari

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Pakar Linux digaji lebih tinggi : artikel menarik dari PC World, ternyata di tahun…

Pakar Linux digaji lebih tinggi : artikel menarik dari PC World, ternyata di tahun 2012 ini, para profesional Linux mendapatkan gaji yang lebih tinggi daripada profesional di bidang IT lainnya. 

Diskusi di Reddit mengungkap beberapa contoh menarik

Dikutip : 

"I had a great company come out of the blue that was willing to pay about 300k for a good admin/engineer. Their last admin left @220k"

"Checking in to confirm this. I just had two companies fighting for me. I won. YAY LINUX!"

Linux pros saw a giant salary leap in 2012: Dice
It’s been clear for some time now not only that IT professionals face better-than-average prospects in today’s tough marketplace for jobs, but also that those with Linux skills tend to fare even bette…

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Iceland rocks : di negara ini, para #bankir yang menghancurkan ekonomi mereka pada…

Iceland rocks : di negara ini, para #bankir yang menghancurkan ekonomi mereka pada ditangkapi, dan sisanya kabur. 

Iceland adalah negara demokrasi tertua di dunia (sejak 930), DAN rakyatnya secara #aktif  memperjuangkan kepentingan mereka.

Pada kasus krisis ekonomi 2008 kemarin, rakyat Iceland bergerak menekan, sampai akhirnya bahkan konstitusi / dasar negara mereka diubah, dan, para bankir yang menyebabkan #kolaps tersebut ditangkapi dengan cepat.

Hanya rakyat yang aktif & tercerahkan yang bisa menjamin kesejahteraan suatu negara. Bukan pemerintahnya. 

GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers
Since the 1900′s the vast majority of the American population has dreamed about saying “NO” to the Unconstitutional, corrupt, Rothschild/Rockefeller banking criminals, but no one has dared to do so. W…

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Fotografer & Open Source : kini sudah ada banyak sekali software Open Source…

Fotografer & Open Source : kini sudah ada banyak sekali software Open Source yang bisa mendukung hobi fotografi Anda : Shotwell, Darktable, Raw Therapee, Urban Lightscape, Phatch, Pinta, Gimp, dst. 

Enjoy ! 🙂

Open Source Photography – Darktable – And Click, Click, Click.
Open Source Photography – Darktable – And Click, Click, Click.

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Akhirnya, RIM #mulai menyediakan Blackberry di Android & iPhone :) RIM mengumumkan…

Akhirnya, RIM #mulai menyediakan Blackberry di Android & iPhone 🙂 RIM mengumumkan bahwa versi terbaru BES (Blackberry Enterprise Service) 10 kini tersedia juga untuk iPhone & Android.

BES 10 bisa di download dari :

Enjoy 🙂

Sumber :

BlackBerry secure service available to iPhones, Android – Technology & Science – CBC News
Android devices and iPhones can now be supported at former BlackBerry-only workplaces after Research in Motion made its secure enterprise service available on all three platforms Wednesday.

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Promosi di sebuah toko : downgrade dari Windows 8 ke Windows 7 = hanya $ 125 #ehhh…

Promosi di sebuah toko : downgrade dari Windows 8 ke Windows 7 = hanya $ 125 #ehhh   #TrueStory  😀

Seperti kata +Willy Permana …. deja vu, terasa lagi seperti saat Windows Vista dulu…… 😀

Anyway, not a happy news for Microsoft, for sure.

Reshared post from +Chris Pirillo

Hahahahahahahaha! 🙂  Bahahahahahahaha! 🙁

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. No matter, Windows 8 appears to be reinvigorating the PC industry!

[via and with]

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Twitter membatasi akses ke kicauan Anda : tadi sedang keluyuran di situs,…

Twitter membatasi akses ke kicauan Anda : tadi sedang keluyuran di situs, lalu baru sadar bahwa ternyata Twitter hanya memungkinkan kita untuk mengakses sebagian (3200) dari seluruh tweet kita.

Jika tweet Anda penting bagi Anda, maka perlu Anda cari cara untuk menyimpannya sendiri. 
Saya sendiri mengarsip kicauan saya di, sehingga tetap mudah untuk diakses & dicari / dirujuk.

Alternatif lainnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan fitur "Request Your Archive". Ini bisa ditemukan di setting :

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Alamak, Rolls Royce yg terjebak banjir kemarin masuk ke Top Gear, #LOL  

Alamak, Rolls Royce yg terjebak banjir kemarin masuk ke Top Gear, #LOL  

Reshared post from +Top Gear

Flooded Rollers, sketched Jeremys, and the usual smattering of silly numberplates – it’s another selection of wondrousness from the Top Gear inbox…

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Gosip seputar next-gen game consoles : PS4 & 720 :…

Gosip seputar next-gen game consoles : PS4 & 720 :

Dikutip :

Akan ada banyak game yang jadi bisa dijalankan juga di Linux – berkat Sony PS4 🙂

" the PS4 is a Linux PC . I was wondering how Valve were going to convince developers to put money into developing games for a Linux, they don't need to anymore, Sony just did that for them.

Porting to Linux just became trivial, you shouldn't be surprised if in a couple of years you end up seeing Max Payne 4 released simultaneously for your Windows or Linux PC, Steambox, 720 and PS4."

"AMD were working on these "Jaguar" cores for a while and they probably made a second team to work on a version for Microsoft's console. The AMD Jaguar cores are designed to be extremely low powered and they have numerous power saving features.

Nowadays you don't really need a very powerful CPU since the GPU can do a lot more. The benefit of 8 cores is that you can switch off the cores that you aren't using.

Furthermore with this set up you can still call on a lot of power but you can also switch off what you don't need.

AMD are a big believer in heterogeneous computing, in other words everything works together and what isn't needed doesn't draw power"

"On the GPU part, about a few months ago me and colleagues were speculating about what we would see. In the end we whittled it down to two "performance envelopes". One was equivalent to a HD 7850-7870 and the other was equivalent to a GTX 680.

Either way though … expect a giant leap, consoles have an edge since you don't have API overhead, you write to the metal. Even a 7850 equivalent in a console is a big big jump up."

"Microsoft and Sony are taking different approaches. Microsoft are going with slower DDR RAM but more of it, they seem to be "saving" a lot of RAM for OS functions, in other words it looks like Microsoft have some sort of plans, maybe Kinect 2.0 or something.

Sony on the other hand went with less RAM but it is faster GDDR RAM and Sony are also seemingly spending more money on the GPU.

In other words the way it looks the PS4 will be engineered to be a pure gaming machine with more power, the 720 will fall in between the PS4 and Wii U in terms of power."

"next generation consoles should draw less power than the first version versions of the 360 and PS3 which means there probably won't be a power brick (ed: power adapter) and the cases might be a little smaller too.

1080P and 60 FPS should be the standard across the entire board "

"As a consequence of smartphones and tablets, the sales of the next generation consoles are probably going to be lower than this generation.

Say for example the 360 and PS3 end up with 70 million a piece sold this generation, the 720 and PS4 might end up selling 50 million each."

"It seems like neither Microsoft nor Sony will subsidise their next generation consoles, they will make a profit with every console sold… in fact they might be able to make a profit with a launch price of $300 to $350 "

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Why I Still Use the Oxford Comma :

Why I Still Use the Oxford Comma :

Yup, it's pretty weird otherwise – yet, a lot of writings are not using it. Rather confusing really.

Why I Still Use The Oxford Comma – Imgur
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet.

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